Between 3 a.m. and 4 a.m., two men entered the 7-Eleven at 201 East Ohio Street, near Ohio and North St. Clair Streets.
An initial police dispatch report indicated the men stole cigarettes and “wrecked the place”.
The shoplifters were described as two male blacks.
One offender is approximately 6-feet-tall, has facial hair or a beard, and was wearing a tan jacket.
The second suspect is about 5’6” and was sporting a blue puffy coat.
A responding officer confirmed the men stole cigarettes, but the officer did not mention any property damage.
No arrests were made. Police are investigating.
Stuff like this is why white people flee to safer areas in this state. Chicago and surrounding areas are infested with these black scum bags.
ReplyDeleteto 1016 am - unfortunately, there are less & less areas in the city that are truly safe.
ReplyDeleteNorthside neighborhoods that are in the vicinity of the red line are getting terrorized right now by south side ghetto bangers who realize it's better to be thieves up there bc 1) the people up there have better stuff, and 2) they are less likely to happen upon a rival banger that will cap their ass bc they are wearing the wrong color or made the wrond hand signal.
I live very close to this 7-11 (I'm on McClurg by Grand). In the past three years, two buildings called The Streeter I & II opened up, and are subsidized housing, meaning 20% section 8. Guess what happened? Besides virtually all the cars that parks regularly in the Streeter garages being broken into & vandalized, besides the fact that the Streeters had to stop nearly all amenities bc the Section 8 people just stole everything, besides the fact that businesses like that & the other 7-11, Un-Cork It liquor store, Fox & Obel grocery store (basically, any storefront in walking distance that is not housed entirely in a luxury high rise) are constantly getting windows broken & ransacked, there has been a major uptick in violent crime here.
Now, the Peshtigo is going in, with 20% Section 8, one block east of there, and Golub is about to break ground on a new building directly across McClurg from the Streeters that will also be 20% section 8. So this nice, relatively safe, beautiful neighborhood built by & for people like me (who make a lot of money, want to live in luxury, and pay through the nose in terms of property prices, taxes & condo dues) now have to deal with lowlife welfare thugs who don't work & simply want to take, take, take.
My wife & I are actively pursuing job opportunities out of state because, well, we're sick of this crap. If I wanted to live with poor people, I would just move to the south or west sides of town. In the meantime, I just make sure to have very good insurance with a low dedecutible on my car because, even though I park in secured underground parking in my condo building that has no welfare people in it, there has been a rash of property crimes against vehicles in my garage, too.
Oh, also, my wife is friends with the manager of those buildings, who has told us how on literally every occasion that a Section 8 tenant moves out, they steal everything that came with the unit - all the appliances (including refridgerators & diswashers), all the build in cabintery, even the plumbing from under the sink, and in more than one case, the front door.
I've been to the suburbs here in my price range. You've got thugs dispersed everywhere in/outside Chicago. Everywhere. I can't afford Winnetka, Schaumburg was not for me (read their crime reports too) and just about everything was too close to Section 8, etc., etc.
ReplyDeleteI've heard over and over again here "oh well, every city here has it's 'bad" side'". Here yes. Other states, no. The lakefront is the only draw to Chicago and every "neighborhood" along it is a mess. Fleeing the state is the answer.
The version of "diversity" here boggles my mind. Happy Rainbows, Illinois.
...and I have access to "claims" information. You've got a real mess going on in just about this entire "Chicagoland". Whatever you leaders did here just wasn't the answer. And to pay these taxes? It's just short of rape.
ReplyDeleteuntil I read this, I had no idea that yet more section 8 housing was going up all along the lakefront and center of the residential area of the city. It explains, a shtload.
ReplyDeleteThe south side is already overburdened with section 8, the amount that downtown/ northside has is miniscule in comparison. You people think you are the only people who should have the right to not have to deal with the pathology as if other people do.
ReplyDeleteEveryone should be contacting Washington D.C and encouraging them to cut funding for HUD. Your property values/ location will not save you, u can't isolate yourself from it. Section is in the suburbs too even winnetka.
There is no escaping section8. As a landlord I can tell u section8 is everywhere, even in upscale areas of the northshore. Some areas just have a higher concentration than others. We are very scared of the liberal housing groups who routinely perform all kinds of stings, the scumbag lawyers can't wait to sue the pants off us. They are cronies of elected officials and know how to get certain information. These groups also give the people listings and secutity deposits . They encourage them to spread out. I believe section 8 should be reformed and should only be given to the elderly, disabled, and returning vets.
ReplyDeleteWe should be focused on ending or putting a huge dent in HUD. It is the source of the problem. You can't isolate section 8 as many of the people here especially the landlord has stated.
ReplyDeletePlease don't donate to the MAC Arthur foundationor any other foundation that promote economic and racial diversity. I know for a fact that the MacArthur foundation gives money to developers for subsidised units and other things.
Please contact congress and tell them to cut HUDS funding.
It's too bad it's like this here, I've lived in Detroit (well burbs of), Miami, and Boston, and only here is the section 8 housing found everywhere.
ReplyDeleteIt's like I said earlier, if I wanted to surround myself with poor people, I'd live in the shitty parts of town.
I too had no idea Section 8 was in the Streeterville area. That area is very very expensive. So the average person can't afford Streeterville, but scum bags who breed like rabits can. Only in Chicago, IL.
ReplyDeleteAnon at 4:52: Yes, after moving here from the beautiful Detroit 'burbs I first thought the dispersal of these Section 8 people might be the answer rather than concentrating them all in one area. Maybe they can assimilate and learn from others? Learned within 6 months I like the "Detroit way" better. You're over there we're over here and there is a respect when we cross boundaries.
ReplyDeleteI just contacted a VP of our company in Michigan that congratulated me on some past accomplishments. Cross your fingers. The housing prices have been adjusted there to meet the adjusted wages. It's happening here too but I'm not waiting. Getting out of here would be the best Christmas present ever.
We need to start offering one way greyhound bus tickets to get these vagrants & section 8 scum out of the city. I usually have to step over a bum in front of my overpriced condo downtown & I'm tired of it! The CPD doesn't seem to help. The mans body odor got onto my new Armani suit. Enough is enough.
ReplyDeleteSo much for "integration"...because wherever you go, there you are. What a bunch of crap that people who work hard and can afford to live in the high rent districts have to put up with the entitlement mentality of those who scream loud enough and call it racism that they can't live there. Since when do people get to live in the most expensive parts of this city for free? Nothing left to destroy on the south & west sides so now it's time to destroy the north side. As long as people continue this PC attitude, this city will be one big south side. Which, by the way, used to be a nice area.
ReplyDeleteBuy in a coop. You can pick your neighbors.
ReplyDeleteAh yes, the good old coop..legal discrimination. There aren't many left in the city but there are still a few. Too bad their assessments are so high:(
ReplyDeleteI'm the guy in Streeterville from earlier, I remember once a friend of mine from Detroit said I was racist for being opposed to forced integration via Section 8.
ReplyDeleteI told him that I wasn't being racist - I was being classist. I don't care if the welfare recipients are black, latino, asian, white, or whatever, I don't want to live near any of them.
It's absurd that people like me, who pay crazy high property taxes (and state income taxes that were just raised by 67%), so are literally the ones providing the most funding for this shit, don't have a say in keeping it out of our neighborhoods.
Again, the whole point of having a high rent district, is so I don't have to live with welfare people as my neighbors. And believe me, it's a price I'm more than willing to pay. And until recenlty, I was getting what I paid for!
I am moving to Western Michigan next week and I couldn't be happier!!!! Good riddance shitcago. This city is getting worse by the day. I live on the NW side and all the crime that goes on is unbelievable. Only 4 more days to go.
ReplyDeleteI agree my fellow Streeterville resident. I paid big bucks for my condo & I don't want to see poor folks & bums in my neighborhood. On my way to work at 8AM I frequently see them guzzling beer & staggering around. There always begging for change & when I walk my dog Poochy they frighten her. I can't even enjoy the park because they smell so bad.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 9:41 - Congrats to you but your job is not done. Fortunately, Chicagoans can no longer get 3rd/4th mortgages on their properties to buy "vacation" homes in W. Michigan and escape their madness/violence for the weekends. Let them know that, and their attitudes, won't be tolerated over there.
ReplyDeleteThey have a WHOLE waterfront of Lake MICHIGAN over here but, for whatever reason, the "other side" is better. Quite telling.
Streeterville/Downtown condo complainers? That Chicago pee smell eminating from stairways leading from Lower Wacker Dr. was reason enough for me to not rent/buy there. Did you not notice that? Sometimes I get a whiff of that in our office on street level at Michigan Ave/Lake. There are 2 "natives" in my office that have no idea what I'm talking about.