In a recently published YouTube video, one demonstrator, presumably a member of an organization called Southside Together Organizing for Power, can be heard calling an officer a bitch.
When the officer attempted to block a video camera, a female protester said, "Bitch, move yo' hand! Da fuck wrong with you?"
While a few demonstrators may have behaved badly, there were a few questionable police moments caught on camera, too.
In the beginning of the footage, a black University cop violently swings his baton at unarmed citizens. Later in the video, a Hispanic officer is seen violently shoving a young girl, and bystanders accused another officer of pointing a gun at them.
Since Chicago News Report was't there when this altercation started, it's hard to say who is right and who is wrong, but as someone who grew up in Hyde Park, I can tell you that the University of Chicago Police Department has a long history of being accused of heavy-handedness and excessive force.
The first amendment does not give "peaceful protesters" the right to enter private property. They were trespassing.
ReplyDeletewe weren't trespassing we bought tickets!
ReplyDeleteWhen you get unruly on private property you are asked to leave, or get arrested.
ReplyDeleteThe cop was drawing his baton. The expandable baton needs to be locked into place when drawn.I don't think he was swinging it at people. I don't know why people think that they can protest a private institution like this to force them to provide a service they are not capable of doing. Lets protest that comcast won't provide me an ATM at my house...just as ridiculous as what these people are. They can't just put a trama center sign up and be ready to take patients. The protesters are blocking an entrance to a hospital. I think they still have a emergency department for children there.
ReplyDeleteThese people are just looking for a pay out. The guys in the green hats are national lawyers guild reps. They are affiliated with communists from what I understand. Also to the lady asking where the U of C cops are when people get shot. Many of them do patrol the U of C properties along 63rd street and do ride on shots fired calls and person shot calls. The Cops you see here are responsible for defending the hospital from people like you.
ReplyDeleteIf these "people" would actually "raise" their children, they wouldn't need a trauma unit down there for all their shootings...
ReplyDeleteThese "peaceful" protesters are communists/anarchists spoiling for a fight
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank you for the efforts youve got produced in writing this article.
ReplyDeleteI would not want to be a cop today. 25 years ago we would have had our riot sticks out and those anarchists would have been treated to a "wood shampoo." Now, they are all "entitled" to free food, free rent, free health care, free schools, free, free, free. Although none of it is free. It's being paid for by outrageous taxes on people who work, ironically some comes out of the paychecks of the very cops in this video. Keep voting Democrat, folks. Illinois now has the lowest bond rating of all 50 states. Let's give out more welfare, more freebies. This state is circling the drain...
ReplyDeleteI'm on your side, but those are NOT anarchists.
DeleteRemember, kids, that Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Rosa parks, and thousands of others fought forcefully for decades so that Pookie and RayRay can limp around Uptown and shoot at each other, so Nicki Minaj can squat and thrust her baboon vagina at the camera while declaring "Stupid Hoe, Stupid Hoe". Seems hardly worth it, does it?
ReplyDeleteWhen you act like animals, expect to be treated like animals. There is nothing on this video or any of the others I have watched that shows people being "roughed up" by the University of Chicago Police. They are being paid to protect and serve and that is what they were doing. If you don't like being treated this way, learn how to act in public.
ReplyDeleteThose particular people may not have been anarchists, but Occupy was involved with this event, and quite a few of their members are indeed anarchists. Some of them are so totally retarded, they identify as left-leaning anarchists, without being able to see the irony of supporting totalitarian marxist ideals while also claiming to want a complete lack of government...
ReplyDeleteSome of them are even dangerous morons. 5 terrorists affiliated with Occupy were arrested just before the NATO conference, for mass producing molotov cocktails.
Actually, per the charges currently filed against them, they had 2 Molotovs. And there were 3 of them, not 5.
Deleteat least have half an idea of what you're talking about before you post..
Actually the first paragraph of what 8:21PM put was quite brilliant, but leave it to 9:16PM to nit pick like an idiot because there were only 3 fucking morons not 5. Oh so do you feel better now that you've corrected someone? We still got the point. You're probably that classic grammar Nazi who tries to win an argument in that pathetic manner as well. How come grammar Nazis are always broke losers that live in Rogers Park and blame George Bush for all their bad choices and inability to make a living because they didn't have the common sense to develop a marketable skill? Go ahead and point out my run-on sentence shithead. I still make more money than you. Let me guess, you studied journalism and film?
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't really care about grammar as much as I do facts. I have an engineering degree, and you probably DO make more money than me, because I'm 24.
ReplyDeleteCongrats, you make more money that a 24 year old. You're a big man now!
Who has an engineering degree and is up at 3 in the morning? Nobody! You lie! What is your true calling - barrista??
ReplyDeleteThe fact that is apparent is that you are one of the 47%'rs who whine, but won't work to contribute. Gimme, gimme, gimme - wahhhhhh!
It definitely does not have an engineering degree lol. The best part about the internet is you can lie.
ReplyDeleteExcessive force? You have to be kidding. Protestors trespass, block entrances and keep persons from entering or leaving, place the public and others in fear because of language and disorderly conduct, etc.
ReplyDeleteHow would you like someone to come on your property, block your door, yell, scream, run around, restrict access, piss off the dog, etc.?
Let me put it this way, if police went to the protestors home and did the same exact thing, the protests would scream bloody murder and complain to the Mayor, the Chief, and probably President O that the police were committing police violence and attacks.
I work at a power plant, do you think they just close those down at 5pm?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell? These people are protesting that they should have a say in what a private institution does with their own money? If it means so much to them then they can gather their own money and build a trauma center and a hospital so they can deliver free health care to those deserving people. They have some gall. Also if they love black folks that much then why are they not living with them? Do they know that most shooting victims are involved in either drug or gang activity? Of course sometimes innocent people are shot. But most are not.
ReplyDeleteWhy r they protesting the marines? The marines did nothing wrong
ReplyDeleteWhen they lived in the area, the Obamas, Valerie Jarrett and others found ways to keep most Blacks out of that hospital. Why aren't the protesters protesting that?