Saturday, February 2, 2013

4 rapes reported on Loyola campus in 1 month

Suspected Loyola University rapist, Colin Cahill Kennedy. 
During the month of January 2013, four criminal sexual assaults were reported at a Far North Side, Chicago college campus.

According to data on the Loyola University of Chicago website, last month, four sex-related crimes were reported at Fordham Hall, 6455 North Sheridan Road in Rogers Park.

Two incidents were reported on January 13, 2013... and two more assaults were reported on January 26, 2013.

All four cases resulted in arrests.

So far, the media has only mentioned the alleged January 13th rapes involving fellow Loyola student, Colin Cahill Kennedy.

The January 26th reports have not been explained.... which leads us to believe more charges may be brought against Mr. Kennedy.

Citing information from the university's webpage, Fordham Hall, a 350-unit residence, has one main entrance and the front desk is staffed with student workers during the day and monitors overnight.

In addition to multiple reports of sex crimes, during the month of January, at least two Loyola students were robbed at gunpoint in Rogers Park.


  1. Fucken cracker should have his mom raped in front of him. Chances are, this piece of shit will do it again. Can we get a monkey to rape this SOB!

  2. He'll see what it feels like when he goes to prison.

  3. Loyola may need to wall itself off from the surrounding area, just as Marquette has done in Milwaukee.

    I went to Loyola in the early 70s. Never had to think about crime. Rogers Park was very dull back then as it is now, but was always safe.

    Chicago is really sliding downhill. Of course, the tourist areas will always be safe, because even Emmanuel won't risk losing those out-of-town dollars coming in.

  4. With that shirt, I don't even think hookers would take his money, fuckin' nerd. He did release that wizard inside of some poor girl, and now DooDoo and Mookie are going to release their wizard inside of him down at County.


  6. Jesus christ why are they going around showing this kid's photo to everyone? He hasnt even been convicted yet.

    That Stuebenville "rape" case might not of been legit either, but the leftist media outlets reported it as practically an open & closed case with a video "confession" and everything.

    Turns out the guy on that video wasn't even at the same party where the rape took place, he was just making shitty jokes...

  7. Wait a sec anonymous guy on the 3rd why the fuck would you say that! typical college drunk drug night! Hes not covicted.. read all the facts and then base your opinion dipshit.

  8. Everyblock dot com is dead. Hooray! Yippee!

  9. its sad that people automatically assume he's guilty.. COPS ARE ALSO HUMAN, THEY COULD BE WRONG....
    and i don't mean to sound racist but when there is a black suspect of a rape everyone (whites mainly) seem to jump at their throats with racist and very hurtful comments.

    just last month, a black young man was on this site as a suspect for rape in the same neighborhood. everyone said that black people are the criminals in this neighborhood. THIS OBVIOUSLY PROVES OTHERWISE.

    there is far less racial comments and buffoonery towards this WHITE young man.

    (ps. im speaking from an unbiased point of view. I'm neither black or white.)

  10. White people and their sex crimes.

  11. When the suspect is a greasy white nerd like this, I automatically assume he's guilty.


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