Two black men dressed like woman and a third black man in men’s clothing, forcibly took the victim’s cell phone, said police.
The two drag queens were wearing dark-colored or black leather jackets.
All three suspects, who are believed to be in their 20s, fled the scene southbound on Seminary Avenue.
At 3:12 a.m., police were touring the area, looking for the thieves.
As of 3:28 a.m., there was no indication any arrests had been made.
Photo: Google Maps.
1 cell phone for 3 people? That does not seem like desperation, that sounds like greed. I suppose they have been emboldened by their previous successful attacks. Now they are willing to rob for next to nothing, because they aren't afraid of being caught...
ReplyDeleteI wonder where these stolen cell phones end up? Some shady store buys them?? Or do the theives sell them on Ebay? If the model number is listed in the auction, it seems like it could be traced back to them.
The longer this goes on, the more brazen these thieves will become. Trust me. It won't be long before we hear about another stabbing, or possibly a shooting, in Lakeview.
ReplyDeleteIt's too bad we couldn't identify some organization that may have invited new people to the neighborhood, and **it all over it, and maybe SUE THEM INTO OBLIVION for DESTROYING BOYSTOWN.
ReplyDeletehow hard would it be to set up a sting operation?
ReplyDeleteAnon at 8:32pm. That could just escalate the inevitable downward spiral of the area. You'd also have to sue the business owners, some residents, the politicians and police for sweeping all of their problems under the rug for - years, letting it escalate to it's current(and future) level by using this COH and "youth" as a scapegoat for everything. It worked very short term.
ReplyDeleteThey've let it go this long in the sake of "diversity" and the almighty $ but it's here to stay. Nobody is going to change it at this point. I've witnessed the same situation in another non-gay identified community years ago.
Moving to the general area for the gay amenities was the last reason on my list. I would not be dissapointed at all when they will have to shut it all down and start over if wanting to create another "gay district" in Chicago. Most likely it will be somewhere quite a distance from it's current location.
Based on my observations, readings and personal experience with one, I'll bet the gay White men here hate - themselves - for being White. Meanwhile, the "community" here will still be up in arms for months about things like Dr. Laura using the "N" word while there's bloodshed on their front porches.
Happy Diversity
....and ANON - first poster: The phones end up in stanky stores like the one on the Bryn Mawr "Historic" Strip that have signs in their windows that read "We Unlock iphones For $15". Can't believe people don't notice this stuff while considering moving to a neighborhood or complaining about crime in their current one.
ReplyDeleteThese people really need to get out and experience the world a 'lil more. They're just way too cool for me.
White yuppies are just easy prey and precieved to be weaker especially homosexuals. I'm sorry if I sound insensitive and no one deserves to be attcked who hasn't done anything to anyone, but u have to look at it from the view point of a criminal. Funny I rarely if ever hear about white people in brideport, back of the yards, beverly . mt greenwood getting attcked as their northside counterparts and the thugs are closer to their backyard. Well they have more cop homeowners. That may have something to do with it , but only a lil bit.
ReplyDeleteConceal to carry now(Contact springfield)!!! Your location / money won't save u. Be a victor not a victum.
At Anon @ 3:44. You're absolutely correct. I noticed this as a GWM coming from another major urban area. As long as the gay's here continue to let it happen, it will.
ReplyDeleteMy only problem is with the word "yuppie". The stereotyping and hatred of White men here (whether gay or not)is astounding and ignorant. Who's to say that "yuppie" hasn't taken a 40% paycut or recently lost their job, waiting for their 401K disbursement check to flee this mess? Lots of assumptive stereotyping here (even amongst the gays themselves). I really think this city is in for a major, major rude awakening very, very soon.
You're not a "World Class City" anymore.
I know of many people leaving. Wonder what the entitlement mentality will do when their bread and butter is gone and the population of Chicago is similar to Detroit...900,000..and the number 1 crime ridden city in America? Never understood why these people bite the hand that feeds them. Six more months....
ReplyDeleteDetroit doesn't allow loitering like Chicago, Towanda. I have to step over vagrants in our Evanston and Loop locations but (hmmmm......for whatever reason) not in downtown Detroit. I know, let's just go hang out on the street. Nobody will question us. Ever.
ReplyDeleteLoitering is Chicago's most obvious problem. Liberalism, "bleeding hearts" no right or wrong here. I never really got into the political thing until moving here.
Most of Detroit's businesses moved to their suburbs years ago. Most of Chicago's are moving out of state. Smart move.
ReplyDeleteI agree about the loitering in this city and the PC attitude that isn't working. Being from here and seeing all the changes, mostly negative, this city is so headed in the wrong direction. We have a friend who's a cop in Pinellas Co. Florida, where they have CC and she tells us OUR crime is way worse then there...news flash...Also, people in Florida cannot be on welfare forever either and if they are on welfare, they have to take a drug test and that includes for their housing/SEC 8. We just don't get it here. Chicago caves to the people who do the least to help themselves and doesn't hold them accountable. FREE RIDE should be the city/state motto. Guess where we're moving in 6 months???? We'd rather take the heat from WEATHER then the heat from crime!
Smart move Towanda. Alabama's current legislation will have an even further negative impact on Chicago. They'll be welcomed here with open arms by the Lakefront Liberals. I'm out soon too.
"Boycott cash only businesses in Cook County"
Anybody want to buy a condo????
ReplyDeleteYou'll probably have to rent it Towanda. Hopefully you didn't take a cash-out refinance or purchase it within the last 10 years. Otherwise, your stuck. Does it have the original 1910 lead plumbing, yet granite countertops? You might get market rate rent for the next year of so.
ReplyDeleteCondo "association" not FHA approved? Fuh-getta-bout-it.
Vote with your head, not your heart. Get the loiterers off of your streets.
Drug test people for services they rely on. They fail the drug test. Services are cut off. Crime increases.
To Oct 22 at 623 pm - so what you're saying is, welfare people have us by the balls? Now THAT's brilliant.
ReplyDeleteYou know what really is brilliant? Undoing section 8, and throwing all people whose housing is paid for into high rises in concentrated areas (preferably, far away from the downtown & wealthy areas). Kind of like how it used to be done - there is nothing wrong with segregating people by class (virutally every city in the US does that, except Chicago).
If those people don't like it, they can work hard to get out - in the US, you have free K - 12 education. Go to school, pay attention, graduate, then take advantage of one of the myriad of programs that cover all tuition, room & board & books costs of a college or university (even if the person starts at a community college).
Also, virtually anybody can enlist in the military & get free education, housing, meals, job training, etc, and better themselves that way.
What doesn't make sense is continuing the nanny state. As more people figure out your "brilliant" idea, we will only have more people who are going on the public roles. Also, if you don't think that the percentage of people who commit violent crimes (like armed robberies), and quality of life crimes (like drug-dealing, prostitution, and even loitering) is significantly higher amongst those receiving welfare, than those who do not, you are fooling yourself. They take advantage of the free housing & medical care knowing that they don't have to work a legit job, all the while working in the black market to bring in income. Now THAT'S brilliant!