Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Video: Man trying to 'fornicate' offers CTA passengers $20 for sex

A horny CTA rider was videotaped offering female passengers money, marijuana, and liquor... in exchange for a roll in the sack.

"I wanna fuck something tonight!" said the apparent sex fiend. "I got twenty dollars... some weed... a bottle. I'm trying to fornicate!"

Ladies, don't be discouraged by the fact that Casanova still lives with his mother, because he can give you every filthy inch of his love when she goes to work!


  1. @ :55 I think he said "I got so much paper" but he starts the video by saying he only has $20

    hes either trying to lowball those poor women, or he is so used to getting free stuff, that twenty bucks seems like a lot of cash...

  2. "Loose shoes, tight pussy and a warm place to shit." Was true 35 years ago. Will be true in 500 years. Add a Section 8 apartment. True happiness for the average black American.

  3. I'm a bit surprised that no women took his offer. This guy seems like quite a catch!

  4. Reason number 999 why people don't care very much for the CTA. All the filthy dirtballs, crazies, drunks, criminals and lice-carriers that one has to be in proximity to. Lots of times one feels the need to take a long shower afterward.

  5. This is why soo many black men rape women. We need to systematically sterilize them.

  6. Say, sweet thing, can I buy you a fish sandwich?

  7. Poor dude, he just can't face the fact that the black woman has left the black man and married the state. Elections have consequences.


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