Authorities said the armed robbery happened around 7:48 p.m. in an alley on the 2000 block of West Chase Avenue, near Chase and Ridge.
The offenders were described as two male black in their 20s.
Both suspects were wearing all black clothing, said police.
Investigators said the muggers stole the victim’s wallet and cell phone.
At the time of this report, the thieves were still at large.
Photo: Google Maps
If whites were robbing blacks at this rate, blacks would be protesting and screaming racism. In my opinion, whites need to be claiming racism. When will white people start fighting back???
ReplyDeleteYes, because we are totally sure the victim is white.
ReplyDeleteCarry on.
@ 9:47pm, great another black crime denier. Yeah, I am sure the criminal is white and the victim is black. Give me a break! We all know in RP, the victims of robbery are white because I was one of them. Blacks kill their own over gang shit, but ROB white people. So now you carry on and go back to your pretend world of unicorns and cotton candy.
ReplyDeleteanon@8:39 how do you propose that whites fight back?
ReplyDeleteI know some people will come up with the advice of not cutting through alleys. Then, of course, stay home after dark; don't you dare show off any worldly goods by using an i-pod in public, lest someone covet your property; always look around you, watching for predators like a hunted animal; don't look weak; and etc etc. In other words, the regular public should place themselves in lockdown while the animals are roaming around free in the urban jungle. Always blame the victim first.
ReplyDeleteAnybody seen that blonde hippie fuck panhandler on Sheridan? He always wears these calf-baring pants no matter what the weather.
ReplyDeleteI saw him tooling around for a couple of months not engaging in any homeless fuck behavior but he kept setting off my bum-sense.
Last two days he's parked his lazy ass by Bop'n Grill asking for money in a ninny-fuck girly retard voice. I guess I am never wrong.
I hate this. Anyone can just take anything they want from you and there really isn't too much you can do about it. While it's a good idea just in general to keep an eye on your surroundings and be aware, the constant looking over your shoulder is getting really old. I shouldn't have to be nervous in my own neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteThe constant racial remarks are also bothersome. What's also bothersome is that I do always get nervous when a black person just randomly asks for a cigarette, money or a CTA card. It's ALWAYS a black person. I have never been approached by anyone else. Every time I have seen a fight on the train or someone get loud and threatening it has always been a black person. It was 4 black guys who mugged and kicked the shit out of me earlier this year as I walked up to my apartment building. I try to keep an open mind. I have black friends and I know it isn't ALL of them (just as I know not all white people are good) but almost every day the stereotypes get reinforced.
I don't like it and I try to keep a clear head but it is difficult lately.
Unfortunately Timothy, that's your city and I know it quite well too. Despite what all you people may say about Detroit (no it's not all that either), I just returned from a week there with ---- no ----- problems like mentioned above. Black/White's are truly separated there but for whatever reason, all goes very well when they mix in the city proper. Not one Black man aggressively approaching me, "excuse me" both ways while passing in the business, not 8 people loitering outside of the business.....the list goes on.
ReplyDeleteYou certainly see the contrast when returning to Chicago.
Your problems here are 1) uncontrolled loitering which is NOT tolerated in most other places and usually deemed suspicious. 2) these Section 8 people that were dispersed throughout this city & county don't WANT to be where they were moved, are miserable, do hate White people, are ignorant thinking - even in this economy - we're all still "rich" and are scared to death of them 3) The warped sense of PC here.
I see no draw to Chicago other than it's downtown. In my opinion there is absolutely no place desirable to live along this waterfront unless you want to live on lockdown in a highrise, jump into a car parked behind a security gate, go to the suburbs to shop without the hassle of the exhorbitant pries/sales tax and bums chasing you around (p.s. that's Detroit's waterfront highrises less the bums as the residents are protected so "why pay more" in Chicago?). I do see "no panhandling" signs along the waterfront buildings in what I believe is Lincoln Park or probably the Gold Coast - but I can't afford to live there. The public transportation is short of a hoax here. Your Uptown incident today is prime example. Taking that red line, there were at least 3 incidents per week causing those trains to be stopped for extended periods. If it wasn't a baby buggy caught in the door prompting 12 paramedics, it was a robbery. If it wasn't a bum having a heart attack, it was was a robbery. Throw in a suicide here and there too. Some of us are just trying to get to work.
5 years in Edgewater and Lakeview and I've seen changes for the worst in both of those areas. Uptown or Rogers Park I wouldn't even consider.
You can start by hammering on the businesses to get the loiterers and panhandlers OUT of the front doors of their businesses. I did it with Walgreens after and incident and so far it's worked. I threatened to contact the media. About 2 months and I have not seen ONE person standing outside of it when there were normally at least 3, sometimes more. A co-worker from the West side had to to this with a Walgreens in the loop too.
The affluent and middle-class of both races in Metro Detroit live in the beautiful suburbs and usually on one of the many beautiful waterfronts there. Chicago's affluent are, yes, still living downtown but are now bitching about the "Section 8" moving in around them.
I've never once been called Whitey, Cracker, Faggot or "Serial Killer" in Detroit like I have in Chicago - ever. I do know some people who love it here, but I know where there from as well - usually the sticks of some other state. Oh, and I saw my first murder here too - stabbed in the neck - near the lake in the "better" neighborhood.
You need a concealed carry law and you'd see some "manners" here, quickly. I've never been party affiliated but after Chicago, most certainly now know what a leftist loon is. It hasn't worked for you people. I say everybody that has a vested interest in Chicago get off your ass and do something, move or be quiet. I'm moving.
Im from Chicago and yes it is rough out there, and yes there are a bunch of ingornant ppl there and alot of gang violence and such going on , but its not all black ppl doing it.violence has no color, and all you racist ppl on here need to cool out with all that shit, cuz you'll be the victim one day talking like that...if you dont like it, move!!!I did
ReplyDeleteRobin, I'm not concerned about the gangs and violence. I'm not a part of it, nor near it therefore do not really feel I'll ever be a victim of it. I wouldn't care if the Irish were in drug wars either. However, a White man should be able to walk these streets without being harrassed, agressively approached or ethnically intimidated with racial slurs. That's what I'm concerned about and, as Timothy said, they instigators are always black. There's nothing "racist" about stating that. It's fact.
ReplyDeleteWhile I agree with some of what you say, like this city continuing to keep the "PC" attitude alive and well, I think you are comparing apples and oranges. You are talking about the "suburbs of Detroit" not the city proper and then go on to talk about the "City of Chicago". If those who live in the city PROPER travel to a suburb of the city, I am sure we would experience the same things you describe in the Detroit suburbs. The city on the other hand, is a whole other matter. All you have to do is read the Detroit Free Press to know that. Even the Mayor talks about the crime in the city PROPER, the eminent financial collapse and pending bankruptcy of Detroit...PROPER. The entitlement mentality is alive and well in Detroit too. I do agree that we need to cut this PC mentality out and prevent all the loitering and I'm getting tired of people screaming violation of the constitution and THEIR rights here while they trump all over the innocent taxpayers rights.
We ABSOLUTELY need conceal carry and you're right, it just might start teaching these ghetto thugs some manners. Something they are sorely lacking along with respect and pride.
I've been in this city..PROPER..most of my adult life and have seen this city change for the WORST because of this "PC attitude and the entitlement mentality. I've lived in the Gold Coast, Lakeview, RP and now Edgewater and have watched the crime move in in all those neighborhoods. This is not my Chicago any longer. If the contributing taxpaying citizens ALL leave, where does that leave those with their entitlement mentality? Who will pay for those Sec 8's? How about all those SRO'S and Shelters? Who will the ghetto thugs and panhandlers prey upon? I'll tell you...it's called the City of Detroit and that's what we will become.
I wasn't a prejudiced person until I and those I love became victims of these low life scumbag parasite ghetto thugs. The ghetto thugs ruin any chance for change in this country and this city and I do not see it ever changing. Count me as a prejudiced person now. A sad statement, it true, but PC be damned!
The same scene plays out every few blocks in Chicago:
ReplyDeleteYou are walking down the street, you see some smelly nigger or white guy in ratty clothes, standing around, looking expectantly. Shifting from foot to foot the same way my dog does when he wants a treat.
You start crossing the sidewalk, make a beeline around them to avoid the encounter. They approach you and petulantly beg "I need some CHANGE! Puhleeeze!"
Why the fuck is it my problem? What's it going to do for me? I don't want to fuck guys and even if I did, I wouldn't want some homeless guy with three months worth of dick cheese encrusted in their foreskin. Is it going to warm the cockles of my heart that they'll immediately run and get a rock or a fourty ouncer as soon as they have enough?
The other day I was walking back from Aldi's and some enormous fat Albert nigger was running towards me and shouting. Fat motherfucker like that shouldn't be running. Anyways I duck into Chase to get away from him, wait five minutes, and come out. He's waiting for me and starts running at me again. I whip out the mace and am ready to nail him. He stops short and runs into a hair salon. Two college students say 'Oh, he's just fucking with people". Clearly they teach too much nigger loving at college. His existence is intolerable, as well as all these panhandler fucks, black, white, mexican, whatsoever. Criminalize it and loitering already.
@anonymous-the joy of hiding behind your anonymity. I agree our young black men are doing stupid things and making poor choices. I'm a life-long Chicagoan and a black woman. I was robbed at the bus stop on my way to work by a young black man. I was angry for weeks. But dear, watch your language. Your anonymity does not give you cart-blanc to use derogatory language. It's offensive and really only shows your ignorance.
ReplyDeleteThe point is Towanda, there's really no difference. Unless you make upwards of $200,000/yr. and live in some fancy penthouse or highrise downtown Chicago, there is no reason to live here, especially with your rampant crime. I'm comparing crime to crime not necessarily quality of living of which, crime is high on my list in that category. Everyone has a car there no matter how junky is, that "quality" you need is right over the border within minutes. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't live in most Detroit neighborhoods either (but some I would). Outside of downtown, these neighborhoods along the lakefront here are no different than Detroit other then the residents are aren't necessarily all black here (Uptown is WORSE than anywhere in Detroit).
ReplyDeleteI've mentioned this before. I've been to many of your suburbs here in my price range. No thanks. Absolutely no thanks. Seems there's a ghetto Mexican element everywhere here. Schaumburg (as an example)? I'd rather die. I knew a guy there that called E. Lakeview "the ghetto" but he lived there in what is considered Section 8 housing within the City of Detroit (but at least the Detroit ones had a basement). And you bought that? Great! They were selling for $150k during your big bubble here, there are foreclosures all over and one just sold for $88k. Then go on with a shooting there, domestic violence amongst 60 year olds on his block, police sirens all night long and surrounded by Section 8 apartments. A client of mine had his single family home broken into out there, I saw the claim report. Lots of damage - lots! I've heard that over and over here "oh, every place has it's bad side of town". No, they don't. Maybe in Hell-Annoy.
Where do you go in this entire state to get away from it? I saw a crime report in Lodi Twp (?) that showed a pics of the perps in their low hanging ghetto wear. Where is Lodi Twp, I asked a native here. It started the big debate of "this" is EVERYWHERE in your entire state (maybe not the border of Missouri, but). Have it. Sorry.
Google Chicagosucks. See what you find. Major complaint: The people (#1 on my list). The weather (obvious). Now crime (#1.5 on my list as well).
I get it Anonymous@2:27. I'm just as disillusioned as you are and way fed up! I'm tired of the PC attitude, the apathy and entitlement attitudes. I'm sick of looking over my shoulder and being afraid when I hear someone running behind me. I'm sick of the "rose colored glasses" that many people wear in this city and I'm tired of struggling while others get it free, steal it, mug people for it and kill you if you try to protect yourself. I'm tired of ALL the excuses they make for their behavior and for the blame game guilt trip they like to lay on those who have tried to help..to no avail. The economy does not create a lack of morals, respect, or conscience. Many people are hurting but only the ghetto thugs and some in the black culture seem to use that as an excuse to commit crimes against this city and it's residents. No, this is NOT my Chicago. The ghetto thugs have seen to that.
ReplyDeleteCorrect, Towanda. I thought years ago that the bad economy might bring us all together and appreciate some simpler things. However, in my opinion, this increasing crime has only driven a dead wedge between those that believe that "it's a city and these things just happen" and those that just don't buy into bloodshed as the norm. The business person that literally stuck his nose in the air and crossed his arms when I inquired about what's going on and brought up the "youth" crap? He no longer gets my $. In an effort to protect your bounty, you lost it all with me when I found out the real story - from others. Just be honest....."you should probably take a cab, there have been some incidents". That's all I needed to know - don't need detail.
ReplyDeletePurse snatchings, broken car window now and then, sure. The last person "running from behind me" was bloodied head to toe. The murder I saw. More bloodied people. I was a "victim" for the first time here too. He wasn't able to get anything but I was hit in the side of the head with something. They "saw him run down xxx St." while I was looking for my glasses. New 48" rule - stay back. No I don't have a light, no I don't have directions, no I'm not obligated to talk to you and no I'm not "rich" because I'm White. I'm sorry I can no longer trust any black man on the street in this city again. I've always thought your behavior was shady, gave you the benefit of the doubt and you've proven yourself.
Do you know what I pay to live in the "better" neighborhood? Plus with bonuses cut at work, I even got rid of my car to do it. Yeah, I'm "rich" because I'm White.
And now you've got more and more reports of guns in these incidences? You're sitting ducks.
This city is overflowing with gangbanger creatures, lice-ridden stinky homeless slugs, out of control schizos who won't take their meds, section 8 riff-raff, muggers, carjackers, sex offenders, halfway house denizens, winos, drug dealers, crackheads who look like the living dead, career panhandlers, loiterers, freaks and creeps and weirdo alien looking folks who look like they just climbed out of a spaceship. What a city!
ReplyDeleteOh, and does anyone speak English anymore?
What are some comparable cities to Chicago with a better quality of life? I'm not really sold on the D yet, heard plenty of bad things about that place too...
ReplyDeleteThe "D" is bad. The point is, and I've been in both places, unless you're mega rich, Chicago is --- no different. I like the "personal space" in Detroit myself. I don't like all these potential killers with knives and guns walking side by side me here. In Detroit the worst that could happen if you're not involved in the drug trade (not a problem) is you get caught up in a bank robbery (what are the odds), some road rage incident or a carjacking (in most cases they just take the car). And the patrons are really, really taken care of at the businesses.
ReplyDeleteMankind will never cure cancer, bring about world peace, go to the stars, etc unless we stop funding ever-expanding primate colonies all over our world. They only care about drinking, fucking, eating and fighting.
ReplyDeleteIt might be embarrassing to future generations that we eradicated the black plague from the Earth, but their lives will be so much better than ours for it.
You people are the animals!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you anon 9:21 only I would call them fuckwits.
ReplyDeleteI liked that term"career panhandler". I've seen a few of these pros panhandling for the more than 10 years I lived here. They aren't aggressive though & seem fairly nice. The one gentlemen I usually give a few bucks a week because he insists he spends it on food. The other one I see I don't because he is frequently so intoxicated that he can barely stand at noon!