Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Ponytail gunman robs victim in Lake View

A citizen was robbed at gunpoint in Chicago’s North Side Lake View neighborhood, said police.

The armed robbery occurred around 8 p.m., near the intersection of North Clark Street and West Newport Avenue, said authorities.

The mugger, described as a six-foot-tall, 200 pound Hispanic man with a ponytail, brandished a silver gun and stole the victim’s iPhone, said police.

After the robbery, the thief fled westbound on Newport from Clark Street.

Investigators said the crook, who is known as Shorty G on the street, was wearing all black clothing... including a pair of black Nike gym shoes with a gray stripe/swoosh on side.

At the time of this report, the mugger was still at large.


  1. He doesn't need to worry, this is a sanctuary city and he'll be getting his citizenship papers soon thanks to our noble lawmakers.

  2. I was always pluggin' ya CNR but "the patch" has a heads up on the RAMPANT and VIOLENT crime in E. Lakeview.

    I'm certain the Gaystoppo paid you off but let's get back to basics here. Everyone knows Mexicans with ponytails are trouble and neo-hippies without them are too.

  3. Stereotypes exist with due cause... Nonverbal senses save lives, just like smell, sound & sight.

  4. Shorty G is a down low fellow... He has a gun and that makes him tough. Aside from that, he is 200 pounds of pure bitch!

    CCW can't come soon enough to straighten out these punks!


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