When a commuter, described as an elderly, homeless man, couldn't or wouldn't pay his fare, two passengers violently threw him off the bus.
Video of the shocking incident was uploaded to YouTube on February 16, 2013, by someone using the screen name Blockdude6446.
According to Blockdude6446, here's what happened:
"I was on my way home from baseball practice and this man got on the bus.
He could not pay and refused to get off. A few passengers decided to help him off the bus.
After being thrown off he decided to stand in front of the bus.
After 15 mins of holding up the bus, the police came and forced him out if the way."
I got one for you, CNR:
This woman is a endless nuisance on the #36 and the #151.
In fact, most people who ride any bus that travels through Edgewater and Uptown seemed to originate in the depths of Mordor. Such pain in the ass people.
Kudos to the passengers (probably just trying to get to WORK!).
ReplyDeleteI've seen this sort of sh!t all the time. Thankfully I go to work really early, usually around 6 am, so after the late night trouble makers have gone home, but before the homeless wake up & are kicked out of the shelters for the day.
ReplyDeleteBut plenty of times I've seen this or a similar scene. They get on, usually the last one at a stop, as the bus is about to pull out. They pretend to be looking for fare money in their pockets or sometimes will keep putting expired cards into the reader. After getting to the next stop, they will either start shouting that they don't have the $$ for fare (and often some dumb lib will pay their fare), or they start arguing with the driver and get forced off. Then, they stand right in front of the bus for several minutes until the cops come.
"World class city" my ass. The inmates are running the asylum here, they know if anyone worth suing (read: white or the city) touches them, they call the cops & the nuisance litigators.
Here's another shocker: You can see it's about 1:30 in the afternoon on the LCD at the front of the bus. Like I mentioned above, this happens during the day, after waking up & eating breakfast, but before the shelter re-opens in the evening. They just ride around all day on the bus.
ReplyDeleteGood to see that bum thrown off. He should of got arrested for "theft of service". I'm sick of these winos trying to get free rides & holding up the bus. I take 151 daily & see it all the time. I bet he won't try that again.
ReplyDelete"World class public transportation" rates "OK" between the hours of 6-9am and about 4-6pm. Outside of those hours, this is what you deal with....and worse.
ReplyDeleteUsually around noon they're just getting out of bed to F-up anything for everybody else. They must go home for dinner and a nap during the 4-6pm rush hour then it's back to chaos about 9pm. Well noticed phenomenon if you were duped into getting rid of your car in $hitcago (don't do it).
I sold my car and ride a bike everywhere. 10x better than paying absurd gas prices, insurance, and maintenance. not to mention I beat the.cta everywhere I go
DeleteWhat right do these people have to assault this man in such a manner? Vigilantism is not justice.
ReplyDeletehaha that old faggot got thrown on his ass!
ReplyDeleteA faggot is a bundle of sticks. You're a moron.
DeleteWhat right does that man have to annoy and/or harass people?
ReplyDeleteThe cops showed up and forced the bum to move. That shows whose side the law is on.
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many men that bum caused to be late or were otherwise put off schedule.
ReplyDeleteA faggot is a bunch of sticks. Yeah, and that faggot got tossed off the bus in the proper manner for a worthless bundle of sticks.
ReplyDeleteIgnorant jackass. How's it feel to know you'll never leave your parents basement?
DeleteOh there's that word "ignorant" again! WOW nobody's tired of that. It actually means lacking in information but it's been so overused by the left for everything they disagree with that no one even listens to them anymore. Shut the fuck up already! You're the broke loser that still depends on your parents for everything.
ReplyDeleteYes, you are lacking in information based on your use of the word faggot. It's obvious you're not smart in the least bit. Makes sense to me.
Delete....anyway, being it's $hitcago, if the races were reversed in this video, the comments would be very, very, very different.
ReplyDeleteif the races were reversed in this video, the comments would be very, very, very different
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head. Black people here have successfully turned the narrative from being able to call out the significant percentage of their population that is worthless ghetto trash, to calling out anyone who isn't black as a racist if that person dares say something bad about a schfartze.
Thankfully, it was all darkies in this encounter, including the bus driver.
Hopefully next time he cracks his skull on the sidewalk and dies on on sight.
ReplyDelete@4:17pm - the point is...even the self-loathing White-guilt lakefront liberals that have probably posted here supporting the action in this video would be in utter dismay if the bum were black and probably stage a protest.
ReplyDeleteHe brought that on to himself........fuckin lazy bum..
ReplyDeleteSad world. Sadder reading the vile comments beneath this. None of you know what's around the corner. Stinking attitudes towards societies most vulnerable people. If you don't like homelessness it won't go away, it would be easier to help others instead of judging them. What a sick bunch of people on that bus and in this comment section. Shame on you.