Tuesday, around 12 a.m., Father Mallette was attacked in his bedroom at his Longwood Manor neighborhood church, said police.
Authorities said two armed thieves dressed in all black clothing beat and kicked the Catholic priest while demanding money.
During the brutal assault, Mallette, preparing to die, confessed his own sins as he prayed aloud, said a member of Mallette's church.
A parishioner said, after the robbery, Mallette's attackers actually had the nerve to ask the priest to pray for their souls, too.
In addition to leaving the South Side priest with broken ribs and facial injuries, the assailants stole $500 to $600 from the Catholic church, said police.
Cook County Sheriff, Tom Dart, Mellette's longtime friend, was outraged.
"Here's a person who's lived his life helping people and some vicious animals come in here and do this to him. It just reinforces. . . It's evil," said Dart, to the Chicago Tribune.
While most people see Father Mallette as the ultimate victim, a Chicago Sun-Times reader has a slightly different perspective:
"Did anyone ever stop to think that these two "animals" could quite possibly be sexual abuse victims of this 'outstanding clergy man' everyone's defending?
As much as the catholic church ends up in the media with bad publicity surrounding a twisted priest, I wouldn't be surprised if they are covering up a scandal with a robbery.
Usually there is an "honor" among thieves and churches are off limits. There is something untold here," said triche7.
Wow nice language from sheriff Tom Dart. He would make a great CNR commenter!
ReplyDelete^^^ Good one. Thanks for the chuckle.
ReplyDeleteAlways an excuse for bad and vile behavior. Sounds like to me they had no honor. If these ghetto thugs can knock over the elderly and handicapped and shoot children, they sure as shit will beat the crap out of a priest. Honor my ass. Just another excuse for their miserable lives. Not all priests are pedophiles just like not all blacks are ghetto thugs and this one doesn't appear to have been one. Haven't we all heard every excuse for this evil vile behavior? It's slavery, it's the economy, it's racism, it's a lack of a father figure, on and on, but it's NEVER their fault. This one is just pure EVIL! Surely they will BURN in HELL!
ReplyDeleteOh gee, the media left out the description of the thugs. I wonder why? Maybe it's because they were black? All the usual PC morons will be saying "it has nothing to do with race". Yeah sure, that's worn pretty thin by now. It's a pretty typical black crime: easy money, easy victim, beat the old guy up just for fun while they're at it.
ReplyDeleteThis is why most people refuse to work or live in predominately black neighborhoods. Blacks ultimately segregate themselves.
ReplyDeleteWhat an absolute idiot to suggest that Father Mallette would have done something horrible to deserve this. The author should be ashamed and embarrassed of himself/ herself. This "Sun-Times reader" OBVIOUSLY does not know the wonderful man that I have known for more than 25 years. HE WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteHow moronic to defend the thieves.
To anyone who had a hand in printing this, I say- Get an education;
Get some facts before you make such malicious defamatory statements. I smell libel.
December 7, 2011 12:53 a.m., while I'm getting the "education" that you suggested, you need look up the legal definition of libel.
ReplyDeleteYou must be new around here, because everyone knows CNR does not defend thieves; especially thieves that prey on the elderly.
Triche7's perspective was added to this story as a clever way of showing our readers that some people will say anything to defend abhorrent behavior.
The only thing you smell around here are your misguided conclusions.
If you'd like to sue us, Judge Mathis might be free. He's probably the only person that would take your case.
ReplyDelete1) n. to publish in print (including pictures), writing or broadcast through radio, television or film, an untruth about another which will do harm to that person or his/her reputation, by tending to bring the target into ridicule, hatred, scorn or contempt of others. Libel is the written or broadcast form of defamation, Definition from Law.com
To say the victim may have done wrong himself to deserve it is defending the criminal.
Get a heart.
ReplyDeleteHow interesting that you would suggest that someone other than the victim could sue.
How cold to say this was "clever".
Didn't your parents teach you better?
Anonymous@12:53, Perhaps you need to enhance your reading comprehension. The author of this article did NOT accuse the priest of ANYTHING...check the title and re-read the article.
ReplyDeleteSheesh, that idiot who tried to "suggest" the ghetto thugs "could" have been the victims has seen "Primal Fear" way too many times!
I'm fairly certain any and every law enforcement officer in the United States hates niggers, even niggers themselves.
ReplyDeleteBad and sad. Most of the Catholic churches in Detroit converted to "charter" schools or are probably vacant. I read whatever is left of them are closing or consolidating.
ReplyDeleteI comprehend just fine. These words suggest Father Mallette may have done something wrong.
ReplyDeleteI understand the main part is good, but why include these last lines written by someone who does not know him?
You reread if you want.
"Did anyone ever stop to think that these two "animals" could quite possibly be sexual abuse victims of this 'outstanding clergy man' everyone's defending?
As much as the catholic church ends up in the media with bad publicity surrounding a twisted priest, I wouldn't be surprised if they are covering up a scandal with a robbery.
Usually there is an "honor" among thieves and churches are off limits. There is something untold here," said triche7.
The commentator at the Sun is black. That's why she's casting aspersions against the white crime victim in this case. No matter what happens blacks always automatically come out in support of their criminal lowlifers. They deluge this blog with their illiterate rants defending criminals. Blame the white victim. The mentality of blacks is on display here and anyone can see how twisted and sickening it is.
ReplyDeleteIt's so sad that this is becoming such a black/ white thing.
ReplyDeleteFather Mallette has worked his entire life to bridge the gap between black and white.
IF what is written here about the Sun Times commenter is true, then that's the saddest part of all. She should be ashamed of herself.
We have to stop lumping people together. Not all people who have similar physical characteristics think the same.
Let's pray for Father Mallette's health and that they catch the thugs.
I hope the reward is incentive enough for someone to turn them in.
i grew up in the lawndale neighborhood in chicago, illinois in the 60's. my family attended st. agatha church in the neighborhood. father mallette was a young priest there. i remember him as being a very kind man who was well liked at our parish. as a child attending st. agatha's catholic school and church, i don't recall one incident where we, as children, were cautioned against interacting with the parish priest. surely someone in the area would know something if the priest there were abusing the children if it were happening. fact is father mallette was a good man and priest. i believe the two criminals that broke into the parish were ultimately just doing what they do to survive in this society. they found an easy target... the path of least resistance. they are likely not prepared to find jobs due to a number of issues none of which has to do with the color of their skin. it has alot to do with life choices and not necessarily skin color. the church that i attend now was burglarized a couple of weeks ago. the thieves were after electronics. churches are no longer "off-limits". i just came across this site after i googled "father mallette". i wanted to read up on his story. it's sad i find the twisted people commenting... still taking nigger this nigger that shit. we shouldn't color all people that are different from us with the same brush. father mallette wasn't like that.
ReplyDeleteAs an american I am prepared for criminals anytime they come,America is becoming a third world sh%$^&*&.
ReplyDeleteIf criminals will beat up,rape and kill old people in this country,you have got to be prepared at all times to defend yourselves.
Dogs,alarm systems,guns and most importantly,always check your surroundings,be aware and dont be afraid to verbally keep anyone out of your personal space.
America is slowly collapsing morally,a complete and utter moral collapse,rome 2.0
Dont be a victim,defend yourself.