Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Man Shot in West Englewood Neighborhood

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This evening, a man was shot on Chicago’s south side.

The shooting occurred at 7044 South Hermitage Avenue in Chicago’s West Englewood neighborhood.

Witnesses said the shooters, both African-American men, were last seen running westbound through an alley on Hermitage, going towards South Wood Street.

According to an officer at the scene, the shooting victim, who was shot in the leg and shoulder, appeared to be in “good condition”.

A motive for the shooting was not disclosed.

1 comment:

  1. What is wrong with this picture? The bad guys get to carry guns and we, the good guys can't? How in the world are we suppose to defend ourselves against these ghetto thugs? Backpacks, purses/messenger bags, pepperspray..put something HEAVY in those bags and get some pepperspray, it's better than nothing...but not by much:(


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