Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Cops: Customer robbed at Boystown coffee shop

A customer was robbed of an iPad at a North Side Boystown, Lakeview neighborhood coffeehouse, said police.

The theft happened inside Caribou Coffee at 3500 North Halsted Street, near Halsted and Cornelia, around 10:11 p.m., said police.

Two black males in their 20s, one dressed in a red hoodie and the other in a gray hoodie, snatched the customer’s property and fled the scene westbound on Cornelia Avenue.

The pair was last seen running toward Clark Street.

At the time of this report, the thieves were still at large.

Photo credit: Google


  1. What's with all these Trayvons and their hoodies?

  2. ^Did you just move here from Oklahoma?

    Anyway, this was bound to happen. Actually, how many times HAS it happened?

    1. LOL - no, unfortunately I'm a Chicagoan. One of the few that can say that as most "urbanites" are transplants from some unknown midwest town. Ha! I was just being facetious with my hoody comment. Guess it didn't go over too big. :-(

  3. Negro bangers at Ashland & Montrose.

    Uptown creeping into Ravenswood. Rahm may take notice.

  4. ^ Or your suburbs.....no dif.

  5. Crazy how this is happening in neighborhoods where you will think CPD is more abundant. I know the customer was beyond pissed. I know I was when my iPhone was snatched from me last year.

  6. Just avoid um...hooligans and secure your property when, um...hooligans are in the vicinity. Can't pretend your living in a rainbow wonderland that only exists in Hollywoods imagination.

  7. I think it's time to move out of IL.

  8. I just don't get why people go to coffeehouses to use their iPads and laptops...are they so broke that they can't afford Internet connections? And if they are that broke, with whom are they communicating and why? I don't want some broke-azz losers e-mailing me.

  9. It's some kind of Yuppiedouche hipster thing, to be seen with your I-toys and maybe meet another YuppieDouche to bump uglies with. It's a status thing.

  10. I go to coffee shops to study because there are less distractions. maybe you live in a cave, because its pretty normal..

  11. A coffee shop has LESS distractions than home? Where do you live...Union Station?

  12. Sitting in a coffee shop for hours with your eyes glued to a screen and ignoring everyone else is not "pretty normal"...it's very ABnormal douchebag behavior no matter how many douchebags are doing it.

  13. R u ppl idiots? I leave the house to study because I have a tendency to get too comfortable and sleepy at home. Same reason a lot of ppl probably go to coffehouses to study. But I guess some of u are too busy analyzing potential "douchebag" behavior to actually engage in something productive like studying! The IQ level of some of the comments on this page is truly astounding to me...

  14. How does this type of thing happen? It's weird! But, I'll tell you how and why. Like most, this guy is at the coffee shop to cruise for men...that's it, period. He was not paying attention to his valuables because he was trying to get laid. That's what happens when you are so busy looking for your next lay. Maybe next time, he will be more responsible.

  15. All you sluts who claim the coffee shop is quieter than your homes are full of it. You go to coffee shops to CRUISE. Own it, because the rest of us are not delusional idiots.

  16. I agree...people who use coffee shops to "study" are just douches. After they get their degrees and don't have to "study" anymore, they can get a job as a barrista in the same coffee shop, if they're lucky. Fuckin douches.

  17. So... 10:07pm thinks everyone at a coffee shop is gay and looking for sex. Sounds like an intelligent opinion.

  18. yeah, fuckin' douchebags studying. how dare they try and get a degree and a job and a house and a life while i sit in my one bedroom apartment and post anonymously on the internet

  19. A college degree doesnt guarantee you a house or a life. Developing a marketable skill does, idiot! 11:40 PM hilariously true!

  20. Life would not be the same, without this blog!

  21. Look at all the sad people who care too much about where others choose to study. I cant imagine living such a pathetic life.

  22. Skilled labor doesn't guarantee u a job either; ask my step-father who had 20 plus years factory management experience before some yuppie douchebag upstarts from the Chicago burbs bought his company and ran it into the ground. So I will stick with the degree thing and studying in coffeehouses for the moment... Oh and yes, cruising does happen at coffeehouses, like it does pretty much everywhere. But that activity is mostly in the minority.

  23. People who spend all day in coffee shops on the Internet "studying" have no friends, no job, and no life. Just look at them...total loser douches incapable of making eye contact with any other human.

  24. More cops aren't the answer. They can't be everywhere all at once. Cops are mostly reactionary. We need Concealed to carry.

    My solutions.
    Vote Republican,
    Reduce Section 8, and welfare payments to the single mothers who produce these
    "heat of the moment kids" that grow up to be urban terrorists and destuction mobs.

    You can't escape section 8, just because you don't have it now in your area or building, doesn't mean it can't happen in the future. Many people are getting desperate and renting their homes and apartment buildings out who wouldn't have before. Many are trying to avoid foreclosure.

    The m ajority of the people aren't rich enough to live in those 1% areas like Willmete,Lake forest,naperville,etc.

    Also lets stop with the pc ness we know what the criminals look like. Call the police on these people when you see them hang'n around. At the CAPS meeting tell the cops to profile them. Make the hoodlums feel uncomfortable. Keep the spotlight on it. Getting a racist reputation like Mt.Greenwood and Oaklawn works in stopping the hoodlums.

  25. Class in the morning, study in the afternoon, and work at night = no friends, no job, no life? Great observation.

  26. Y'know, when you are enrolled in college, they offer this wonderful facility called THE LIBRARY, which is relatively ghetto free, except if they have free internet with no student id necessary, then you'll see nothing but bouncing butts, child porn, and rap videos walking by.

  27. Scientific studies conducted by prestigious universities have proven that boys raised by man-hating "single moms" with no strong masculine role models grow up with very female characteristics of being overly emotional, effeminate, gossipy, and the need to prance around in public doing such things as "studying" and parading where they seek attention. They are usually homosexual because they grew up in households where the mother and sisters sucked cock so in order to feel a part of the family they adapted the same behaviors.

  28. sitting and studying is prancing? This guy needs serious help. Please don't drag your daddy issues and made up "prestigious" university studies here

  29. Sitting and studying isn't prancing. But the Gay Pride Parade is major prancing. It's all documented in the university studies.

  30. Sitting and studying in public is vogueing...hoping someone will notice them so they can be ignored. It's very psychotic behavior.

  31. 11:48am - They make eye contact. Oh yes they do. Freaky, shifty, averting, wierdo Chicago eye contact and glaring. It's like a hungry fox that spotted a lame rabbit. He lost any further contact with me trying that crap. A simple "hello" works wonders. That's what they are incapable of here. Stare him down, lick your lips and rub your crotch..... I guess it worked for them somewhere before. Maybe an alley. It's a $hitcago thang.

  32. 5:34am. Exactly what you mention is a very, deep psychological problem. They sit in the windows of every coffee shop in town crying for attention but don't dare, ever say hello to them. Ever.

    A friend of mine owns a coffee shop in another city. A very well known singer, numerous Grammy award recipient does this in his shop. Don't say hi to her, she'll bite your head off. I know of a low-life that does that here too. They truly need divine intervention.

    Ignoring them pisses them off more the next time you see them though. Do it. It's almost fun.

  33. i agree anyone sitting in caribou or starbucks on the internet for hours is just a douch

  34. Starbucks and Caribou Coffee pander to and oppress gays (in Chicago anyway as they both exacerbate the loitering menataility and associated problems in this city).

  35. I use that Caribou for meetings and interviews- can't afford an office, and while not ideal it's more professional (and safer!) than asking a stranger to meet me at my apartment.

  36. Can't afford an office and meets with strangers? What are you...a pimp or a prostitute?

  37. You should meet them at Panera Cares, you can get fresh fertilizer for your rooftop garden from the underpants of people eating nearby, save some time in your busy YuppieDouche schedule.

  38. At 7:32pm. I was thinking the same thing. A "licensed massage therapist" maybe?

    Honestly though, I've had some small off-site meetings in coffee joints (2 or 3 people) but quit when I discovered how many people sit in there all day with cameras and video recorders in the name of "art". I'm serious.

    Beautiful lakefront with bike path on a gorgeous sunny day but let's all go sit in Starbucks with our book upside down. Sounds like fun.

  39. Jeus Tap-dancing Christ, we've struck a nerve, and we're not even being racist here.

    There is a 8 floor plus library downtown where you can study, and it's harder for thugs to get away with your goodies.
    Your college has a library.
    It's not freezing out, why not meet clients and talk a walk with them?
    Denis Leary had a bit about Dunkin' Donuts and people writing their screenplays in there.
    For the record, I wasn't bashing gay dudes, I was bashing these idiots who are reading "Siddhartha" or some other crap to radiate hipster vibes in the hopes they'll get granola nut crunch vagina out of the deal.

    Budget a little better, and STAY HOME!!!

  40. This is really funny! Actually some people would like to go to Starbucks FOR COFFFEE! And we'd like to also have a muffin. However, there is no place to sit down because all you guys are using it for a library. So the place loses business because we cannot purchase things from the company, meanwhile all you people hogging the seats are taking it from paying customers, so get your butt off the seats after a half hour and let others sit who have purchased food and drink!

  41. @ 3:48; stay in your cave you douche. I like going to Starbucks with my iPad and iPhone to watch people, watch me as I type my brilliance onto my iPad and then read it back on my iPhone, while sipping on a steamy latte... Ummmmm. It's much easier to get things and stuff done this way!

  42. Like most decent white folks who aren't liberal cocksuckers, I hate all n*****s. But I must say that I would like to shake the hand of the n****r who stole that fool's iPad...serves him right for spending his life at a coffee shop.

  43. Can Michele Obama or SarahTrack step up to the plate here with "activism"? I didn't think so either.

    $hitcago LOVES to loiter (and hustle). Shoulda seen Shakey Jake outside this place this afternoon. It wasn't even dusk yet. Proud yet of what you've created gay Chicago?

  44. Anyway, Timmy obviously got paid-off by the Gay-stop-o. You can't tell me that no news is good news while the daylight "activities" out there make East Detroit seem more desirable...... after dusk.

    What happens when 75% of your clientele are 1/2 your age? 45% not your "gender"? 50% not your "race"? 1% actually care and contribute?

    .5% find you ridiculous?

    You need better marketing people $hitcago. Courtney and Ryan might pull you through the next year or so but then what? Comedy?

  45. same ugly old queen rambling about the same bs. wahhh nobody at steamworks will touch me anymore wahhh

    boohoo you old skank. I saw you trying to pick up a leather daddy yesterday and all he did was laugh at you

  46. @11:57: I agree that guy whines all the time about not getting cruised. Still, I take great joy in the fact that YOU will be just like him in just a little while.

    I hate Caribou and Starbucks because the gays are ALWAYS in there cruising. When I'm there, I'm not cruising, but still have to deal with the shit-a-tude of gays who want to make sure I know they aren't interested in me, despite the fact that I have no interest in them at all. Same thing at Jewel. Next time a sissy throws shit-a-tude at me when it is not merited, I'm going to knock their teeth out. Call it a hate crime if you want. These boys have severe mental problems.

  47. Who cares why someone goes to a coffee place with their electronic device. They shouldn't have to worry about a worthless minority criminal jacking them for it.

    Study. Crusie. Girls watch. Do you what you do. You have the right to be in public and shouldn't have to fear a pack of black men will rob you.

    CC now!

  48. 90% of all crimes are committed by blacks. If you allow them in your neighborhood, they will keep multiplying and eventually destroy it, like they did in Detroit. You can't on the one hand want a "diverse" neighborhood and on the other hand expect blacks not to rob you. It's either one or the other because wherever they go, crime dominates.

  49. Have you been to Detroit recently? It's actually a pretty nice city

  50. Yea, I heard the entire neighborhoods they had to bulldoze are great!

  51. @5:46AM & 9:45AM: You poor boys. So in love with Black cock. You can't get it, so you vent on here. Boo hoo. I hope a gang of black guys beats you to near death. I don't want them to kill you, as you need to suffer for the rest of your lives knowing that you suck. Oh yeah, you better stay afraid of those gangs of blacks because if you talk crap to them, the will indeed kill you...and that's a beautiful thing.

  52. I've never seen the same worker there twice. They were scurred back to Iowa or Central Michigan (and probably for good reason). That's all I have to say.

  53. by the way, blacks do not all have big cocks. I have seen a lot of them and some are 5 inches only. Not very impressive. The myth of the big black cock is that - just a myth.

  54. @7:04PM...
    So you admit that blacks are violent jungle savages. We know that. We get it. They are subhuman animals who will always react with violence. We know. That's why they are worthy of being despised. Understand?

  55. ******crickets****** on CNR.

    No news is NOT good news..........trust me (but thanks for the heads up about a silly stolen laptop).

  56. There are enough retards posting here to start an internet special olympics

    good lord you guys are pathetic

  57. NAACP tried to start the Black Special Olympics but then they realized all blacks would be eligible.

  58. Ooh look, a retard in the wild! quick, take his picture!

  59. FB's TBB has directed some to Craigslist for crime reports in "Boys-DiversityTown"... Somewhere we have to be kept aware (no pun intended).

    It's not "quiet" out there. Shame on these business owners. Shame, shame, shame......

  60. Check this out:


  61. Police alert businesses to string of armed robberies:


  62. I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks coffee shop loiterers are strange.
    We have this dapper old Italian guy who hangs out in Rogers Park, I love the new 400 and love going there, he is always around in these natty suits, 300+ thread count suits, looking lonely as lonely can be.
    With that kind of money, you'd think he could find something better to do.

  63. I'm hearing sirens over hear near Irving Pk & Montrose....

    Think some uptowners must have killed themselves after seeing the beating obama took in the debate.

    Hopefully they are taken to Thorek hospital, so if they are lucky enough to survive, they will have a virulent case of MRSA!

  64. Romney totally won the debate tonight; there is no way anyone can deny that. It was brutal and embarrassing to watch Obama get savagely defeated.

    My thing is, a lot of the black violence seems to stem from when AG Eric Holder said that they will not prosecute crimes against his "people" (blacks). This made every black person bold, knowing that the AG will not prosecute them.

    We need to defeat Obama in November. VOTE ROMNEY.

    Just remember, Lakeview prospered and had some of its best days during Bush, and went to hell under Obama. Im not defending Bush here (he was crappy) but Obama is WORSE than Bush, worse than ANYTHING. Racial violence, flash mobs (taking place in his own home town no less), and he wont do anything about it.


  65. *******crickets**********

    Lotsa stranger danger in fancy Flakeview East even during the day. You can't tell me that nothing has happened here after midnight since the last CNR report. Ain't buyin' it. No how. No way.

    Obama and/or Romney are the answer though, right? Maybe that ghetto babe Niki Menage 'a 'trois crack bunny or whatever her name is that they all admire here could help out with her foul mouth and "fashion"? Maybe? A video event at least?


  66. no one is telling you nothing is happening. please take your medicine

  67. ****** crickets *******

    LOL, Omaha.

  68. Timmy is not posting as much because he probably has a life, start your own farking blog.

  69. ^ You're obviously checking in frequently I see.

    They should start offering butt-chugging at these coffee houses around Chicago to thwart the loitering problems in them. In/out. Next. However, at this location it might be a bad idea. With the percentage of bottoms in this town there'd be a line wrapped around the block 24/7.

  70. These foul pavement apes will stop at nothing. They steal everything and if they cannot steal it, they burn it down. Filthy yard apes.

  71. First of all let me tell you, you have got a great blog. I am interested in looking for more of such topics and would like to have further information. Hope to see the next blog soon.

  72. Four years later....HOPE?

  73. Obama won. Suck it. Will you shut the fuck up when we raise taxes and the economy gets better? Are you guys so isolated in your homes and so old that economic dogma like regulated healthcare is comminism sounds reasonable?

  74. @November 1st, 8:21PM: Did your black boyfriend leave you all alone in your homosexual relationship? You sound so bitter. You miss him, huh? It's okay. You can make it anyway. Just get some therapy, okay! Oh, you miss your black man so much. Umm, so sad. He really ripped your heart out, didn't he sugarbaby? So sad. So sad, indeed.


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