Saturday, March 16, 2013

Report: Cabdriver involved in Rogers Park hit and run

A taxicab allegedly struck a pedestrian in Chicago’s Far North Side Rogers Park neighborhood and kept going.

The incident happened around 10:49 p.m. on the 7000 block of North Clark Street, near Clark and Lunt, said authorities. 

According to police dispatch, one 911 call indicated the hit and run victim was hanging on to the side of the vehicle, as the driver fled the scene. 

Police described the offending vehicle as a black and white, or white minivan-styled taxi. 

The driver was last seen going northbound from the scene of the incident. 

A cop at the scene said the incident was the result of a dispute between the cabby and the pedestrian.

Citing police dispatch reports, the so-called victim refused medical treatment and refused to make a formal complaint.  

Photo credit: Google


  1. So just west of here at about 9:15 or so, I was driving south on Ridge south of Touhy when I came upon quite a scene.

    A giant black woman was battling two cops who had her on the ground and were trying to arrest her. No surprise there. However, after I passed the scene, at least 10 cop cars + a paddy wagon went screaming in that direction in the next minute or two, telling me something much bigger had happened. Maybe someone on the loose.

    Anyway CNR, can you shed some light on this?

  2. There was a domestic battery call at Ridge and Estes, around 9:27 p.m.

    A woman was arrested and police removed at least one child from a nearby apartment.

    The woman you saw police tussling with, accused the officers of stepping on her back... and according to one source, she later claimed she was having chest pains and requested medical attention.

    Multiple cars were called to the scene, because the woman was extremely combative.

  3. Big Mama gunna git huh case $$$$! Den she gunna buy a Benz wit sum rims an a Andrianna fur. Who says money doesnt buy class?

  4. Don't forget to tip your cab drivers. They may run you over the next day.

  5. Thanks for the update, CNR, on the altercation I saw last night.

    When I drove past, she was on the ground, very agitate, two officers were on top of her trying to subdue her and get the handcuffs on.

    I have no sympathy for her, when a police officer orders you to stand down, you do. If you keep fighting with them, they will have to take measures to calm you down.

    Also, she was fucking huge. I totally get why she would have claimed chest pains, bc 1) she was at least 300 lbs, and 2) these chimps know what to say to get Loevy & Loevy to help them exploit the system for money.


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