Tuesday, July 26, 2011

CPD performance report includes dead police officer

Officer Michael Bailey.
Second City Cop, a Chicago police blog, has published shocking internal documents that allegedly encourage "quota-based policing".

Much worse than that, one document that reportedly list the names and badge numbers of officers with low productivity, includes a police officer that was killed a year ago.

The "Officer Activity" report was issued by Chief Tina Skahill of the Office of Compliance on July 12, 2011.

The report supposedly documents police productivity from July 1, 2011 to July 6, 2011.

At the top of the "Officer Activity" report sits slain officer Micheal Bailey, who was killed July of 2010.

Several people, including Tina Skahill, signed off on the report and seemingly failed to notice the document included a dead police officer. 

The report was then forwarded to First Deputy Superintendent, Alphonza Wysinger; Deputy Superintendent Bureau of Control, Ernest T. Brown; and Chief Eugene E. Williams with the Bureau of Control.

Here's what Second City Cop said about the report, "...this is proof positive that the rating system is nothing more than a numbers counting game which will eventually lead to "quota based" policing, we're royally pissed off at the content of the report."

It looks like someone has some explaining to do. 

Chicago Police Department performance report includes dead officer, Michael Bailey.

1 comment:

  1. Including a deceased person on the list sure doesn't make those compiling the list look very competent.
    However, all jobs have evaluation systems of one sort or another. They want to know what the workers are doing. In this case they want to know if their employees are actually doing something or if they are spending their shifts just socializing with the locals. I would hope the evaluation process emphasizes quality over quantity, i.e., actions against burglars and robbers weighing more heavily than just the number of tickets issued to cigarette smokers.


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