Sunday, May 27, 2012

Lakeview: ‘Bald Hispanic’ robs man at gunpoint, says cops

A man was robbed at gunpoint in Chicago’s North Side, Lakeview neighborhood, said police.

The initial 911 call, which was placed around 3:27 a.m., indicated a man was robbed in an alley near West Wellington and North Sheffield Avenues.

Preliminary reports described the offender as a black male with dreadlocks.

However, after a brief investigation, a responding officer said the victim was robbed by a bald, male Hispanic wearing a white shirt.

The gunman fled the scene in a black SUV, said police.

Authorities said the robber took the victim’s keys and his wallet. 

No further details are available.

1 comment:

  1. Good to know! Thanks, CNR! Muggings, purse snatching are one thing, armed robberies in a city with a "gun ban" are another.


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