Monday, June 6, 2011

Police: Woman robbed at gunpoint in DePaul neighborhood

At 9:24 a.m., police were notified of a robbery in Chicago’s DePaul neighborhood, an enclave in Lincoln Park.

According to the news flash, a woman on the 2300 block of North Janssen Street, near Janssen and Belden, was robbed at gunpoint in her garage.

The purported offender was described a thin black man with “big lips” and no facial hair.

The alleged crook, who is believed to be in early twenties, was wearing a gray or dark-colored hooded sweatshirt.

Authorities said the suspect stole several items from the woman and fled in an unknown direction.

No arrests have been made.

Police are investigating.


  1. what is an unknown direction? funny how you were able to focus on the lips but not the direction. FREAk

  2. It means the victim doesn't know which way the offender went.

  3. Gee, anyone wanna bet that the offender got on the first El train going southbound?

  4. Actually, the perpetrator was likely to have returned home to the section H projects on the corner of Ashland and Fullerton, 1 block away, which has been the source of most of the criminal activity in this area for 20 years. Hmmmmmmm.

  5. Staff, how do you report a persons lip size and not know which way they ran. so your point was what? who cares which way they went, they got away. good she was not hurt though.

  6. Chicago News Report Staff said: It means the victim doesn't know which way the offender went.

  7. Yes, that was my thought; the punk came from the section 8 at Ashland and Fullerton. There have been 3 incidents in the past several weeks 1) the black male punk who snatched the purse on the Fullerton EL platform and pushed a woman to her death then fled west bound on Fullerton, 2) One of my tenants was mugged and purse stolen at Southport and Fletcher 2 weeks ago (young black male wearing a hoody), and 3) the incident on Jansen. It all sounds like the same perpetrator? I hope the cops are looking at that section 8 on Ashland for this person.

  8. do you want section 8 because that's all you keep saying. if you know who it is why don't YOU go get him. you seem to know what he was wearing, where he ran, go get him good person and stop flapping them lips.


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