Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rogers Park: White man soliciting with black boy, prompts 911 call

Saturday night, cops were on the lookout for a “suspicious” white man --- in the company of a young black boy --- allegedly selling candy in Rogers Park.

Around 9 p.m., a security guard on the 7000 block of North Clark Street made a suspicious person call to 911.

According to police dispatch, the security guard became concerned when he spotted a white male in his 20s selling candy with an 8-year-old black boy in tow.

Officers canvassed the area, and according to a cop at the scene, other citizens saw the odd, salt n’ pepper duo in area of Clark and Pratt, around 8:30 p.m.

As of 9:55 p.m., there was no indication authorities made contact with the subjects.

Other news from Rogers Park: 

At approximately 8:58 p.m., authorities were called to the 1700 block of West Pratt Boulevard when a strange man was seen knocking on random doors asking for money.

Citing police dispatch reports, the subject, described as a black man wearing a blue jacket and a cap, said he needed the money for “insulin.”

Shortly after 9 p.m., two males riding in an older model, silver-colored car with blue headlights, chased a woman to the Howard Red Line station, said police.

The woman was walking along the sidewalk, when the vehicle pulled up to her, said police.

It's unclear if the men tried to abduct the woman.

Authorities described the driver is a white male or a black male with a very light complexion.

The passenger is a black male, who was wearing a hat.

The suspects were last seen driving westbound on Howard... presumably, from Paulina.


  1. Typical whitey, molesting children like its their job.

  2. Typical blackey, molesting children like its their job.

  3. Typical chanky, molesting children like its their job.


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