Saturday, January 26, 2013

Report: Shots fired, attempted home invasion in Uptown

Saturday night, Chicago police responded to an alleged shooting and a possible attempted home-invasion in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood.

Around 9:30 p.m., gunshots were reported on the 4500 block of North Malden Street and the 4500 block of North Magnolia Avenue.

A Chicago police dispatch report indicated shots were fired into a nearby apartment and the offender was trying to kick down the front or back door.

An eyewitness described the shooter as a black male, about 5’10”,  160 lbs, wearing a white hat and a dark-colored hooded sweatshirt.

The alleged shooter was last seen running westbound from Malden toward Clark Street.

At the time of this report, neither the shooting or the attempted home-invasion had been confirmed.

If you have more info, please send us an email or leave a comment, below.

UPDATE: Police have confirmed that several bullets were fired into an Uptown neighborhood apartment. No injuries were reported.

UPDATE: The shooting occurred at 4528 North Magnolia Avenue. Several shots were fired into a woman's apartment.


  1. Darn, you're back? I was hoping you'd hung yourself or something.

  2. OK, well the belief is that "as long as your not in gang you shouldn't be concerned about all these shootings in Uptown" (unless a bullet richochets of a car door and hits you - it's rare but does happen). So I wonder how thier going to justify a Meghan getting shot while she's sitting on the couch eating granola and organic cupcakes when a bullet comes through her wall.

    At least their getting the pigeons in control there.

  3. And the Chicago murders and shootings, dozens a day, are occuring during the winter months.

    Imagine what's going to happen this summer.

    I don't think the first Mayor Daley would have allowed this to occur. His "shoot to kill" order to the police during the '68 riots was warranted then, and warranted now.

  4. Aw shit, you'd think the neighborhood was now gentrified thanks to the addition of KFC. All we need now is a few more cellphone stores and a place that sells gold teeth, wigs and diapers.

  5. @5:48pm I think it's funny how these "leaders" think we should all breathe a sigh of relief since Winter is approaching yet I couldn't help but notice the lil' ReyRey's with Skittles running between those doors on the Red Line cars from Thanksgiving to the New Year. It's like a bell rang for them or something. And that was observed 5 years ago......on the "better" North side.

  6. @8:24pm All you need to do in Chicago is throw a Starbucks (they know their target demographic) next door to a KFC, wig/pawn shop and all is "gentrified". All inhabitants are happy yet strangely still remain "activists" for hopey and change with a Triple Mocha Latte topped with whipped cream and a cherry while Tracy Chapman is playing in the background. This is hilarious.

    We were just talking today about these "marketing" grads studying Wikipedia demographics for a $. Don't get me started on what they're force feeding students at your Columbia College.

    1. "your Columbia...". you live here too you ugly old queen. everybody knows you're just another glory hole princess wannabe. don't get me started on the fact that you're a transplant pretending to be a native.

  7. ^I would NEVER claim to be a native of your shithole of a city. Ever.

    Glad you find me attractive enough to cyber stalk though. Adjust the ring in your nose and find somebody else to walk you. Thanks ;)

    1. Yet you live here and constantly post about Iowa transplants? Don't flatter yourself, I can't help but notice your sad and repetitive posts here.

  8. What out! A home invasion attempted? A black man doing what a black man does...

  9. What the Cappelrobbery!January 29, 2013 at 4:46 AM

    You know, if they fired a missile in the general direction of Lawrence House and JJ Peppers around the first of the month a lot of Uptown's problems would be solved.


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