Friday, March 15, 2013

Abandoned wetsuits found in Uptown

Friday night, police were called to a location in Chicago's North Side Uptown neighborhood after a caller reported several expensive items laying on the ground.

Around 9:47 p.m., a woman discovered five diver's wetsuits laying on the grass near the intersection of North Marine Drive and West Gunnison Street, said police.

According to authorities, the woman who reported the items, estimated their value at $2000.00, a piece.

Citing police dispatch reports, the 911 caller didn't see anyone in the area when she made the discovery.

We're guessing the local thugs had no idea how valuable the items are... because if they knew how much they are worth....


  1. Probably a rubber fetish festival thang at one of the gay bars and they decided to trade them in for their midnight gowns.

    1. You know wet suits aren't rubber right..

  2. .....and the caller just "transplanted" to Uptown from Dubuque, Kalamazoo or Schompton to become cultured. Boy will she have some stories to tell when going home for Thanksgiving.

    1. and there goes the unwanted old queen who isn't from Chicago rambling about transplants like he is some holier than thou out of towner. Everybody is from somewhere jackass, including YOU

  3. ^ Sho 'nuff ain't from that hellhole. Never would claim to be either.

  4. .....and nothing "bitter" here. Damn, we know how to have fun outside $hitcago. Sure beats sitting in the window of Starbucks day/in and day/out hoping to get noticed like you. It's very odd. And sad.

  5. Neoprene suits are worth some good money. I agree that whoever stole those was a small time crook who did not know the value of what was taken.

    Some idiots steal just to steal... Sad.

  6. The average negro thug cannot conceptualize any kind of high falutin' crime other than stealing Iphones or easy to pawn things, their idea of recreation is crime, making nigfants, and harassing humans all about the city.
    Plus they fear water, both swimming in it and bathing in it, judging from the intense stink on the cta. So wetsuits are an alien concept to them.


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