One report indicated there is a potential hostage situation at 4639 North Broadway.
Via Twitter, Alderman James Cappleman announced that "Broadway is closed at Wilson due to the police capturing a wanted fugitive from another state".
According to CBS News Chicago, "CTA has suspended service on the Red Line between the Berwyn and Addison stations due to the police activity."
At 5:58 p.m., police confirmed there is a hostage barricade situation on the 4600 block of North Broadway.
SWAT is preparing to shoot out the street lights at that location.
This article will be continually updated as new information becomes available.
UPDATE: At 6:12 p.m., more officers were stationed at Winthrop and Lawrence to block southbound traffic.
UPDATE: Despite Alderman Cappleman's reports that the situation is over, as of 7:17 p.m., police are still on the scene.
It appears the suspect, who may be armed with a rifle, is still inside the building at 4639 North Broadway.
UPDATE: At 9:09 p.m., police officers were told to communicate via the citywide police radio frequency. Officers working the scene were instructed to stay in place.
UPDATE: The suspects surrendered shortly after 10 p.m. 3 people are in police custody.
Lovely. So fugitives from other states like to hide in uptown now too. More police tape at Wilson and Lawrence stops. Same old story.
ReplyDeleteThe uptown community faces so many challenges. It is important to stay positive of the opportunity for change. Pray for everyone in this community.
ReplyDeleteTrust me you guys need all the help you can get! Uptown is one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago.
ReplyDeleteThanks man.... We are all stuck on the trains trying to get home....
ReplyDeleteJeez! First world problems...
ReplyDeleteummm shoot out the street lights?? why dont they just have comed shut them off? makes no sense..
ReplyDeleteWell, that would explain the gunshots that were heard in the area.
ReplyDeleteWhy is SWAT shooting out the lights? If this is a potential hostage situation, why is the headline to this Hostage Situation? Why not get everybody and their mother in Uptown worked up about this?
ReplyDeleteCuz if you shut the lights of you have to shut a grid down you just shut three lights off, genius. Then people will be without heat
ReplyDelete*cant* was supposed to be in between you and just
ReplyDeleteIt's the damn african american community that fails to ever move up in society. that station is the most horrible and not because of the socio economic status because the surrounding areas are nice but uptown is filled with black people. they can't use that whole "oh but we live in a shitty area". they MAKE it a shitty area
ReplyDeletewow. you're ridiculously ignorant.
ReplyDeleteTo the ignorant racist, Uptown's demise took place when the neighborhood was largely white (Appalachin). Know your history.
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable people are still blaming an ENTIRE RACE for another persons actions. KISS MY EDUCATED-HARDWORKING-TAXPAYING-CLEAN-RESPONSIBLE AFRICAN AMERICAN A$$!
ReplyDeleteu cant call them racist..the person who made that remark could be black...we cant judge...
ReplyDeleteComEd shut off the streetlights? HA! Remember the Snowpocalypse? It took days to get ComEd to do anything!
ReplyDeleteWhile they're at it, invade the Lawrence House and arrest who's loitering outside or on the first floor. Start with that midget black guy and his white wheelchair bound girlfriend (who can actually walk, fakin' ass bitch)
ReplyDeleteI really hope that pudgy social worker communist bitch with the triple D tits is reading this and reeling in horror that she failed to make me care about those losers.
Some people are out right horrible. I.... a young white female grew up in Andersonville. Steps away from uptown. It's a diverse area with plenty to offer! ONE RACE does not define the area. The trouble in uptown is created and caused by ALL races, including my own. Who ever you are, i'm almost positive you are a uneducated, lonely & miserable person. I can say that with confidence because you called African Americans 'Black people' & used the term 'shitty'. I feel sorry for you.
ReplyDeleteto be honest. all the gang violence during this summer was all due to african american teens coming downtown on the redline and causing trouble and harming innocent civilians. of course the news never reported who was doing it, even though we all knew it was the trouble making african american teenagers from the south side! wouldn't be surprised if they were behind this as well. all the want to do is get girls pregnant, and shoot people. and i'm not blaming the entire race of african americans, i'm blaming one certain community that we all know where they are from.
ReplyDeleteIf you're going to blame "all" of Chicago's crime on the African American population in Chicago, we may as well say the Mexicans are the reason we have stomach gas, Polish people are the reason the south side smells of sauerkraut, and white people are the reason we're all fighting about it (because they feel so superior, they make hateful, uneducated comments like the ones above).
ReplyDeleteI'm a Puerto Rican woman, so please re-read the above, picturing me writing in a tight tube top, wearing a lot of gold jewelry at a library in Humbolt Park...since we're talking stereotypes...
Holy cow that is some incredible racism.
ReplyDeleteyou obviously can't read! i didn't say ALL CHICAGO'S CRIME. i said gang violence, because it's true. you didn't see the hispanics coming downtown and harming people. you didn't see the Asians, or what ever race. we all saw the african american teenage gangs coming downtown and causing havoc. the beaches weren't closed because a hispanic gang came. no, it was because an african american gang came. get your facts straight.
ReplyDeleteshut up you damn chola.
ReplyDeleteStatistics show crime to be committed (arrested, not incarcerated) by a disproportionate amount of African Americans. You can make all the excuses you want defending the African American community and their motivations behind this, but you can't argue with facts.
ReplyDeleteAnd before anyone throws out the lame excuse of racial profiling and "no rich man goes to jail", the CPD has a racially diverse force, so unless African American cops are only arresting African American people, the excuse is invalid.
Keep your head in the sand people. Didn't you get the memo blacks are peace loving hard working people....not!!! The truth is the truth. Maybe if you blacks and imbecile whites stop denying the obvious and call the blacks out, the blacks may actually get their act together. Coddling does no one any good.
ReplyDeleteYOU said that the "damn african american society fails to move up in society". why do you think that is? it's called oppression and racism. because ignorant people -- like you -- perpetuate ridiculous stereotypes and prevent them from breaking out of the position they've been forced into, by the rest of the privileged community. you should take the time to understand the root of these issues before making ignorant comments.
ReplyDeleteWow. So much anger and ignorance. Mr. Racism ought to look in the mirror and start his criticism there.
ReplyDeleteMy friends brother was one of the victims over this past summer. So, i can't say i completely disagree with you about the problem we are dealing with. But, i just think it's wrong to say one race is the cause of a citywide problem....which toward the end of your paragraph state that you are NOT blaming an entire race, but contradict your statement with the beginning of your paragraph(During this summer was all due to african american teens coming downtown on the redline)Btw, "all the (they) want to do is get girls pregnant, and shoot people" another ignorant comment. goodness gracious. Did you ever think that maybe all these teens need are people who want to help them & not people like you who have given up and just point the finger?! Maybe we as a city need to take more of a stand & create more positive outlets for these teens & maybe we wouldn't have these issues.
ReplyDeleteit's true. you have the terrible trouble maker african americans, who ruin hard working lovely african americans reputations. which is very sad, because i have a lot of african american friends, who feel the same way. these african american kids and these people causing crime ruin everything for the nice people, and that's what causes racial profiling! Because of crime and chaos bad african americans (gangs or not) have caused Chicago's crime rate, everyone racial profiles african amercians these days, and as sad as it is, it's true. and you can call me as racist as you want, i'm not. these are the plain facts. so you little puerto rican girl can be quiet, you know this is happening, you just can't admit it.
ReplyDeletethe saying goes "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink". DHS offers a multitude of ways to young people of any ethnicity to get involved and off the street, but they're ultimately ineffective because the young people DON'T WANT TO. This of course leads to wasted tax dollars, hikes in costs for public services, and ultimately and economic downturn. A reevaluation of the differences between ethnicity, education, SES, etc. is needed.
ReplyDeleteBefore anybody plays a race card; I'm not white.
First off...all of this is dumb no matter who started it all...we all need to take responsibility and realize that this world is corrupt not just one person or race is responsible for it all. Secondly, I'm not defending the "racist" person but in regards to the person called him uneducated because he said "black people" instead of "African Americans"...well you need to realize that a lot "black people" don't like to be referred to as African Americans because they are not in fact from Africa and don't want to be generalized as just from one country.
ReplyDeleteNo shit, you're not white. We're not morons.
ReplyDelete(africa is not a country). but your point is valid.
Hilarious. I was the one who posted the original seemingly racist comment. I'm black. And I'm going to apologize. I said what I said out of anger and frustration getting off the crowded Wilson stop.
ReplyDeleteIt's not all black people, obviously as I am, but the group of ignorant black people and yes I am grouping them. Ignorant minority assholes, crazy white people (who talk to themselves), and loud teenagers. I am so embarrassed when I see them hooting and hollering at each other and their ignorance. The people perpetuating the whole stereotype at this point is themselves. Passing it on to their kids. I'm not saying white people are angels either. But they sure as fuck aren't the ones doing the crime. At least not the majority. You can't argue with stats.
People r people. Some good some bad. Race isn't the issue. If u all r so tired of what's going on do something. Easy to talk shit. Peace to u all..
ReplyDeleteFunny how its never about race when grown men rape little boys.
ReplyDeleteBe good to people. Don't judge. You don't know what a person has been through. Each one is different, not one deserves to be clumped into a stereotype. People are inherently good, circumstances shape our behavior. It doesn't matter if you're white or black or Asian or Indian or native American, or a fucking midget. Life is hard work, to say the least.
ReplyDeleteEnough of this shit, anybody know if this is over yet?
ReplyDeletewhy the fuck would rape involve race? dipshit.
ReplyDeleteThe comment about the 'black' community not rising up in society is somewhat true. This is reality. There is an attitude of 'i ain't gonna get better' out there, and it's foolish for us to continue to ignore it. How many of you work in places like Englewood? Do you know what it's really like out there? I do, and it's the toughest battle everyday to convince the children that they are important, and their lives matter. Areas of violence need a lot of healing, and it has to come from everyone.
ReplyDeleteIf you can't swim you bound to drizzown
ReplyDeleteFuck you stupid niggers. White people don't do this shit. In fact hardly any other races do. Every beggar I see on the street is a fucking nigger, not white not asian and not mexican so fuck you stupid nigs playing the "oh woe is me" card.
ReplyDeleteIn a city as diverse as chicago, it is impossible to keep different races and nationalities from interacting. One race isn't completely responsible for anything because they all affect each other. For example, racial profiling is a result of stereotypes, which are the results of actions of a select few of a certain race (not to mention events in history), and many times those actions stem from the fact that they were racially profiled in the past. This cycle is what prevents change, because it is hard for people to change their views, even over time.
ReplyDeleteBecause of this, it is unfair and incorrect to say that *insert group of people* are responsible for *insert problem* because they are *insert stereotype*. My point is that it is easy to single out one group as a source of a problem, but hard to notice that other groups have affected the problem as well.
Sorry for the lecture, but I just wanted to strike a balance here.
WOW. I don't think I've ever seen such a blatantly and shamelessly racist "conversation" on this site before. The Wilson/Broadway situation hitting close to home, I see?
ReplyDeleteI live in a diverse neighborhood off the Thorndale stop on the red line. Everyday i have to walk through a crowd of young wanna be thugs just standing around doing nothing... i take that back. They stand in the way, swearing and making vulgar comments at people, they are loud and obnoxious for no reason what so ever..they are not just one race. i see Hispanics, Caucasians, and unfortunately mostly black people (girls included)out here everyday. They blatantly advertise that they are selling weed even in front of elders, ladies and young children. the problem today is that very few people have respect for anybody including themselves. They whistle at women walking down the street and make perverted comments, curse in front of older people, wear revealing clothing... being able to express yourself is completely different from being an ass hole. And don't u dare show any discomfort or disapproval towards their actions because then they try their best to embarrass you in front of everyone around. its uncalled for. i am not black i am not white. i am both and no matter what the race is a lot of, not all, young people are rude and disrespectful for no reason and it makes everyone else uncomfortable. and as far as helping these groups of people...some of them don't want to be helped. they are just too stubborn and set in their ways. they are entertained by their own behavior. they have become too accustomed to negativity and that is all they respond too. you cant help a population that doesn't want to be helped no matter what you do. i respect every race! I RESPECT ALL CUSTOMS! i may not agree with everyone but i do respect you! it is just unfortunate that in my immediate neighborhood and the uptown neighborhood there are more unsavory black people than any other race. its makes the entire race look bad! it saddens me that people label everyone in a specific race as a whole but this is the world we live in.
ReplyDeleteSad, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteThink about it: America is the most powerful nation on the planet. Do you know how America got ahead of all the other countries?? They did it from billions of hours of free labor they made off of the backs of HARD-WORKING African-American slaves. So if you want to complain, make judgements and make horrific racist remarks about fellow citizens who are African-Americans, just remember, if it wasn't for them, you wouldn't be living so comfortably as you do.
ReplyDeleteFuck All You People Tim Tebow Will Get Destroyed by the Bears Defense this Sunday
ReplyDeleteI do think that African Americans here do more violent crime because of gangs, but probably not more crime overall. We've got all these white collar criminals who are stealing billions in their little cups it's just all done electronically or on wall street. And yeah, something is wrong with those blacks who are always hollering or hooting. They have some problem with impulse control or whatever. Honestly, racism+terrible home life+drinking while pregnant+terrible schools+no jobs+used to violence=what do you expect? Mother Teresa?
ReplyDeleteI hate most of the people in Uptown, not just black people.
ReplyDeleteThe worst ones are the community activists and the yuppies who keep the engine of enabling churning 24/7.
Let's get down to the shit I hate: My own people.
Talk to any scuzzy white motherfucker on Lawrence. They don't even know what's in their neighborhood beyond where to get smokes, booze and free eats. They walk around all day picking up cigarette butts to finish.
They get up a 6am, get their snacks from JJ Peppers and then it's a good hard 14 to 16 hours staring at their shoes, or bragging about fights they got into ten years ago. Maybe a shouting match with somebody who broke into their room and stole a family heirloom. Maybe some quick, sweaty fucking, probably between a big young black buck and some elderly white woman.
It's broken up by the fresh-faced social workers, all bright-eyed and bushy tailed coming around to make sure they didn't o.d., telling them they are good people and they matter.
After work, they go drink and smoke weed just like their clients.
It's a big business, this Uptown nonsense. Nobody in power wants to put a stop to it because it makes a lot of people money.
@12:03 am
ReplyDeleteYou have no proof of any of the crimes you described.
That comment exposes YOUR racism and beliefs that all white people with jobs are involved in white collar crime. It shows how little you know about the working/business world, and how easily YOU profile an entire race based on some shit you heard on the news or from one of your leaders/reverends/criminals.
Go ahead and keep denying what is really happening in this city. When the black thugs attack you, make sure to tell them you made some anonymous comments on a news-blog in their defense. I'm sure they wont just stomp you harder or anything like that...
There is not a single community in the world that has benefited from throngs of blacks moving in. Wherever they go, they cause crime and slums. They are subhuman jungle savages that have destroyed cities like Detroit and Cleveland and Newark. Nobody wants to live near them or interact with them. The only good news is they are killing each other.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone in this chat is stupid and clearly didn't read the article. No where in the article does it say that the 'fugitive' is African American, Black,or whatever else you call that race of people. It simple says it is a fugitive from out of state NO race is attached. On a side note I bet it was some sh*t head from Detroit acting like an idiot just like them clowns on the Lions!
ReplyDeleteThis stuff can happen anywhere. Fact!
ReplyDeleteCrime occurs anywhere and everywhere and anytime.
This has nothing to do with Uptown and could have occurred in any city neighborhood or suburb.
Why don't you all pay more attention to the real criminals that are screwing everyone over?
Mortgage bankers, financiers, speculators, the BIG banks and the FIRE lobby and all of their Congressional minions.
@12:43 Go back to Reddit, you OWS hippy fruitbowl!
ReplyDeleteLet me start this off by saying I white. Now: seriously? I was unaware the civil rights movement was still going on. Oh? It isn't?? We have a black president?? We have another African American in the running for the republican presidential candidate?? You're all idiots. This isn't about race. Let us look at the "perfect" white race, again, my own race... there are more white women drowning their children than black women... Casey Anthony anyone? And because they are white they walk from such gruesome crimes. Our notable serial killers through the ages? WHITE BOYS! Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer, the BTK killer...and the list goes on. And let us talk more about you racist fucks in particular. Want to discuss heinous crimes? Then take a look at what the KKK has done through the years. Instead of spewing hatred, why don't you show some love? Love is the water and sunshine to the seeds of our souls. With love we can grow as a community, as a city, as a state, as a nation, as a world.
ReplyDelete@12:53 - Obama is a Mulatto and Cain dropped out of the race you idiot... Get your facts straight....
ReplyDeleteWhen is the shuttle bus gonna get here???
ReplyDelete@1:10 sincerest apologies my BRILLIANT STUNNING WONDERFUL FRIEND...half black is enough for these twatsicles to hate him. xoxo
ReplyDelete@1:10 it is also nice to see you have no comments about the other facts in that post
Why do blacks always post in ALL CAPS? Are you shouting?
ReplyDeleteMy best friend got jumped twice in his life. Both times by African-American teenagers in a white neighborhood. Somebody explain this to me.
ReplyDelete@ 3:02 says "Why do blacks always post in ALL CAPS?"
ReplyDeleteWell, they don't bother to learn about punctuation or which letters to capitalize. So when they don't write in all caps, they tend To Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word Because They Don't Know Any Better.
Let's face it we are all afraid of blacks. Ask yourself this, if you are walking down the street at night who do you want behind you a black or white? Even Jesse Jackson has stated he hopes it is a white guy. The truth is the truth. And as a minority, it is embarassing that we as minoirities are bringing ourselves down by acting like animals. We are proving the white man right. Very sad.
ReplyDeleteThis is sad and y'all can do is sit here and talk about color. Color has nothing to do with this for crying out loud white ppl are capable of doing same shit SO BEFORE TALKING ABOUT RACE THINK ABOUT WHITE PPL COULD HAVE DONE THIS
ReplyDeleteBut statiscally, black people comitt the majority of violent crimes. More blacks comitt crimes agaisnt white then the other way. Stop living in a fantasy land where blacks are victims.
ReplyDeleteso the ATF or whomever can shut off the train for 6 hours for what? I'm calling bullshit, and it was totally overblown response. F them all.
ReplyDeleteYes, white people are capable of committing the same crimes. We CHOOSE NOT TO. That is what separates us from savages. The ability to reason.
ReplyDeleteSame goes for every other group of people in this city. We all have a choice between working hard and living right, or running around like a guerrilla terrorizing people.
The problem is certain people attack he police for trying to get the guerrillas off the streets. Also, even when they do get arrested, judges like to let them off early so they can continue their career of criminal behavior...
It is funny to see how fast people got off of the subject. No one has facts or clues about the actual situation. For hours people made comments about race and nothing about the safty of the community. Nothing about transportation on the red line...like helpful info that can get people home on the bus. As a Chicago lover it makes me sad to see how fast racism jumps into the picture. Did anyone actually see the man with the gun? Why does it matter what his race is, he is obviously dangerous and sick and will harm anyone in his way. We just gave this random person his 60 minutes of fame..why? I love Chicago and the beautiful people that are here. People are different, unique...That's what makes us God's creation. I am saddened to hear about the on going problems in Uptown. I lived there for a while. It is a great place with a couple bad streets. Families, schools, merchants..Hard working people of My City. I love you. I am thankful nobody got hurt. All it takes is one or two people to start the positive conversation and it can change a lot. We can actually choose to be good to one another and wash out racism. It may take a little more brain power, and maybe think about the full situation before we react in an ignorant way. Today has to start something new. Racism is a waste of talent and resources, and energy. A missed opportunity to connect and grow. WE are holding ourselves back. This isn't a Combya, hippy, bs bleeding heart on a soapbox...This is me. Chicago.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the holidays. Enjoy your friends and family. Enjoy life... no matter what race you are we all live and die...once you are gone, then what?
There are way too many beautiful souls in the heart of Chicago. Show it. Share it. Make us proud.
Peace and blessings to all.
Anonymous @ 9:41 - no offense but, truly, what are YOUR plans to change this situation outside of "positive talk" and why did you leave Uptown if it's such a "great place with just a couple of bad streets"? They tried the God's creation/prayer thing in Detroit too. It didn't work there either.
ReplyDelete@December 6, 2011 3:02 AM:
ReplyDelete"Why do blacks always post in ALL CAPS?"
Because that's how they talk.
Why is it racist to say that blacks are the cause of most of the violence and crime in Uptown? If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it is a duck. I've lived in Uptown for 10 years and her'e what I've observed:
ReplyDelete1. When you hear a group making lots of noise while they're walking down the street... they're BLACK.
2. When a person J-walks across the street and makes you stop your car...they're BLACK.
3. When you're jogging or riding your bike past a group of people and they yell obscenities at you...they're BLACK.
4. When you hear gun shoots and look outside to see who's running...they're BLACK.
5. When you go on youtube and look at the enormous number of Uptown gang fight videos...they're BLACK.
6. Whenever you dial 911 to report something...they're BLACK. (at least every all I've made)
7. When you look around your building to see who's loitering...they're BLACK.
8. When you get asked for a hand out...they're BLACK.
With so many examples of bad behavior, no wonder racism runs rampant.
I have to agree with the above comment, i am sorry if it sounded racist but the facts is all there. I am not blaming all crimes that had happened in uptown are black or blaming black people for all the problems that are bringing uptown down... But seriously look around truman college! every time i come to pick up my girlfriend i see them screaming, yelling, and starting fight... Matter of facts a few days ago while i was parked in front of the college, i saw two group of black people startling the student and security guards by harassing people that were leaving the school. that's is solely why so many people blame black people! because most of the bad thing that are happening are caused by them... IF YOU GUY DON'T like us judging you guy like that! stop acting like a gangster and prove to us that you can fit into society norm and act civil. so we can get along and not have racist thought on our mind... also all the above is mostly true!
ReplyDelete@12:27, hi there, i'm 12:53 am...and let me tell you this
ReplyDelete1. I've seen more drunk ass white college girls at my university making noise in groups walking down the street.
2. I myself have been the dick to j-walk...sometimes you're just in a hurry
3. On St. Patty's last year I was walking on Belmont with my boyfriend and a WHITE hipster on wheels smacked my ass as he rode by
4. Have you ever really heard gunshots and seen people running? Or are you making this observation based off of a movie?
5. Stop using youtube as a resource, and check out the CPD crime report for uptown. I assume you're well enough educated to use a real source. Have you ever checked out organized crime in Chicago? Gang violence may involve more blacks...but organized crime is HEAVILY dominated by the white population.
6. How often are you calling 911? Relax a bit if you're dial happy.
7. I loiter. Guilty. Sorry.
8. Did you ever think that the racism and divide between us humans is leading to the growing number of blacks below the poverty line? If you see the problem, why are you adding fuel to it instead of doing something to change it?
I can't even check back here anymore. It makes me so sad to see what our city is really like. I thought in a city this big we would have more tolerance and equality. How wrong I was.
Had the police, swat team, ATF or any other organization involved with this standoff not SHUT the area down and a citizen got injured or even killed because they were in the line of fire, everyone would have been bitching about that and lawsuits would have cropped up like roaches. Sheesh people, be thankful no one was injured or killed, including the people trying to protect us all!
ReplyDeleteSorry, but having lived here most of my adult life in various neighborhoods, my observation is that MOST of the criminals, bangers, panhandlers and thugs are indeed BLACK. Yes, I have heard gun shots and seen BLACKS running away, several times and have just missed being in the area of gunfire TWICE! I have also seen white people trying to get away from those gun shots. Have I called 911? You bet, several times. My description? I saw Blacks running away. You can PC all you want but the fact remains that Blacks commit far more crime and violent acts with out any regard for innocent bystanders then ANY other culture, so it stands to reason that everyone commenting would automatically think this was a black person. It is what it is and the ghetto thugs in the black community perpetuate this stereotyping. I did not wake up one day and say to myself "black people are evil and nothing but criminals"..that was something the black culture has done to themselves. The more we help, the less it helps. At some point, EVERYONE needs to learn how to help themselves, needs to learn respect and manners and needs to learn how to contribute to society. Parents need to start teaching their children the proper way to behave both in the home and out on the streets. Education needs to be a priority. None of that is my job or my fault. Grow some balls and prove us wrong! Otherwise, STOP spitting out unwanted children who then grow up and terrorize the next generation! Very simple. Want change? How about the black community stop being their own worst enemy and stop the stereotyping and profiling? That should be your mission in life and not to be career criminals.
I see there are a lot more racist rednecks in Chicago than there are in Tennessee. That makes me feel better about myself.
ReplyDeleteIt is all about facts. If it were all English people comitting these violent and dangerous crimes, people would be scared and fed up with English people. Hey Black Community, it has nothing to do with your skin color so get over that. It has everything to do with the fact that everyone...hispanic, asian, white... are scared shitless of you and don't want to die or be robbed by you. It is a matter of survival.
ReplyDeleteGo back to reddit moralfags
ReplyDeleteEither that, or live in this city more than your freshman year of college and THEN talk to me about city life. I don't give a fuck what your rowdy college neighborhood is like, because it is a sanctuary in a city plagued by savage black criminals.
Move to a real neighborhood, with real chicagoans, and live there a while. You will experience the same shit the rest of us do.
And finally, stop assuming everyone sick of black thugs is white rednecks. We have said time and time again there is a diverse group of people that are ALL sick of this bullshit. There are plenty of Asians, Hispanics, Arabs, etc. that are tired of being harassed by the same group of people.
great. there how now been a shooting in uptown just now. I WONDER WHO DID IT. BLACKS?
ReplyDeleteThose damn Amish did it.
ReplyDeleteamish don't know what guns are.
ReplyDeleteit must of been the mormons then...
ReplyDeletehahaha...the past three posts...stop... i love you
ReplyDeleteto the person who said the only beggars he sees are black...well lmmfao i see white motherfuckers on the kennedy exit ramp on fullerton and also at cicero and irving park..white people beg too dumbass..you only choose not to see it
ReplyDeleteTo 920 am today - the beggars aren't the problem, it's the violent criminals who are.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I notice on here that the schfartzas retort with, "Well, all white people are pedophiles/molestors/sex criminals."
Anybody but you ignorant niggers would know and acknowledge that sexual deviancy, as a percentage of the population, is consistent across races. For example, if 1% of white people are pedophiles, so are 1% of nigs, 1% of asians, 1% of hispanics, etc. So quit trying to deflect attention away from the disgusting problem that your "community" has unleashed on Chicago.
However, the violent crime that ruins people's quality of life here in Chicago is vastly committed by blacks, and there is no dispute.
Blacks are roughly 15% of the populace in the US, and roughly 33% in Chicago proper. However, over 70% of people arrested in Chicago on violent crimes to another person SELF-IDENTIFY themselves as black. Another approx 15% self-identify as mixed race - though most white people I know would call them black. That leaves 15% split between white, hispanic, asian, arab, etc.
Even if you ignore the niggers who call themselves mixed, that means that 70% of violent criminal arrests here are by blacks.
Ignore it all you want, try to distract people all you want by accusing white people of being sexual predators, the facts are, ghetto thug black niggers are ruining this city as quickly as they can. Not only are huge portions of the south side now uninhabitable to normal, law abiding, tax paying citizens, but areas on the north side like Rogers Park and Uptown are already uninhabitable, and those types of areas will become more and more prevalent as time goes on.
I don't mind black people, I am friends with and work with many educated, civilized black people who have the same goals as I do, which are family, career, and good health. It's ghetto fucking niggers I can't stand.
ReplyDeleteThe buzz words in your comment are
There in lies the huge difference in ghetto thugs and the black culture. Those who are hardworking, contributing, taxpaying, educated, law abiding and civilized would not resort to the criminal activity that the ghetto thugs resort to. Their goals are the same as the rest of society. They have been raised by their parents with respect and manners and are more then likely raising their own family that way. Sadly, they are also stereotyped and profiled because of GHETTO THUGS. Those who have failed and are continuing to fail their children and therefore society, are the dregs of the earth and should not be allowed to live anywhere but in their own hell, the one THEY create. They do not want "help" just our money to feed, house and clothe them and when that isn't enough, they take what they don't have because of their entitlement mentality. The racial divide will be with us forever unless the black leaders and communities ALSO step to the plate in curbing the violent nature of these GHETTO THUGS! They take that adage "God helps those who help themselves" to the extreme by taking from society and innocent victims who CHOSE to work for what they have. Integrating the criminal element from the projects is the worst failure in the history of this city. Now we all can become victims in every neighborhood that is rich or poor. What a brilliant exercise in "PC"....NOT!
I don't understand, am I legally obligated to like black people all of a sudden, no matter how bad they act? They are above criticism?