Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Same-sex Civil Union Bill Passes Illinois Senate - Without Sen. James Meeks' Vote

Today,  the Senate voted 32 to 24 in favor of same-sex unions in Illinois. To make it official, all that’s needed is Governor Pat Quinn’s signature.

Soon, the LGBT community in the Midwest state, will be able to take advantage of  the same legal benefits afforded straight, married couples.

Although this a major cause for celebration, not everyone is giddy over gay marriage in Illinois.

State Sen. James Meeks voted against the bill. But what did we expect from a man whose church featured a gay ghost with AIDS, as part of its Halloween festivities? And let’s not forget, Meeks is the same character who said, if elected Mayor, he’d be too busy running the city to deny the LGBT community its civil rights.

But the rain on same-sex union parade doesn’t end with Meeks. I have spoken to several gay men in Chicago, who seem to have a negative opinion of the same-sex, civil union bill‘s passage.

“Great! Now the divorce rate is really going to go up!” said one openly gay man. “Most gay men don’t stay in relationships long enough to learn their partner’s last names,” said another.

While they are entitled to their opinions, I think they're missing the point. This bill isn’t about the people in the LGBT community who don’t want to get married, it’s about those who do. It’s about choice and equality.



  1. Thank You Timothy, for printing this front & center. Having been with the same partner for 15 years, I am sure we have surpassed many marriages in the straight world. However, I don't "need" a piece of paper to tell me I'm in a committed long term "marriage". We do need it to be able to speak for and make decisions about health care if it's needed so, with that piece of paper, we can. Sad that in a country that was founded by people trying to avoid religious persecution, that's EXACTLY what we do here today, we persecute. Those same "christians" will than pick & choose what they like out of the bible to use for their own agenda. Last I checked this was American, land of the "free" and the 21st century. YIPPEE for us!

  2. towanda, I have heard countless stories where one partner dies, and the family that never spoke to them while they were alive, comes in and takes all of their possessions.

    Everyone in this country deserves equal protection under the law. Everyone.

  3. James Meeks is EXACTLY the type of "christian" that picks & chooses like I mentioned in my comment above. He is a pretty hateful, hypocritical person and will be judges accordingly..that is if he BELIEVES what he preaches..which I doubt. If this man is running for Mayor, it's a scary thought indeed!

  4. Meeks doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell of becoming mayor of Chicago.

  5. This country is going to hell in a hand-basket. Legalizing deviant behavior will be the downfall of our nation.

  6. Homosexuality is a sin. It's in the Bible. Our legislators are taking this country to hell with their EVIL liberal ways. REPENT!

  7. Oh and one other thing Anon. Perhaps you better read the rest of the articles on this blog because, if in fact, as you stated this country is going to hell in a handbasket, it started way BRFORE this was made a law. Oops, guess you didn't see all the articles about murder and robbery huh? I suppose you think legalizing civil unions created all that?? Way to have an open mind! Way to teach hatred and oh, welcome to the 21st century where we don't walk around with pilgrim hats on any longer.

  8. Anon says "It's in the Bible". Another example of people picking and choosing scripture from the Bible for their OWN agenda. How about the 10 Commandments? They're in the Bible as well. Let's see, #3) The lords name in vain(that would be swearing) #4) Keep the Sabbath Holy(That would mean going to church) #5) Honor Mom & Dad(that would be to listen to them, among many other things) And I really like this one #6) THOU SHALT NOT KILL(need I say more) Here's another good one #7) Thou shalt not commit Adultery(don't have to add anything to that) another good one #8) Thou shalt not steal(Everyone forgets this one) #9) Thou shalt not LIE and finally #10) Thou shalt not covet. You can quote the Bible all you want but you, like many many other holy rollers forget the very basics of the Bible..the above mentioned commandments. If, as you say, Gay people are a sin and going to HELL, than it kinda looks like there won't be a lot of people in heaven because..DUH..we all break the 10 commandements on a daily basis! I'm not a religious person, I've had enough of religion and holy rollers to last me a life time and because I know what I speak of, I've seen more hypocrites than TRUE believers. Hmm, seems Jesus said to love one another and to treat others as you would like to be treated. How interesting that these very simple words are so often not mentioned when quoting the Bible. Think what a great world we would have if just these too verses' were practiced EVERY day!

  9. (Not the same Anonymous)

    The Bible sucks. It is nothing. It is words retards like you take to mean whatever they like.


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