Back in April of 2011, a then 14-year-old Mark Watts was photographed standing over someone's grave making (possibly) gang-related hand gestures. Less than a year later, Watts is just as dead as the person whose grave he once visited.
On January 4, 2012, around 8:30 p.m., 15-year-old Mark Watts, who also went by the nickname Shawty Flin Boy Watts, was gunned down on his cousin's South Side porch on the 5700 block of South Laflin Street, in Chicago's disgustingly violent and degenerative Englewood neighborhood.
Apparently, Watts lived in Riverdale, Illinois, but was in Chicago visiting his friends and family at the time of his murder.
Latrice Bamgbaiye, Watts' caregiver, allegedly told the Chicago Tribune that she was baffled by Watts' death.
Yet, in the same breath, Bamgbaiye reportedly said she knew or had a reasonable suspicion that Watts' friends were “connected to area gangs”.
So, as a precautionary measure, Bamgbaiye allowed Watts to visit his old gang-infested neighborhood when school was out and on weekends.
After all, no one gets shot in Englewood when school is out and everyone knows Saturdays and Sundays are off limits to gun-violence.
Here are a few charming photos from the decedent’s Facebook profile:
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Mark Watts, far right-hand corner, watches as money is being counted. |
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Mark Watts, left, shows the cameraman his apparently arthritic fingers. |
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What's in that bottle? Kool-Aid? |
Obvisouly another future drain on Chicago's economy as we support these dumb ass thugs in prison wiped out due to natural selection. Thank gawd.
ReplyDeleteI left my apartment and a guy was walking with his pants halfway down his ass just like the last photo and it looked so motherfarking stupid I just had to take a picture of it.
ReplyDeleteThese animals are not human, they are not civilized, they are not anything but a cancer upon the Earth.
When you spooks say well "White people rape and molest", so what. They aren't responsible for the sudden and pervasive violence across the city, it is safe to walk through a mostly white neighborhood. When it's all black there's gonna be trouble.
Good riddance to this garbage.
ReplyDelete"Shawty Flin Boy" looks like he's developmentally disabled. Even more than his peers. Look at him in that top picture: Kid was a 'tard.
ReplyDeleteThat clown in the bottom picture is gonna leave a crap smear on that white car.
ReplyDeleteAnon January 6, 2012 1:12 AM: "These animals are not human".
ReplyDeleteYes, they are human. Actions are not what defines a mammal as human or not. It is strictly biology.
If you google the "Out of Africa" theory most peoples (white, asian, etc) and blacks have a divergent evolution, they are humanoid apes and they share enough of our DNA to breed with us, but they most certainly are not human. Most of us have Neanderthal DNA and blacks do not.
ReplyDeleteYou sound stupid as Fuck go back to school enough said stay hiding dumb ass
DeleteTo 831 - If you pull your head out of your behind & read the newspapers, or walk around Chicago, or try to speak with a black person, you realize that a significant percentage of those in Chicago have regressed to basic, jungle, animal behavior.
ReplyDeleteLike a previous poster stated, walk through a few predominently white or asian neighborhoods, then walk through a black one, and tell me in which one you feel safe.
I Know this Boys Older Brother and THEY were NO animals he was a human just as well as anyone and everyone why is it that when a young black male get shot you basically say he deserves it because he Looks "retarded" this young man had dreams just like everyone else he WAS HUMAN therefore stop juding people if you were in front of his family you wouldbe getting yo ass beat saying all those negative things you cant judge someone you dont know !!
ReplyDeleteTo 951 - well, based on the photos that this joker put up on his social media pages (you know, the photos that he personally CHOSE to show the world who he is and the image he projects), this boys dreams were to be a cognac drinking, drug money flashing, pants sagging, gang-banger (or banger wannabe).
ReplyDeleteYou say it's wrong to judge someone you don't know - all I'm doing is judging him based on the image that he chose to portray for himself. Guess what? If you knew my real identity and saw how I portray myself online & on my office website, you wouldn't judge me how I'm judging this dead kid. You wold judge me as a responsible professional.
And guess what happens to gang-bangers? They get shot dead by gunmen on a front porch.
He reaped what he sowed. I pray for rest in peace - as in, that the good people he & his banger friends terrorized can now rest in peace that he's dead. For him, I hope that if there is a hell, he's now there rotting in it.
Quote: When you spooks say well "White people rape and molest", so what.
ReplyDeleteActually, according to FBI statistics, there are annually 37,000 black on White rapes, while there are annually 0 White on black rapes, with 0 being defined as less than 10.
He wasnt even a "Gang Banger" Pictures cant tell shit about a person all that tells is he had friends that gang-banged not him he was In school he wanted to be a mechanic he was just visining his friends those were the people he hung out with he rapped with them for fun it his friends were involved but NOT HIM and i dont care how you LOOK you HAVE KNOW RIGHT TO JUDGE HIM or anyone else ONLY ONE WHO CAN JUDGE IS GOD or father in heaven and i doubt youre him. Mark Watts wasnt even a bad person he was innoscent and he was there visiting so shutup
ReplyDeleteStop taking everything to the Race goddamnit racism was over a long time ago ! PEOPLE AS IN HUMANS have a bad NATURE in General. NOT JUST BLACKS SO STFU !
ReplyDeleteYeah! You idiots better reserve judgment until you see evidence that Mark was a parasite on society. What's that you say? There are photos? Oh, then look at those. Then judge.
ReplyDeleteto 1010 - yeah, people do have a bad nature. For all of mankind, there has been war, theft, corruption, etc.
ReplyDeleteThe difference is, here in Chicago, you are exponentially more likely to be a victim of a random, violent crime committed by a black than by any other person. And random, violent crime is the stuff that puts ordinary people in fear, and ruins quality of life.
In Chicago, 70% of criminals arrested for violent crime SELF-IDENTIFY as black. Of the remaining 30%, half of those people self-identify as mixed, though every white & asian person I know would classify them as black.
That means that, somewhere between 70 - 85% of all violent crime in this city is committed by blacks. And that's the problem we have with black people.
I'm not worried about political cronyism, or backroom deals, nor insurance or banking execs stealing money. I'm not worried about Canada delcaring war on Chicago anytime soon. Those are all bad things, and affect our lives, but not on a daily basis when I leave my building & step outside. I'm 500% more likely to be mugged & assaulted by a black than by anybody else in this city. THAT is the crime that is ruining this city on a daily basis.
Anon @ 10:10 - unfortunately racism isn't over in Chicago when you get called a "White MF'r" walking into your office because you didn't hand your wallet over to a supposed "homeless" hoodrat. Or get called "John Boy" because you don't wear hoodies and your a** showing. Or you get addressed as "cracker" when one of your lil' hell spawn wants to ask you a question (and thinks it's funny - but it wasn't when I got done with him), or ..... Whitey. That's always a good one too.
ReplyDeleteNever heard this stuff in my 40+ years anyplace else until moving to Chicago. Never had a racist bone in my body until moving to Chicago either.
Your city and it's people are scum of the earth. The earth! And this includes some white "diverse" people that have come from haystack America that haven't a clue what diversity is either.
IF that is True does that mean youre gunna be quick to judge every black person you see in chicago ??
ReplyDeleteanon @10:23 Chicago is a city where alot of black individuals are Located its where im at actually and I get where you coming from But all im saying is BLACKS THROUGH OUT THE WORLD ARE NOT THE ONLY BAD HUMAN BEINGS ON EARTH.WHITE PEOPLE SHIT IN THERE PANTS WHEN THE BLACK COMMUNITY HAS DONE SOMETHING i say shtup and get over it everyone and every race has done some fucked up things LIFE GOES ON.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, it makes me judge a lot of them that way. I don't judge the blacks that dress professionally, I don't judge ones that are clearly good families, etc. But I DO judge, and am absolutely right to, the N's that dress & act like this one, with sagging pants, gang colors, flashing signs, walking around shouting & screaming.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is not all blacks, its mostly 13-30 y/o bangers & wannabes. Why stop at 30? Bc most of them are dead or in prison by then.
Anon@10:38 So you agree that blacks in Chicago commit a disproportionate percentage of the crime but then you say that everyone else should just shut up and learn to deal with it? How about trying to make positive changes in your community? No, you'd rather sit back and complain that people put 100% of blacks in the same bucket where there should really only be 80%....Geez.
ReplyDeleteSuggestions on "positive changes" please? No Justice, No Peace marches (positive loitering, etc.) and handing $ to them hasn't worked in Uptown yet.
ReplyDeleteCaregiver? as in "receiving state funds as a caregiver" ??
ReplyDeleteIve lived in Chicago 20 years. Serious decline in past 2-3 years, too much violence muggings, Have yet to see a pic of white mugger. SAdly, young black people are PROUD of it. Glad I am not black, it would be too hard to be a good black person living in this situation, where other black people are committing so much crime against white people. I can't imagine how hard it is to be a good black person in this town. Explains why if they have any goals and aspirations, THEY MOVE ELSEWHERE.
ReplyDeleteI think you only like blacks then, you can go to 26th California and see plenty of white, black, Hispanics muggers in person..crime just doesn't come from blacks, its some fucked up people in every race that does everything. But if you wanna blame it only on black its fine, whites are serial killers, rob, rape, kill their parents, kill their wives, have sex with family members, gang bang, but let's just blame it on the blacks, these teenagers is fucked up in every race including whites/peckerwood
DeleteMy worthless dead father bought us a house on a street on the verge of turning.
ReplyDeleteIt became almost all black within two years.
I learned the ways of the savage black ape and I will never, ever accept them or refer to them as human beings.
I could write a 1,000 page book describing the TNB.
They revert to tribalism and only indulge base desires.
In the rare case of one becoming a white collar type, it's because they're mixed with human DNA.
My school became a warzone once the Africanus population exceeded twenty five percent.
We couldn't get rid of the house until I was 25, and it only sold for $11,000 to a mexican slumlord.
My hometown is a ghost town now because it's all black and mexican. Only whites and asians, indians and middle eastern people create first-world civilizations.
There aren't enough "good" ones to make me like them, and I reject anything that has rap/TNB infusions into it in Hollywood, which become more cancerous everyday.
The history books will reflect that the welfare state was what killed America.
Uptown needs to give the condo owners/yuppies proper notice, then the National guard can cordon it off, air-drop weapons then wait a couple of years to see who is still alive and then strip them of their citizenship and deport them.
ReplyDeletePROBLEM: Deport them to Where?
ReplyDeleteTheir Ancestors did not CHOOSE to come here...
Upstanding child rearing once again from this community. The results of are amazing.
ReplyDeleteFor some reason, these subhuman porch monkeys have been taught that decent people are not supposed to "judge" them.
ReplyDeleteThey are wrong.
Those of us who are white and decent citizens have every right to JUDGE their jungle savage behavior.
We have the right to NOT live in fear of their muggings and killings and ape-like behavior. I am glad this retard is dead and I hope the same thing happens to his whole rotten family and all his friends soon.
Suggestions for change:
ReplyDelete1. Racial profiling. IT WORKS. If 80% of a certain race is involved in criminal behavior, 80% of the time the police will be correct. If you are part of the 20%, show the cops your office ID or whatever showing you have a job and arent a thug. They will let you go...
2. Deportation to 3rd world nations instead of prison sentances. It could even be done by giving the convict a choice of doing his prison time or being expelled from the country. Deals could be made with various 3rd world country to accept our felons for some sort of aid, which will be vastly cheaper than housing/feeding/cleaning up after them in prison. To make it work, there would need to be a very harsh punishment if they were caught sneaking back into the country. Probably death...
oh and my 3rd suggestion for change: Legalize all drugs, Legalize prostitution, Legalize gambling, Legalize EVERY black market. They will have no source of income. Then TRIPLE the sentances for violent crimes. Divert all resources that were spent on formerly illegal activities to prevention and punishment of violent criminals.
ReplyDeleteThe black market is what funds these people. There will always be a demand for these vices, that cannot be stopped. What we can stop is the flow of money.
At least they did this in their own sh!t neighborhood. It's B.S. that they've turned places like, the majority of the south and west sides, into unliveable dens of crime and drugs, butI guess if they're going to exhibit their TNB, I'm glad they kept it in this case to an area that I would never venture to.
ReplyDeleteI just feel bad for the honest citizens that are trapped there & can't get out. I hope they aren't trapped inside when that part of town literally burns down.
But instead of all you guys complaining about it you havent did nothing to solve the problems either ! SO LIKE I SAID STFU BECAUSE AINT GONE DO SHIT BUT COMPLAIN ABOUT IT WHY SIT HERE AND COMPLAIN ?
ReplyDeleteHey 411 - what else am I going to do to solve this? I already pay crazy high taxes to fund your lifestyle, and I do my best to live in neighborhoods that are too expensive for you to afford, and are full of condo high rises, not apartments, so no section 8!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I didn't go around impregnanting girls when they were in high school! In fact, I waited until I was married, had finished college & grad school, established a career, and had enough money to survive for a year if I lost my job, before my wife & I decided to have kids.
MY KIDS aren't living like this dead banger wannabe Mark, nor are any of my friends children. We raise our kids right, so they don't act like savage animals. WTF else am I supposed to do? Invite the Gangsta Disciples over for dinner??
It's time that you schfarz wake up and take responsibility for yourselves. I already do far more to fund your ghetto lifestyles, and raise the people I'm responsible for to not act that way, than do you or your friends.
You did all of this and you have to to be commenting and reading about people you don't like, I'm sensing something else Big stupid, well what college or who raised you, because you can't avoid blacks by staying in condos, they live in those as well, the only thing you can do is kill yourself, go in front of the gang bangers and talk mess like this in there face. Al Al Al you really got life fucked up, but hey you have so much going on put yet have the time to comment. Your college degree taught you something right, only say things on the internet because in person you will get what happen to Mark, real talk
DeleteI think it's funny that some people do not know that their profile is open to the public to view. Or maybe they do and don't care. I have been bored and have searched profiles before of people who got killed and clicked around on their friends pages and some will have pictures open to the public showing them holding guns or writing things about shooting and went to trappin university. And mind you most of the time they don't have their real name they'll have the name of their gang in the middle, their nickname, or bip shawty or whoever. This boy has his real name though but also(Shawtyflinboywatts). Try searching and you will see. I wonder if the Chicago Police have someone searching facebook (they probably do) but if they don't they should..
ReplyDeleteWHAT IS A GANG COLOR??? dumb ass any color could be a gang color every color is considered as a gang color and there are white peple in gangs as well YALL DONT NO THIS BOY HIS BROTHER ND FAMILY are crying about his death why yall tlkin shit baout him jus because some black people dress diffrent dont mean they all are bad YOU CANT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER some black people do messed up stuff some dont some white people do messed up stuff some dont its not just blacks o stop tryna bring blacks down thats how you start another racial controversy a conflict or a war thats the problem with some white people yall think yall shit smell like cinnamon always think yall better then somebody just because we look diffrent get a clue we look diffren for a reason right..maybe yall problem is yall cant except somehing diffrent we are diffrent and we desrve to be on this earth just like everybody else do regardless of our skin tone or how we dress because im pretty sure most stuff wouldnt even be as entertaining or fun to watch if it wasnt for a BLACK PERSON what would the NBA be with out black people what would music be woithout black people what would acting be without black people all our life we been herin about how black people or no good but its ignorant white people that always got something to say about a black person when nobody say nothing about yall if we heard about a white person being killed we would feel the same feelings as if a black person got killed but if a white person got killed we desrve it yall dont even no ths boy or anything white people always talkin we dont even got yall or our mind but instead all black people are gettin brought down because of what other black people did but only beacause our color we get treated diffrent but notice that a black peroson can be in the sn without getting anytype of damage but a white perosn does so as far as BLACK people im black and im proud to be black and diffrent i dont get into no troble i do what im suppose to AND SINCE WE ARE APES TAKE A LOOK AT THE PLANET OF THE APES MOVIE THE NEW ONE AND WATCH HOW THAT MOVIES ENDS UP WATCH HOW THE SO CALLED APES ARE black people invented more stuuf then any other race almost if it wasnt for black people have the stuff on earth wouldnt be as it was today everybody has there purpose on earth life go do what its gonna do regardless on the color of a skin this was goin to happen regardless on who did it because it was meant to be you cant control the future sorry to say he lost his life and i feel for it but who ever is this anymous perosn talkin down on black people is just a NIGGER which the true meaning of NIGGER IS AN IGNORANT PERSON soooo that would make yo a NIGGER
ReplyDeleteThat illiterate spook who commented above claims to be a "STRAIGHT A and B STUDENT." At what school? Retard School? It's obvious why all the coon gangbangers who get killed are called "honor students" by their mamas who are only crying because that ends the welfare checks they were getting for the dead bastard.
ReplyDeleteIm laughing my ass off. Sure, that Mark spook wasnt a gangbanger, he just hung around them and flashed gang signs for the hell of it. Good riddence to this piece of trash, Chicago wont be safe until Englehood and Austin are carpet bombed.
ReplyDeleteI don't watch sports because of the high percentage of blacks. I'd be willing to give up music, too if it meant no more blacks in my life.
ReplyDeleteYou might as well kill yourself then because blacks is not going no where, you people are good for that anyway....go get the rope or gun put it in your mouth and pull the trigger that way blacks will be completely out your life
Deletelol he shouldnt of been out thuggin if he didnt want to get shot...
ReplyDeletewhy u mad tho?
Good riddance. Karma's a bitch isn't it?
ReplyDelete832 Anon...
ReplyDeleteI recommend the NHL.
why do the ni66ers keep saying 'u cant judge a book by its cover'? when was the last time THEY opened one? SMH-crew yo!
ReplyDeletewtf they can't block that word, it wasn't even the N word? ok, lets see - can i call them CANADIANS?
ReplyDeleteLate Breaking News Update...The retarded spook is still dead. It's a good news day.
ReplyDeleteI swear, it's like all blacks have the same mind and personality, like a farktarded version of the Borg.
ReplyDeleteWait...I'm confused is Mark the baby daddy or Michael?
ReplyDeleteI don't get why all these darkies on here get upset when white people judge them. I'm judging stupid dead Mark Watts by the pictures he had taken of himself & that he chose to put up on his social media.
ReplyDeleteHe's flashing gang signs & putting up pics of him doing activities that are clearly associated with gangster lifestyles, such as, sitting with his a$$ hanging out of his pants drinking cognac, flashing money, and flashing signs. He clearly WANTS to portray himself as a gangbanger, and wants people to judge him this way.
All of you apes who say that it isn't right to judge him this way are actually doing him a disservice. Dead little monkey Mark Watts WANTED people to judge him as a gangbanger. Don't piss on his memory by insisting that he wasn't exactly what he told the world he was. It's my job to come sh!t & piss on his grave. I mean, I paid for it.
I don't get why stupid big al is commenting and reading about people/race he doesn't like, seem like to me he really like the so call darkies, Only a person who is not happy with himself and have nothing going on with they life will be focusing on people the do not like....Big Al you clearly shows your ignorance and that you have a major crush on Mark because you keep commenting on his profile and looked at all his pictures describing them, I think you really are upset because your knew found love is dead. You know how you people like raping boys. A person who don't like someone especially a busy person don't have time to comment on something or somebody they don't like, with this being said you have a crush and love Mark
Delete^^^^^^What he said.
ReplyDeleteGoogle "What it's like to teach black students" and read an educated person's opinion on how early these apes start being a menace to society.
ReplyDeleteAnd I encourage all of CNR's readers to stop consuming rap, Tyler Perry movies or anything else the electric Jew forces down your throat regarding blacks.
r.i.p. mark !! we gone miss you in math class. you was super coo & you was funny! Even tho we aint tlk tht much..
ReplyDeletesincerely the " new girl "
L Williams which retard school do you and the dead spook attend?
ReplyDeleteTo Jan 9 at 923 - clearly, she goes to a school that emphasizes math over english & grammar lessons
ReplyDeleteGood News Update...Mark Watts is still dead.
ReplyDeleteIn my opinion, I don't wish death upon anyone and I am not going to judge this kid and I say kid again by those pictures, teenagers black, white, mexican and etc. has taken pictures just being silly or what they have been around. A gang sign does not mean you killed,robbed, or sold drugs. Doing those thing physically killed, robbed, sold drugs is when a person could say that a person is an killer and so on...It's very immature for a grown person to be glad of anyone death especially of a person you don't even know,and for the blacks on here, don't try to explain yourself to the ignorance. God knows this young man heart. The judgmental people on here with the name calling and other stupid comments will be judge as well. Everyone is here on earth to live and die.The more that blacks are being talked about, the more blessing is placed on us,It doesn't take a career job, a college education or a three peace suite to recognize ignorance. Its shows a person with a suite can be immature and ignorant too. All race have violent people and gangs...It just we are so important and loved by these racist people that they took there time to comment from "porch monkey" as they life, yeah they find blacks very interesting. A smart educated mature person would not have even commented simply because they life is so perfect that this article about this young man wouldn't even be a issue. Well I would say more but me a black person who has thrown up gang signs from Chicago,even grew up in the Englewood area and have friends that gang bang is getting back to her school work...Oh and I never killed, robbed, assault anyone. May Mark Watts R.I.P and I pray for your his child and family no one deserve to be killed. Only God judges everyone else opinion doesn't even matter.And God bless the people who is happy about death you will be dealt with in Jesus name
ReplyDeleteA friend of mine got into a comment "flame-war" on this article over at the Huffington Post blog (it's like the Uptown Update blog, full of idiots who refuse to see the facts for what they are). I know better than to even go over there.
ReplyDeleteBasically, the article & commenters on there were going off about how tragic this was, how senseless, etc. So my friend created a handle, "Sick of the gangs," and commented that HP isn't telling the whole side of the story, and that there are pictures all over the 'net of him in gang related activity, and stating that this was anything but random violence.
A "moderator" over there challenged my friend to post those links, as he didn't believe that poor little dead Mark Watts was a gangbanger. My friend happily obliged, but bc that blog has limits on the length of a post, he had to break his reply into two posts.
The first part of his reply, which had a link to this story, was banned, but the second part (basically the conclusion), allowed to go up. My buddy wrote a follow up comment saying that he understands that HP isn't there to drive traffic elsewhere so he won't try to put up any more links.
He then described, pic by pic, the photos CNR put up (but didn’t include a link or even this blog’s name). He ID'd the gang by it's colors and hand signs. Guess what? That post was also blocked.
He then put up a post stating that he's dismayed that the HP blog refuses to allow the truth to come out on this story, and shortly thereafter, received an email that his handle was disabled and his email & IP addresses banned from being able to further comment (funny thing is, he was able to comment on other articles, where he was not replying to one of their moderators, the entire time).
Typical liberal behavior - when their bleeding heart story was first challenged in his post, they came out to deny that Watts was gang affiliated & demanded proof. When proof was provided multiple times, they simply prohibited it from going up, and kicked him off their site.
It’s a variation of the “ostrich effect” (if I bury my head in the sand & don’t see anything, then nothing happened!). Here it’s, “if we police the comments so only one bleeding heart point of view is allowed to go up, eventually that means that it’s the only correct point of view!”
Frankly, I think you should link to this comment (or at least bump the article back up front), so your readers can hear about experiences that people are having on other blogs which purport to tell "the whole story."
Well Whoever this Anonymous is.. Your full of shit. First of all because you did not know Mark. Who in the hell are you to say such things like this about a person you dont know. He went to Thornton Township High School and was very quiet and had decent grades. If it were to be a white person to get shot what would you say then. Just because he was a black person and he was killed dosent necessarily mean he was in a gang. Let him R.I.P. and leave him alone. You are racist and no-good. But you can say what you want.
ReplyDeleteR.I.P Mark Watts. You will truely be missed in algebra. Even though you talked about my shoes, you did it because of your sense of humor. Your gone but not forgotten.
ReplyDeletehow could anyone of you people live with yourselfs talking about the dead in a bad way yes he made some mistakes ut it has nothing to do with some one walking up to him n shooting grow the hell up hes already dead let him rest in peace .
ReplyDeleter.i.h mark i love you always and forever areonna
Well people need to face the fact that they are going to be talked about thier whole entire lives, and after they are dead. Let people talk because what Mark did when he was living aint none of nobodys buisiness. People talking about him aint gone bring him back.
ReplyDeleteSo his caregiver acknowledges that all of his friends are gang members.
ReplyDeleteWe have photos of him at a gravesite flashing gangsigns, as well as with his homies flashing gang signs.
This means, he was a gangster, too. Gangbangers don't hang around with people who aren't in their gang - that's why they're in a gang.
If the blind idiots on here memorializing him choose to look the other way and deny he was a gangbanger, so be it. The little coon is dead.
But maybe if you same people hadn't denied reality and looked the other way when he was alive, and did whatever you could to keep him from that gangster lifestyle, well, he would probably still be alive today.
In sum, you this is what you bl ack assholes axed for. You enable young boys to get caught up in the gang lifestyle, instead of trying to actually raise them & teach them right from wrong.
And you end up with another wasted life, shot dead at 15, leaving a baby behind (not that Watts or the babymama were in any way, shape, or form capable of providing an upbringing that would lead to any other result than that baby also dead at 15).
Nice work, south side black community.
So what. He was in a gang, leave him alone. Thats what you need to do because you did not know him...for the last time. What are you going to say to someone when you are dead.
ReplyDeleteTo Grandberry - It does matter that he was in a gang. Gangmembers terrorize this city, they destroy property values by their criminal activity & tagging, they ruin lives with their random crime, they get innocent victims caught up in their crossfire constantly.
ReplyDeleteNormal, tax paying, respectable citizens like me have every right to rag on this monkey, both in life & in death. He was nothing in life except an urban terrorist. In death, he needs to be remembered as he lived. Otherwise, you are just as complicit in glorifying the lifestyle they lead, encouraging it to continue.
I am not encouraging nothing to continue, first of all. Second, I am a full christian. What I am trying to get through your head is that he was in a gang, if his life was messed up, so what. His life is over. Come to think about it, if he were to be alive I bet he would mess you up....... and i almost forgot, I AM NOT IN A GANG. I AM NOT A GANGBANGER. I STAY IN THE HOUSE TOO MUCH FOR ME TO BE A GANGBANGER. IM ALWAYS SCARED TO GO OUT SIDE SO GET IT RIGHT THE NEXT TIME
ReplyDeleteGrandberry - You just don't get it. Terrible grammar aside, by ignoring the reality of how this waste of space lived (and died), you're burying your head in the sand and being complicit in the gangs and their activities, which results in the proliferation of their reach, influence, and community destruction.
ReplyDeleteIgnoring the gang problem doesn't make it go away, if anything, it exacerbates it. Good, honest, law abiding, tax paying citizens need to be ID'ing gang members, houses & buildings that allow their activities to continue, and the crimes they commit. By denying reality, you are helping provide cover for them, which is their lifeline. Why do you think some neighborhoods & suburbs have significant gang problems that destroy quality of life, while others don't? It's because in some places, the citizens stand up to the gangs, and make it known that they will not be tolerated, while other "communities" take your approach & ignore them, resulting in people like you who are too scared to step outside.
And if he were alive (and if I were foolish enough to wander through his destroyed, ghetto neighborhood), I wouldn't be surprised if he or his boys tried to mess me up - they are violent, sociopathic gangmembers, who try to use numbers to attack normal, white, wealthy professionals like me if they can catch me alone. The good thing is, I'll never step foot in that hellhole called Englewood, and in my neighborhood, we call the cops when we see them, we go out in force when they try to loiter, we have their tags removed immediately when they sneak them onto buildings in the middle of the night (I live in Streeterville by Navy Pier, they can’t afford to live here, but they can afford $2 to hop on the RedLine to Grand & State, then walk to the pier because it’s free. Unfortunately, that’s what they do in the summers). And we're not scared to leave our buildings & walk around.
"Screw the Gangs" never said you're in a gang. That person said that your attitude of complicity permits them to foster & thrive in your neighborhood. Maybe if your neighbors were like mine, you would be able to leave the house, without fear of them assaulting you.
It des no matter what kind of neighborhood you are in you still can get shot or killed. And to Mr. Grandberry I understand where you are comingfrom. Stop talking to this man, you are wasting your time.
ReplyDeleteTo "B. Obama" - While what you posted technically may be true, in reality, we all know that in certain neighborhoods, specifically those ones that have high population of blacks on welfare, you're far more likely to get shot than in other neighborhoods, for examples, those full of white people who work.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the Chicago police Clearmap stats, the top 12 neighborhoods in the city are all south or west side neighborhoods with predominately black populations. Like Englewood, where this monkey was shot.
But even that doesn't matter. All that matters is what Grandberry himself said - he's too scared to go outside. I live in a neighborhood full of working, taxpaying white people, and guess what? I'm not scared to go outside. Because white people don't randomly shoot at each other, nor do white people create and join gangs that shoot at other gangs in the street (or on the porch, like with Mark Watts).
Those of you like Grandberry who live in neighborhoods so violent that they fear going outside should be outraged, and should be telling everybody they know that if you are in a gang, you will end up like Mark Watts - shot dead at age 15 on your 45 year old grandmother's front porch.
According to the Chicago police Clearmap stats, the top 12 neighborhoods in the city are all south or west side neighborhoods with predominately black populations.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, that should read, "the top 12 neighborhoods in gunshot victims in the city."
Other than violent crime stats, number of LINK cards issued, and worthless storefront reverends, the south & west sides black neighborhoods lead this city in nothing, certainly nothing anyone would be proud to lead in.
You are full of shit.
ReplyDeleteYou are full of shit.
ReplyDeleteAnd the corpse of Mark Watts is full of bullets & six feet underground, because he was a violent, drug dealing gangbanger who got blasted on his own family's porch because of his dangerous, illegal activities.
His family should be thankful that nobody else got wounded or killed. For once, the bangers learned to shoot straight.
Run with gangs, end up dead and/or in prison before age 25. That's how it works. How many times had he been arrested before this? How many times had he been shot at?
The only bad thing about this story is that he left his soft black schlong in some stupid nigarette long enough to impregnate her when both were 14 years old. I'm going to jump 14 more years ahead, and bring you the next headline: "Mark Watts, Jr., a bastard since age one because his father was a gangbanging POS that got gunned down on his grandmama's porch, was gunned down today on his grandmama's porch for being a gangbanging POS. Sadly, Mark Watts, Jr., left his monkey cock in some nigarette last year long enough to impregnate her, so now his "son," 1 year old Mark Watts III, is officially a bastard."
I mean honestly, these headlines write themselves.
Everything happenes for a reason. There are no random acts. It was Marks time to go. God wanted him home so now he is with his creator. There is nothing else to say. He made his mistakes, so what. That does not give you the right to say such things. You are truely not a child of God.
ReplyDelete"Everything happenes (sic) for a reason."
ReplyDeleteYou are correct, Grandberry. The reason this happened is because of Mark Watts and the lifestyle he chose to lead.
If you run with gangs, and deal drugs, you end up dead and or in prison. Very simple. That's why he's dead today. You know who don't get blasted on their porch in ghetto neighborhoods? People who aren't in gangs & aren't running drugs.
This idiot wanted to live the life, well he did - right until the very end. I'm glad he's off our streets.
I hate it when spooks wear cheap winter caps all the time like they're in Fat Albert or something.
ReplyDeleteSo why does the old lady on her porch get robbed or killed. Was she in a gang. Or was the little boy walking down the street that got killed in a gang. It does not matter what kind of neighborhood you are in weather it is ghetto or not, thats not going to keep people from being shot.
ReplyDeleteYou just don't get it, Grandberry (and this explains why in your neighborhood, people like you are too afraid to leave their homes, because of the threat of random gang violence).
ReplyDeleteStuff like the old lady on her porch who gets robbed or killed rarely, if ever, happens in neighborhoods where the citizens cooperate with the police to ID the gangs & their hangouts, and make the gangs feel unwelcome.
I live in Streeterville. I feel safe walking outside my building at any time, largely because we don't stand for that gang shit here. Sometimes, the gangmembers who you hide & coddle take the redline up here, get off at Grand & State, and walk to Navy Pier to loiter & cause trouble. But when I see them, when my neighbors see them, when business owners and employees see them, they call the police. And you know what happens? Those gangmembers scatter like cock roaches the moment a CPD car comes in view. Once they leave, they stay away.
But you, in your neighborhood, not only is complicit in their existence, but actually denies that it is there. Mark Watts was a gangbanging, piece of shit, waste of space. He had been arrested for dealing drugs, and his caretaker told the media that all his friends are in gangs. All of this means that Mark was in a gang, too. You don't associate ONLY with gangbangers, unless you're one too.
And it's those gangmembers who did things like shoot Mark to death on a porch, who rob & kill old women on their porches, who shoot at each other in public & miss & hit innocent children who are in the area. That activity should make you sick to your stomach, but instead, all you do is live as a shut-in, too afraid (in your own words) to even leave the house.
Well, one day A. Grandberry, it's going to be you as the victim. One day, the local gangmembers in your neighborhood will realize that you're an easy target, and they will show up at your house armed & in numbers, to ransack your house, rape your wife, and beat you to a bloody pulp. And what will you do when that happens? Say, "Oh, no, I'm a Christian, I never judged you?" Get a fuck!ng grip and come to terms with reality, before you or someone you care about is their next victim.
Yeah, you are funny, you dont get it dumbass because just because you live in a "nice" neighborhood, thats not going to keep gang members coming and killing you. And I am pretty sure that your neighborhod is not as "nice" as you claim it to be.Oh, and I did not associate with Mark, he was in my algebra class so cut the crap dipshit because you dont know anything.
ReplyDeleteGrandberry -
ReplyDeleteI wasn't trying to be funny. Nothing is funny about large neighborhoods becoming so gang-infested (and it's residents becoming so complacent with the gang activity) that the shooting death of a 15 y/o on his porch is the norm.
Believe my, my neighborhood is nice, and would frankly be perfect if not for the gangster thugs you export up to here in the summer. But like I said, between the residents, business owners, and private security, we have no issues calling the cops when we see the gangmembers and ID'ing them to the police. Frankly, it's just a matter of time before me or one of my neighbors goes Geroge Zimmerman on one of them. And because we have the money, and political connections here, you better believe that we wouldn't get in any trouble for it, either.
If you want to make a difference, and want your community to be one that you're not too scared to leave the house (again, those were your words, not anybody else's), perhaps you should realize that the gangs are not concerned with you or your interests. They will rob, rape & murder you in a moment if they feel like doing it. Is that what you really want to live in? Do you like hearing gunshots nightly?? If the answers to either of those questions is no, then get off your black ass & do something about it.
Your people created this problem. It's not a problem in white, or Asian, or Indian, or European communities here. Just black, and to a lesser extent, hispanic. But again, you created this problem, so it's up to you to fix it. Or be their next victim.
Also, if you're a hs student, be honest with me, how many people do you know that have been shot at? Have been injured by gunfire, or even killed (I know at least 1)?? How many people do you know that have been arrested? How many girls do you know who got pregnant in high school?
I grew up in an all white, affluent suburb. I knew zero people who fit in any of those categories. I already know for a fact you know one shooting victim, one gangbanger (well, dead banger), one teen parent. That person was Mark "Full of Holes" Watts.
Im done arguing with you. You are racist, and you think blacks are the only ones that have made their mistakes. You are no good and uncristian man. As far as I see it you are not even a man judging a dead child that made mistakes. R.I.P Mark Watts.
ReplyDeleteI guess the truth hurts, Grandberry. You already knew one asshole gangbanger that "fathered" (I use that term in the loosest possible sense) a child when he was only 14 years old.
ReplyDeleteThe manner in which Mark chose to live his life, led directly to his death. There is no disputing that. His own family admitted to the police that he was involved in gangs & drug-dealing, and they believed his shooting to be retaliation from another gang.
If you want to do your community a favor, you should be reminding your classmates every day about what happens to people when they chose the gang life - they end up in prison, and/or dead, by the time they reach age 30.
And how is anything that I've said racist, or even uncristian [sic]? The facts here are plain & simple. He was in a gang. There are mountains of evidence, from pictures he personally put online, to statements from his guardian & family members, to his manner of death.
He was killed in Englewood, a neighborhood that, per the 2000 Chicago census (most recent available) is 100% black or "mixed." That's right, 100%. Englewood is also the top community in Chicago for murders, rapes, aggravated assaults, non-fatal shootings, thefts, break-ins, and store hold-ups (these numbers all courtesy of Chicago PD "clearmap" crime stats).
Lest you conveniently forgot already, Englewood is also home to the largest year over year increase in those crime numbers, yet it's also the community that only had a march about police efforts there when the black commander, who was run out of town due to rampant cronyism & corruption, was replaced by a white man - and the community demanded that only blacks be allowed on the police force there.
Englewood also has the single highest rate (that’s percentage of people living there, in case your algebra class is too busy building shrines to “honor” Mark Watts with cognac bottles) of residents on public aid, not just in the city, not just in the county, not just in the state, but in the entire fucking country.
Lastly, according to your own words, Englewood is a community that is so violent, you dare not leave your house for fear of becoming the next victim. So Englewood is the blackest, poorest, most violent, most gang-infested, and most racist community in the country. Bra-fucking-vo, well done (and I realize that you stated earlier you don’t live there, but rather know Mark Watts from school, but still, my points are valid, sound, based in facts & logic, and not racist.)
They are facts. Until your community stops crying racism at every chance, and rather begins to look inwards to solve your issues, you will always be the skidmark on the back of the underpants of society.
Big Al - uhoh, you're in trouble, he's fallen back on the ace up his sleeve - crying racism!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen confronted head on with demands that the abhorrent behavior of their community be checked, the niqs have one, and only one, response - scream RACIST!!!
A Grandberry - Big Al just faceplanted you & smacked you up, down & sideways with cold hard facts. What he said to you is the absolute truth. You & I both know there is no denying what he said about the criminal facts, and we all know about last month when Englewood residents had a hissy fit when "one of their own" was relieved of his duties as police chief there, for the reasons Big Al mentioned. What do you have to say about all that? RACISTRACIST RACIST.
I swear, it's like the HNIC programmed them all to say that. It like a never ending computer macro program, RACIST RACIST RACIST. Do they teach you that in your school, or just in "church?"
Thats cruel and rude you sick bastard. Youre a sick bitch.
ReplyDeleteWho is cruel & rude & sick - the dead 'banger, his babymama, or his delusional friends?
ReplyDeleteYou are. You try to use your words to make yourself sound like you are all the way right. You are not. The words you speak of this child is unberable. This young man is dead at a young age so just leave it at that. OK you got your point across...he was a gangbanger...he made mistakes.....oh, and he was not a threat to the community because if he was his record would have said so. So shut up with your remarks and go to hell for all I care.You are sick.
ReplyDeleteA mistake is, grabbing & opening a Diet Coke from the fridge when you meant to open a regular Coke. What this guy did were not mistakes.
ReplyDeleteFathering a child at age 14 is a lot more than a mistake. It's a life changing move by the asshole banger that ruins the lives of both the babymama and the baby (before it was even born), yet for the 'banger, there are no repercussions. How on earth was he going to provide for this baby? How was he going to educate it & raise it?? It's likely that he would only have been minimally more involved with it had he not been shot to death for being a scum gangbanger.
Being a drug dealer is not a mistake. It is a conscious decision by the banger to try to take the easy way out of life & instead of working hard, studying (using free resources available at his school) and trying to make a real man out of himself, so he can, you know, provide for that baby he fathered. Watts would rather have tried to sling weed & who knows what else to make a quick buck & emulate the lifestyle he so wanted to have, but didn't want to earn.
Being in a gang is not a mistake, it is a choice he made of his own free will. His "caregiver" (no word on his real parents) even admitted he was involved in gangs. Gangs have systematically destroyed a number of neighborhoods and countless blocks of this city, and have shown that in a heartbeat, they will turn on their own members & kill them if they feel the need to. I have absolutely no sympathy for someone who chooses to be an active part of the biggest that exists to honest, decent, hard working Chicagoans - the exact opposite people from who Mark Watts was.
And he wasn't a threat to the community? Besides the fact that he was selling illegal drugs (which are a threat to a community, they obviously are a health danger, not to mention the risk of being shot by other gangs, like Watts was), he was obviously a threat - what if one of those bullets meant for him missed & say, hit his child in the head? What if the rival bangers who targeted him & took him out decided instead of a shooting, to simply firebomb the house he was staying in, which could have been full of innocent children or elderly? You're delusional if you can't make the connection that his actions & lifestyle made him a threat to the community.
But as long as you idiot deniers say things like, "Oh he made a few mistakes," "Oh you can't say bad things about him bc he's dead," "Oh he wasn't a threat to the community," the cycle of poverty & violence that the gangs has taken over neighborhoods like Englewood, where he was shot, will never be broken.
But go ahead, keep lying to yourselves, keep denying the truth, keep enabling the gangs that may one day cause your death, if it makes you feel better. Let's just hope that they don't mistake you for the next Mark Watts, and pump bullets into your abdomen while you're hanging out on someone's porch.
. . . to be an active part of the biggest that exists. . .
ReplyDeleteMy apologies, that should read, to be an active part of the biggest threat that exists. . .
I'm a black man, and I have to say I agree with Big Al. Grandberry may not like what Big Al is saying, and I think Big Al's method of saying things is harsher & more cruel than it needs to be, but what he's saying is the truth.
ReplyDeleteI grew up in the William Green Homes here in the 70's - they are part of Cabrini Green, and were one of the worst ghettos in the country. But my parents and extended family did everything possible to protect me & my kin from the influence of the gangs.
Not all of us made it out - my older and younger brothers were both shot to death in their teens because they were in gangs. In fact, my younger brother had his hands tied behind his back, was made to sit up on his knees with his hands tied, and then was shot in the face at point blank range, at age 14. And he was shot because he owed some supplier in a different gang $20 for crack that he was supposed to sell, but was taken by the cops when he got busted. A 14 year old boy, executed over $20!!!
It hurt us, a lot, and it solidified my resolve to educate myself, not get a girl pregnant until I was established, and get out of the ghetto and away from the gang lifestyle.
I know you guys don't like hearing what Big Al is saying, but what he's saying is the truth. We all have choices, and while some choices may seem easier, more glamorous, or may be what everyone else is doing, that doesn't make them right.
Grandberry, I pray that you stay focused in school, that you and your friends avoid the gangs and drugs, and that you go off to college to educate yourself & make yourself a better man. And I pray that you act as a positive influence on your friends & family, especially the younger ones. There is a great, exciting world out there, away from Englewood, and if you can make it out of the ghetto, you can make it anywhere. I'm a perfect example of that.
To April 2 poster - I'm glad to see that you understand the message I'm trying to get across to Grandberry & his buddies. Although their built in "raycism" filter won't permit them to listen to or understand anything I'm saying, maybe hearing it from another black person will actually have an impact. If not, the odds are very high that black kids from Harvey (where Thornton HS is) will end up dead, or in prison, by age 30.
ReplyDeleteGrandberry, maybe you should go to this year's 15 year reunion for your HS. What you'll see is a lot of 33 year old grandmothers, and very, very, very few men. And virtually no professional, succesful men. Why no men? They're all dead, or in prison.
Also, being a grandmother at age 33 is not normal. Except maybe to chimps.
LOL at Grandberry, I wonder if he's been shot, arrested, or both yet!