Shortly after 9 p.m., gunshots exploded outside the Mobil gas station at 7550 North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Howard Street… at 7464 North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Birchwood... and at 7430 North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Fargo, said police.
When the smoke cleared, two shooting victims were transported to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, Illinois, in unknown condition.
One victim was shot in the back and the other was shot in the foot, reported the Chicago Tribune.
At 9:35 p.m., investigators located two handguns in a dumpsters behind 1427 West Birchwood.
An eyewitness at Sheridan and Birchwood described the shooters as male blacks.
The animals are up and at it again. This part of Rogers Park is normally safe, but the pieces of shit have decided to bring their garbage to the good section now. Why can't we just fence them in and not let them out? I could hear the shots from my window. Very scary.
ReplyDeleteI used to love that section of Rogers Park, too. Not anymore. Ghetto blacks ruin everything!
ReplyDeleteOf course the shooters were trayvons. Hopefully the victims are trayvons too and will die.
ReplyDeleteChicago "Diversity".
ReplyDeleteI looked at an apartment on that Eastlake Terrace about 4 years ago. Nice place. Great size, right on the lake, closer to work. Parking was tight and I knew I'd need that car to get around. But there's the great "world class" public transportation nearby, right? I took a ride by that Morse and Jarvis stop around dusk before making my final decision. Uh, no thanks. Of the 8 apartments I looked at around the city, this one was the ONLY one that was calling me back daily with "Are you still interested"? "We can do this". "We can do that". It's obvious they saw "changes" from whatever this area used to be and were trying to save it. It's blantanly obvious they wanted White people to rent it. Sorry but nothing to "read" through there. Is was so obvious even I took notice.
uh hello..that part of rogers park was never safe...shines have been there for many years..maybe they doing all the shooting when your sleeping mr. 9-5 who posted at 10:07p...024 is the new 011...ppo's running around clueless too which makes it so much easier for the silverback apes.. hope they all get popped this summer..less link cards for me to support!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen will it end so sad
ReplyDelete@anon 10:43 - When they are all dead.
ReplyDeletedamn what you mean fence them in? "US" black people are not dogs nor animals we cant be caged.rogers park been like this so open up your eyes ("You People")
ReplyDelete#proud.to.be.a."Ghetto Black"
Racist bitches listen to yourselves yall the ones who should b dead for this
ReplyDeleteBlacks commit vast majority of violent crimes in Chicago, Oooops was that racist also?? Sorry it's a fact.
ReplyDeletesend em' back...
ReplyDeleteHey 1:35 We should be dead??? The blacks have made this area dangerous. Everywhere in Chicago where there is a black majority, crime goes through the roof. You're like a goddamn virus. Oh and 1:33 Rogers Park been like this ONLY since your virus invaded.
ReplyDeleteExactly, Rogers Park was making a come back only because whites were moving in. Whites are the only thing that makes a neighborhood better. Let the blacks have the south side, but for god sake at least give us the north side. They have infested the whole city like a cancer.
ReplyDeleteAnyway......"Whitey" saw through Shitcago's perception of "diversity". Lifelong "natives" here don't know none the better and couldn't "clue" you in either. The gay waiters and bartenders love your cash-free tip $$$$$ in the meantime though. Gig is up peeps!
ReplyDeleteYou racist fucking bastards. If you hate black people so much, move to fucking Australia. The United States is a shared land which was taken from people of color a bunch of white crooks in the fist damn place. You call us thugs, gangsters and crooks, when the truth is, on a GLOBAL level, white people have taking everything they can from people of color for thousands of years. Look at the Middle East, Africa, South America, Asia, etc. Anywhere there's a white man, there's a colored man suffering. You fuckers make me sick.
ReplyDeleteI was a few feet from this shooting and 'race' was one of the last things on my mind. It was one group of people shooting at another. This happens all over the world. White people shoot each other, black people shoot each other, Hispanics, Asians ... I think you get my point.
^You are a dumbass. Australia has its own savage nogs called Aboriginals that act almost IDENTICAL to you people here. Also, the indians didnt own america they were just staying here. Sort of like you do in our neighborhoods...
ReplyDeleteMore importantly, stop trying to lump yourself in with the asians, hispanics, arabs, etc. They hate you more than they hate white people!! You can pretend that everybody hates whites as much as you do, but the reality is your people are the ones fucking up everybody else's neighborhoods, and it is your people that are hated.
^ Clearly you're the dumbass. What part of my comment said 'I' was black? Dumb fuck. Secondly. Native American's were 'just staying here'?? really. I guess that's just like Chinese people stay in China, and Japanese people stay in Japan, right? Maybe if the early Caucasions had stayed in their fucking caves this world wouldn't be in the epic state of shit it's in now. Face it. The orignal man was a man of color. over 75% of the world's humans are PEOPLE OF COLOR. Not pale, pasty soulless devil worshipping mother fuckers like you. I don't hate white people, I hate racist dumb fucks like you. Maybe if you spent more time fact finding and comprehending what you read you might not jump to such aweful hate filled conclusions.
ReplyDelete@ 1:15pm is right. Blacks always want to lump themselves with Hispanics and all the other ethnic minorities. However, these groups want nothing to do with Blacks. I would rather live with ANY OTHER ethnic group then blacks. It has nothing to do with skin color. It has to do with the higher risk of getting killed living w/ blacks.
ReplyDeleteWow. All of you people are so GOD DAMN ignorant. I hope you all get ass raped by a pack of ravenous axe murderers; black, hispanic, or otherwise.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is entitled to there own opinion. Yes, that’s the American way. I was two feet away from the shooting, I saw the firing guns and I could be dead today. Not you but Me. I can speak on this situation. However, I am intelligent enough to express my feelings of grief and shock that does not undermine any race. Yes, violence is ramped amongst all races. However, its not about race, blood is blood, death is death and tears are tears, no matter if they leave my body or yours. This world is not safe, not because of one individual race but because of the greedy nature of the human race. No other species kidnaps there young and rapes them, no other species kills for money or drugs, no other species kills and dismembers the body, No other species molests their children, No other species forces there females into the sex trade. Are those white things are black things? No, every race is guilty of these things. But we as a human race have lost our way. Listen to the words all of you are saying. I understand the frustration we all face but to allow yourself to be just as evil is not helping. I'm a strong believer in God and our words, whether written or spoken will be judged. Our hearts will be judged. We as a people are bringing upon our own demise, whether we are white, black, asian or latino it does not matter. Again, you can have your opinions but the way you express yourself can make you sound just as ignorant as the shooters were.
ReplyDeleteThese shootings are all happining over drugs what gang is making more money and the crack heads are like the news casters when a crack head can't get their drugs in area they go to rival gang side to buy and rival side asks and find out who at work on other side they get the info they came to shut there drug market down which was at the mobile gas station.
ReplyDeleteI saw two black males in a mid 2000's black late 1990s / early 2000s ford taurus wait for the cops to drive by before they drove away. Parked on the northeast side of the corner of birchwood and greenview. Drove east on birchwood and took off down sheridan. Anyway, tried calling crimestoppers, guy I spoke with didn't even care since I didn't know the guys names.