When a CTA passenger accused a beggar of running a scam, the panhandler made threatening remarks about shooting the passenger and robbing the passenger's wife.
Here's what YouTube user LinkWW said happened:
"I was taking the CTA Train from Midway to the Loop on 11/1/11. A man stood up and announced that he had recently been released from prison and was trying to put his life together. He asked for anything we could spare.
The man across from me muttered under his breath that he had been running the same scam for over a year on the same train. The beggar then proceeded to get in his face until the transit police entered the car at the other end."
Knows how to get 50 to 100 grand huh .. Sure doesn't look like that money went to good use or he's just another black compulsive liar. I'm guessing liar. America just needs to start putting these uneducated, crime ridden monkeys down one by one. I mean come on how is this man useful to society? Section 8, link card program and ssi income is not enough ????
ReplyDeleteLol, i bet u next time his old ass will keep his comments to his self
ReplyDelete@Anon 12:38AM, shut your bitch ass up, if they gave u the opportunity to put someone down, u wouldn't hurt a fly with your clown ass!!!
ReplyDelete"Makin' this shit hard for me!". What about "us" just trying to get to work everyday? Huh? Huh, Shitcago? What happens when your decent working class people have had enough of these insecure black men makin' this shit hard for us and just all up and leave your "world class city". Nobody left to ride those trains but vagrants.
ReplyDeleteOccurances like this are the norm, not the exception.
Rule #1 - Those doors in between those cars need to be locked. There is no reason for blacks to be galvanting back and forth through them, especially the minute they get on board. They're "looking" for someone, it's obvious. I've seen Mexicans pitch full baby diapers out of those doors as well.
There was a group of aggressive young panhandlers on the Brown Line @ the Loop one full week going from car to car. You can't ignore them, they're shoving some kind of paper in your face. Now your in my personal space (as is the norm in Chicago) and I have a problem with it. Not only did I take care of that immediately, I notified a CTA worker (sorry, but non-Black) who addressed it immediately ("this car, this one right here?", he asked). I haven't seen them since.
Again, leave the White people alone. What is this city going to do when all the working class White people leave because they've had enough of this shit? It's only a matter of time before a "tourist" pulls their "9MM" when threatened with one like that and puts an end to their miserable being. I don't want your blood on me. Again, just trying to get to work. Imagine that.
And one thng I've noticed about Chicago blacks is that they're really really proud of their big mouths. I gave a female a run for her money one day in the Loop. I know she was shocked and retreated.
"Never take another mans life because you hate yours". (Rapper)
ReplyDeleteThis whole thing is a scam - they are a mobilized army, as they have been throughout history, to force Humans to move away from them in search of greener pastures. There are several ways to take over a society. WAR is the most difficult, costly, and violent. Ours will be overthrown from within. KEEP THE CAMERAS ROLLING - THE WORLD IS WATCHING! Repeal the immigration and nationality act of 1965 NOW! CLOSE THE BORDERS NOW. STOP WATCHING PROFESSIONAL SPORTS NOW. STOP PAYING TAXES NOW.
This is all part of the Operation PUSH playbook. REVEREND AL SHARPTON ON MSNBC? WTF! Hacve you heard this unintelligible moron speak?
ReplyDeleteAnon at 5:50 am, of course you resorted to "Muh Dikk" as an insult.
ReplyDeleteLook it up, you are the most stereotypical black there is.
Panhandlers, bucket boys, and anybody selling socks needs to be executed on sight.
We should cut welfare RIGHT NOW and put that money into paying for bullets.
We could make a show of it, everybody can celebrate when the "vermin elimination squad" shows up and we can eat popcorn and have beers while the cops eradicate the vermin.
Barry is our first and LAST black president, he's fucked up way too badly, that's the end of that bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI have sen this guy many times. He is a very aggressive and dangerous man. He has a picture of him self from the IDOC mugshot. I agree that pretty soon a white victim is going to pull a gun on these felons.
ReplyDeleteCTA is just a playground for these loud morons who enjoy being a nuisance to everybody else. People are trying to get somewhere and end up having to run a gauntlet of creeps.
ReplyDeleteThis guy's approach is gimme some money or I'll go out and rob and you don't want that, do you? Basically a threat. All this human garbage stalking CTA riders makes going out in public an unpleasant experience, freaks and creeps getting in your personal space.
The poster of 5:50 am is another ghetto genius, illiterate and using all caps so as to emphasize his incoherent comment. He says others are "racist", then uses the term "cracker" in the same sentence. Perhaps he works for the teachers union under Karen Lewis?
ReplyDeleteSaw this guy Saturday afternoon on the Blue Line to Ohare. He is very intimidating and condescending when no one gives him money. Same scam just released from prison and can't get a job. Exact same guy and same clothing.
ReplyDeleteShould pepper spray his ass if there were not other passengers in the way.
Too bad Scotty S. Strahan wasn't on the train to smack him upside the head.
ReplyDeleteCC... legal or not. It's time.
ReplyDeleteSo glad I never take the train, and am even more glad my wife never has to. And I agree that people should just start spraying him. The use of intimidation like what he's accused of is criminal assault (deliberately making someone feel threatened), and spray is recognized as an acceptable, non-lethal manner to subdue the threat. Just make sure you stick around to give the police a full report if you do spray, he can always try to change the story and accuse someone of assaulting him if the sprayer takes off.
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with taking it out, announcing that you intend to use it (hopefully will also be a heads up to others to get out of the immediate area), the do what you have to do.
"Muh Dikk" is an all-encompassing black concept where the only thing that truly matters to them is sex. Whenever a nigger is losing an argument they just state that their dick is bigger than yours and all the "white wimminz" want them. Well, white wimminz, once you go black we don't want you back. Consider a nigger an equal and you are equal to a nigger.
ReplyDeleteIf niggers took over there would be no electricity,technology, agriculture, etc. They're incapable of industrialized society. All they know is eating, sleeping, shitting and fucking. And violence.
This guy needs to make contact with the third rail, but I'm not sure even the rats would want to eat his charred flesh. Probably tastes like crack!
ReplyDeleteTIL Racism is still alive in Chicago. Where as the man should have kept his comments to himself about the man. The other gentleman should not have yelled. However when times are tough people do get upset. It has little to do with black or white, it has a lot to do with economic times and inequality of the races in social classes.
ReplyDeleteThe person at 12:49 who says it has "little to do with black or white" must have been living on another planet all these years.
ReplyDeleteIt has everything to do with race in this town, home of the infamous Jackson family and Farrakhan. It's all about gimme gimme and hassle whites. What do you mean, the guy shouldn't have made any comments? These blacks are the ones creating noise and bothering people. More people should speak up about these lowlifers; they're tired of the whole mess.
saw this guy the other day. He is a large guy with clip board, going on about needing a dollar or anychange so he can get a 7 day pass...reasonably dressed and looking like he has a purpose. After he left the train carriage, I got off the train, saw him at Chicago n State, I offered him the two bus cta cards I had left, which had maybe 50C on each..he snatched them from me without saying thank you and went on. He comes across as aggressive and mentally ill.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to help homeless people then donate to a shelter. Giving them anything outside of it doesn't change patterns. They'll beg for food a block away from a soup kitchen and people won't even know it when they give them handouts.
ReplyDeleteAs for the muhdikk thing, yeah it's certifiably true. But it's not "once you go black, you never go back" as black men are fond of saying. It's "once you go back, you're a single mother."
ReplyDeleteHe says that he needs money , or a job. I wonder why he doesn't just go and apply for a job at Harold's Chicken Shack.
ReplyDeleteYa know! There are TONS of "service" worker jobs in this town but they're "above" them with their big sloppy schlongs (that can't get hard). Ever see them in porn? Gross! Even the White women are rolling their eyes. They call them "stuffers". Hilarious. Obama hasn't saved ya yet. He doesn't care either.
ReplyDeleteP.S. White freak of nature basketball players have those big sloppy schlongs that can't get hard too!
And you people here still thinking you're going to fight guns with "pepper spray"? Delusional in your "world class city". Might as well have a can of Aqua Net like they think will fight them off on Halsted St.
ReplyDeleteAND, if they got a "White woman", she's obese and ugly ----- but they got a "White one" and she dun "got a skinny, ahem, man" (to prove that she CAN by any means necessary). Check Taylor, MI - fat, ugly white-trash woman gets a non-obese black man, in the drivers seat of his '96 Buick cuz he lost his license and can't get no inshowance. Very well observed. O.J. don't count. She got sick of him "goin' all ethnic up in here, up in here" too....and look what happened.
ReplyDeleteI'm out. A Black man just hit me up in a chat room (as they do). Maybe he does have a Morehouse PHD but a black man in Shitcago? Hellz Nah!
What did he do with that 100K???? Wait.....maybe he spent it on all those white women that were just DYING for his GIGANTIC black dick! I've RARELY seen a white woman less than 300lbs with a black guy. The only thing a nigger can get that's white and skinny is a newport.
ReplyDeleteYa know......I've actually occasionally seen this guy on the train too. I've been living in the city for over 3 years now, and I'm sorry, but it doesn't take that long to find a job. However, why WOULD you get a job if you could just get hand outs from suckers. I've seen people pull out 10's and 20's for some of these beggars. They most likely make more than minimum wage in a few short hours, or before there reported to an attendant.
Welcome to the Chicago Zoo. Don't feed the animals.
ReplyDeleteRound them up and send them to places like India, Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, anywhere where there is extreme poverty and make them volunteer for a year as their punishment, rather then giving them 3 squares & a cot on the taxpayers dime. Make them do their "probation" over there in a volunteer capacity. Perhaps when they come back, they will appreciate what they have here. Ever wonder why Singapore has the lowest crime rate in the world? Their punishment is severe with no repeat offenders because of it. Clearly we aren't doing it right. There is no reason on earth why we are being held captive by people like this brute except they aren't concerned with getting arrested or their punishment. If people are or have become racist, it's because of lowlifes like this in our face intimidating and terrorizing us.
ReplyDeleteIt's hilarious to me that people still try to say that skin color is not an issue and even refer to this ape as a gentleman. Get your idealistic head out of your ass and face the world. Niggers want to destroy civilized society. READ: WHITE SOCIETY
ReplyDeletewhat does he mean "people like you"?
ReplyDeleteWOW, the comments on this article are absolutely atrocious. I can not believe that so many unintelligible, bigoted individuals reside here in this city but even more unfathomable is the audacity to post them on an open forum as this.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 11/27/11 9:52PM
ReplyDeleteSimple, the citizens of Chicago are tired by the thugs (like the one in that Youtube video) making the city's reputation bad. It's too bad that people like Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Michael Pflieger (who by the way is a White Catholic priest in the South Side) defend them because they feel they still have a chance at being "reformed".
I saw this creep scream at and intimidate a black woman who was brave enough to stand up to him. By the time I could get off the train and call for help, he was long gone. And that was a year ago. Why hasn't this s.o.b. been thrown back in jail? I'd love to see him squealing under a Taser.
ReplyDeleteI work my butt off keeping black panhandlers out of Rogers Park. Everytime I get them sent to Negro University, fresh ones pops up.
ReplyDeleteThey need to re-criminalize panhandling. No spook has the right to sit on their butt outside a store or restaurant thrusting a filthy cup in some human's face. You are not my "brotha", you filthy ape, and the sooner you learn that the better.
They can get into the system like everybody else or better yet, &*ck off and die.
That nigga just a crack head hes bought rocks off me before lmao