Photos taken from various online profiles seem to suggest accused murderer Qawmane Wilson was living the high life with his dead mother's money.
After orchestrating the Uptown business owner's assassination, 24-year-old Qawmane Wilson, also known as Young QC, gained access to a huge chunk of money, according to various sources.
Citing the Chicago Tribune, Wilson plundered his mother's bank account, which contained $90,000.00. Other assets were attained through Yolanda Holmes' life insurance policies.
Authorities say Wilson hired 22-year-old Eugene Spencer of the 6100 block of South Rockwell Street to murder his mother and 23-year-old Loriana Johnson of the 300 block of East 131st Place, drove the getaway car.
Back in April of 2013, an anonymous Chicago News Report reader blew this case wide open when he or she revealed that Yolanda Holmes' son, Qawmane Wilson, hired someone to kill his mother. Eight months later, Wilson was arrested.
Some time after his mother's death, Wilson videotaped himself going to a local Chase bank, withdrawing thousands of dollars, and throwing the money in the street.
the video of him withdrawing the money and throwing it around isn't removed. It's still on Youtube and other webpages.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip.
ReplyDeleteMiss Gang Smashers said:
ReplyDeleteYeah I saw this on his FaceBook Account as YoungQC! Very disgusting! He is definitely a MONSTER and SOCIOPATH!
You never see wannabee Country Western guys or Dubstep guys or heavy metal guys or anything else but (c)rappers do this kind of shit.
ReplyDeleteWhere does it say he was/is a rapper? Did you READ the article?
DeleteThe story about this jackass is everywhere, and they say he is a rapper/actor. Most spooks are.
DeleteHow stupid you are to think all rappers are like this so i guess we can say all whites are dope heads ,crack smoking ,cocaine snorting nasty ass freaks that have sex with their own family members including the dog,cat, horse and what ever esle. I can't stand stupid people like u the world would be much better if we put a hit out on people like you. Now who is spooked!
DeleteDon't think anyone said anything about the rappers being white, black, orange or races were brought into the conversation until you said something. Hmmmm
DeletePlease dont put this on rap! This dude is crazy as hell!
DeleteLets not count all the mass shootings and murders commited by whites. Since your really insinuating race. Your a moron.
DeleteSo the one guy can say most "spooks are" a spook is a term used by racist white men and women. 90% or serial killers, rapist, murderers, etc the media got yall thinking all rap and blacks are bad when it's these crackers that try to hid all the shit they do and send a camera to the hod to interview a dumb black man but I never see them in the trailer parks funny huh
Deletewell thats definitly a lie
DeleteActually most honky ass poor white trash always do this kind of shit... its ur m.o. due to ur disillusioned belief of entitlement and ur whoremongering greedy ways. Thank yourselves "mighty whitey"... for being thee most disgustingly sickest most evil species on the entire planet. Dead set against Yahweh as an abomination to Him and anything good. Since The beginning of time u have robbed pillaged murdered raped used abused civilizstion ...u mountain breeders will and are paying!!! Its just sad we are becoming more like u being around u too long!! Send us back to Africa but when u do send us with our honor language culture intelligence n ingenuity etc....!! Build a nation n raise ur own babies!!! Then call us murderer's coons niggers n whatever else u can come up with...IDIOT!
DeleteLook like you're the racist here. Im just saying look in the mirror before you miss judge someone and make yourself look stupid.
DeleteActually the Colombine Murderers listened to
DeleteMarilyn Mason, and wasn't Charles Mandón a rock singer?
Maybe he was listening to Eminen who has a history of making songs pertaining to killer his own mother.
DeleteBlack ppl are the dumbest humans on earth swea bitch nobody wants to live in Africa I'm fine right here in America.. Always Turing something into racist shit ignorant as fuck bitch we killing each other white ppl don't have to do bitch stop being dumb all your fucking slave head life stupid bitches
DeleteIf you go to YouTube and put in Young QC in the search, you'll get his "music videos"
ReplyDelete Once you get there you will also be treated to his acting skills through the YouTube series "The Nick Story" Yeah he was a legend in his own mind.
I'm really scratching my head about the money though. I know he got 90k from liquidating his mom's accounts, and a couple of life insurance policies, but damn. He was throwing that money around (literally) and buying about 4 luxury cars, funding his low budget, no talent video's, buying expensive jewelry and clothes....It's like he was left millions, not a couple hundred thousand, or whatever. He couldn't have been left THAT much money. Especially since he had to give some to the other people who were in on the murder. I'm really surprised he had any left.
Maybe he was getting
DeleteMoney from his Mother's salon?
How would you know how much the policies were the for? You are just assuming a young black female salon owner could not have a million(s) dollar insurance policy?
DeleteSome people collect insurance like stamps and coins. Fairly cheap to do if one is young and/or healthy enough.
DeleteThis is a very sad story. For a son to do this to his mother is heartbreaking.
ReplyDeleteTo the author of this should be April 2013 when the tip was given not April 2012. Just an FYI as April 2012 would've been prior to the murder.
The person that said something about spooks which is another name for Blacks, is the one that brought into the issue. I see they have deleted the blogs from 2012, but it appeared that somebody was indicating her low-life son in her murder back then, and his aunt Nay, Nay, was defending him. I know she did not want to believe that her nephew had done that to his mama and her sister but at this point, she has no other choice but to believe and accept it. Let's face it, he is going to get life in prison. He will NEVER see the streets again, never drive a car again, never have money to THROW around again and he will never see his mother again. It may not have hit him yet but once it SINKS IN, he is going to be a very sorry sob but it is to late now. I am quite sure his psychopath a@@ daddy feels the same way, but it is too late now.
The bank was at 4114 W. Madison St.
ReplyDeleteNow why go all the way there to make a withdrawal from a Chase account?
They must be used to gang bangers with large amounts of cast there.
He cute and all but really dude over some money you would kill your mama I will never look at u the same and did I say you discuss me you was cute but now you just
ReplyDeleteNeed some help I hope your mom hunt u in your sleep
What is being cute have to do with what this BOY did? Lil lady, stop calling him "cute" because his "cute" isn't seeing the light of day outside possibly for the rest of his life!
DeleteBitch yall don't own him prison do and ppl can say wat df they want dumb ass
DeleteOh please why does this become a race issue? Evil is evil, and it, just like love, has no color. Did this boy kill his mama because of the love of money? I hope he recognizes what he did and has the opportunity to ask God for forgiveness. He'll need it.
ReplyDeleteRight usually ppl need their mom's when locked up he's a dead man walking
DeleteThe boy needed not just a father, but older male figures in his life that could have pointed him in the right direction. This is just the karma that has been created as a result
ReplyDeleteHis little pretty ass is not rapping in prison. He's crying and bending over like the Bitch he really is!
ReplyDelete..his little ass would be beatin' black n blue.. he'd be one dead lil nigga.. parents to start beating their kids asses again and puttin' the fear of God into them. :P
ReplyDeleteDude put's hit out on mother to drain her funds and insurance benefits from her death. She is murdered. He flaunts the insurance money. He gets caught. See this is what the media, years of materialism based entertainment, and a culture of hedonism produces. But I hear ya, media has no influence on culture-right!?
ReplyDeleteHit the nail on the head. He obviously needed to be validated by showing what a "baller" he was. What a joke! And to kill his own mother to achieve it...sad. a business owner at that. This guy is clearly criminally insane.
DeleteU fools! Obviously he's got more than insurance money. I wish I could beat your face in u spook calling mother bleep, bleep! I'd be his celly just to rearrange your mouth, to permanently shut! Lmao
ReplyDeleteProve it. I don't believe shit the media or police dept has to offer
ReplyDeleteFake ass people believe anything u hear. Inoccent till priven guilty. Even then you can get the wrong mf convicted.
ReplyDeletethis fake wannabe killed his mother so he can show everyone he's on another level with his music? this is about the culture and lifestyle of hip hop. it's not a race thing because black, white, latino and asian kids are all apart of the hip hop lifestyle. the only difference is that the white and asian kids have their access to their parents' money, latino kids work for their money and the black kids don't always have parents with money or access to the jobs that allow them to earn money. so this is how they get money: they rob, steal, kill, sell drugs. this is why the majority of the prisons and jails are filled with black youth. whoever reads this, take it how you want, but I'm not spewing racist shit just a sociological perspective to this.
ReplyDeleteHere in the Detroit area a wealthy white kid killed his dad with a baseball bat and beat his mom & little brother half to death to get cash for bath salts & potpourri drugs.... So there is always levels to folks so called "sociological" theories.
DeleteIm a young blacc male who's stay in Columbus Ohio! In my eyes this isn't bout what race he was nor what music he listen too. This is about a stupid ass ungrateful lil boy, and the root of all evil (Money)!!! Me personally im only a year older than dude.. I grew up my mom was on drugs,pops was in the Feds all my life! Yea I done did some bs for money! But kill ur mother?? That $hit don't make no sense!!! Growing up the way I did,ppl would do anything to see there mom do better or alive!!! So u can't say it's becuz of the music or the color of his skin... Its bcuz dude is really disturb in the head!!!! Nobody should wanna see there mom go 6 feet under! White or Blacc!!!
DeleteDidn't Eminem write a song about cutting his Mom's tits off with a chainsaw?
ReplyDeleteWhatever happened to fun stuff like Mc Hammer?
Tell me about it..... Smh
Deletefunny how motherfuckers throw the race card in this sad and unfortunate situation, first this has nothing to do with music or race but a sick and twisted person that would of did anything to be on top. yes he was black but you got white ppl shooting up schools and killing kids. you have Chinese leaders killing off whole villages, indian ppl blowing up thousands of innocent ppl. it dont matter what your race or the music you listen to it has everything to do with the decisions ppl make, and in time they will be judge for their actions. if you ask me just worry about raising your kids or brother or some young kid from the hood and stay in his or her ear to do good and work hard and be a positive role model to him or her.
ReplyDeletethis is sad and all but i bet we will see more of this white folk behavior from the black folks.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter brought this case to my attention, and I now have to be suspicious of her because this is was a act motivated by greed and materialism which is synonomous with the rap culture. These kids are popping extasy pills, smoking blunts and listening to gangster rap and therefore are generally out there fucking mind. Watch these damn crack babies! They fucked up and don't have any moral conscience.
ReplyDeleteThey gonna fuck the air outta him... I bet he had 2 abortions by now #smh
ReplyDeleteThats some Foul $hit put a hit on your mother then give a way her Benjamins like Floyd Mayweather. this a$$hole is sick never need to enter society again.