Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Trayvon Martin case: Empty Sanford, FL, police car shot up, vandalized

The fuse has been lit... we're just waiting for the boom!

Tuesday, around 4 a.m., someone played target practice with an unoccupied Sanford, Florida, police cruiser parked near the location where 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was shot to death by neighborhood watch captain, George Zimmerman, on February 26, 2012.

According to the Associated Press, the squad car was parked across from Sanford’s Bentley Elementary School. The car was stationed there to deter tour buses from parking on the school's property.

Clearly, the shooting is in response to State Attorney Angela Corey's decision to forgo a grand jury and George Zimmerman's website - which includes an inflammatory picture of a vandalized black cultural center at Ohio State University with the words, "Long Live Zimmerman", scrawled on an exterior wall.

If Zimmerman isn't charged with at least second-degree murder, all hell is going to break loose.


  1. Article and first comment posted at the same exact time lol. #Busted

  2. Hopefully they will riot and thousands of trayvons will get gunned down by cops.

  3. Next time it will be somebody in it, with more than six shots!

  4. Black people:
    Please start fighting with the cops ASAP.
    Few less mouths on welfare wouldnt be so bad.


  5. @Anon 2:56, shut your scary bitch ass up, you wouldn't bust a grape in a grape fight punk!

  6. @anon 2:56 -
    hopefully its a carload of niqgers

  7. they shit where they eatApril 10, 2012 at 3:09 PM

    If history has shown us anything, it's that the black community will focus most of its violence, looting, and burning on the few businesses (food/liquor/lottery stores) that serve their ghetto neighborhoods. Then, they will shoot at the emergency responders who try to help the injured and put out the fires. Also, they will brutally attack any unarmed "Reginald Denny(s)" who are unlucky enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    They will throw this collective tantrum, and destroy their own neighborhoods, all the while blaming whitey.

  8. And that was directed at the first Anon 2:56 pm, about the thousands of trayvons, your pussy ass probably don't even leave your house cause you so scared, coward!

  9. This time I say we go burn the black neighborhoods...


  10. The timing could be betterApril 10, 2012 at 3:25 PM

    If they can hang on for just about five weeks longer before the mass chimp-out, they can take their frustrations out on the Occupy Chicago folks who plan to disrupt our lives during the NATO conference. It's perfect. The Occupy folks are so laden with white liberal guilt, they'll think they deserve to be randomly attacked by these savages.

  11. @Anon - 3:25pm. OMG, my exact sentiments. I'll be leaving town that day and was thinking the same thing.

  12. Yes that would be incredible if the occupiers fought the blacks. The cops could just circle them and not let anyone leave (until there was a winner). That would solve so many problems at once...

  13. The Occupiers would get their asses kicked so fast, they wouldn't even know what hit them. Fortunately, blacks can't resist shooting at each other, so we would lose a bunch of them as well. But the Occupiers wouldn't do shit.

  14. @big al -
    the word lose, as in "lose some of them", implies that we actually want them in the first place.
    I believe the term 'eradicate' would be more appropriate here. As in "I was able to eradicate the vermin from my home"


  15. Y'all are wrong. They would only start rioting if Zimmerman was brought to trial for murder and was found not guilty. Cuz then they would feel entitled to riot.
    No rioting yet...

  16. Occupy is on trayvons side you retards. Why would the blacks fight them? Now you just sound like a misinformed racist instead of a smart one. Nice.

  17. No such thing as a smart racist 3:12

  18. To this day, parts of the West Side still show the results of riots from 1968 MLK death & the famous Bulls Championship riots.
    This blog is beginning to seem like it wants to "light the fuse" for turmoil.

  19. I don't care if the spooks chimp out and destroy their own neighborhood liquor stores and hair weave joints. If they try to riot in white neighborhoods the National Guard will gun them down, so it's all good.

  20. Occupy is on trayvons side you retards. Why would the blacks fight them? Now you just sound like a misinformed racist instead of a smart one. Nice.

    Hey, 5:12 am name caller (retards? Really??).

    The poster(s) you are replying to is implying that the blacks don't care who is "on Trayvon's side," as you so astutely attempt to point out.

    That person, and the others posting here, are clearly implying that the thug black element which is currently terrorizing ours & other cities across the country (and which more & more evidence is pointin to Trayvon being a part of, himself), doesn't care who is "on their side." Rather, they see a bunch of weak, bleeding heart whites who, like so many of them, don't actually work, but have nice stuff worth stealing like expensive phones, tablets, MP3s, etc, and would thus be easy victims.

    Blacks here have shown that, in a heartbeat, they will turn on bleeding heart whites who may be professing to "help" them (like the Occupiers) in a moment.

  21. I did dream of a big rally, when he Judge Says NO...still waiting for this to happen.

  22. I'm beginning to think that blacks have a " violent " gene in their collective gene pool.

    Maybe even a " criminal " gene.

  23. Hey all you West side and South side ghetto trash, you heard it here first: Summer in Chicago 2012 is your chance to Get Your Grave On Like Trayvon!

  24. Here's a question - how come this case is getting all sorts of attention, but the videotaped beating, robbery, and stripping of a white man by a group of black thugs on St. Patrick's Day in Baltimore is getting zero attention, and worse, is not going to be prosecuted as a hate crime?

    Oh and here's a shocker - this came to light because multiple videos of it were uploaded to WorldStar Hip Hop. Not only do blacks act this way, and find it acceptable, but they think its ok to film this behavior, then put it up online & brag about it! Disgusting.

    Just google "baltimore videotaped beating," and see for yourselves. The lead detective, who is black, has already stated she will not charge as a hate crime. Why not? He's the one white person in the video, and he got his ass kicked, badly, for no reason other than being white.

  25. Supposedly Zimmerman will be charged today, so if the court case goes on for a while it might coincide with NATO. If the decision is set to take place that weekend, I am leaving town...

  26. Supposedly Zimmerman will be charged today, so if the court case goes on for a while it might coincide with NATO. If the decision is set to take place that weekend, I am leaving town...

    Don't hold your breath, even if charges are annpunced today & Zimmerman brought in tomorrow, its unlikely the jury will have been selected by late May, much less trial & acquital.

  27. Well, we all knew Zimmerman would be charged because they have to give the blacks the blood lust that they want. Zimmerman is basically a dead man walking. Poor guy is totally screwed.

  28. Zimmerman bitch ass has been charged, now what smart ass story you going to write now CNR, with your punk ass!

  29. @ 5:19pm, you are a black moron because apparently you don't seem to comprehend that a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Right now he is merely charged, but obviously with your inner city ghetto education you would not understand this.

  30. They will only get so far, nobody worry. They are only helping themselves get less respect from law enforcement


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