When a 13-year-old girl's Facebook profile says she is interested in "men"... it's a clear sign of trouble.
13-year-old Ijaneek Williams, of the 500 block of North Central Avenue in Chicago's Austin neighborhood, has been "missing" since Friday, April 6, 2012.
Apparently, Williams' guardian(s) allow her to roam her dangerous neighborhood alone, because according to the Chicago Tribune, the 13-year-old child frequently spends time along Central Avenue between Iowa Street and Chicago Avenue... five to six blocks away from her home.
Williams is described as a female black, 5-feet-tall, about 150 pounds, with brown eyes, brown hair, and a medium complexion.
The 13-year-old was last seen wearing a blue jacket with a hood, a purple shirt, a blue North Face vest, blue jeans, and brown suede boots.
Saturday, April 7, 2012, at 7:45 p.m., someone, presumably, Williams, added a girl named Teara Toombs to Williams' list of Facebook friends.

It appears the 13-year-old has two Facebook profiles. One under the name Ijaneek Williams (which hasn't been updated since January 2011) and a second account under the name Ijaneekmizzinhimwilliams Williams, which was updated yesterday.
Williams' active online profile indicates she may be romantically involved with someone named "Deangleo".
5' 150 at 13???
ReplyDeleteLOL...what a pig.
ReplyDeleteTaxpayers will be supporting her illegitimate bastid keeyeeds for years starting next year.
Trust and know that that will never be the case!!!
DeleteYou know nothing about her and do not seek to judge. The main concern now should be getting her home. At the end of the day, she is a CHILD, and a CHILD who has been missing for over two days is a concern.... PERIOD!
ReplyDeleteNews Update...She is still ugly, she is still a fat pig, and she is still a ho.
ReplyDeleteU know nothing about her life so how dare u open ur month to speak of a CHILD like that!!!
DeleteWe know PLENTY about her by looking at her photo. She is ugly, fat, and ignorant.
ReplyDeleteFrist of all she a child I dont care what her profile says or what her picture looks like how dare you talk about a child like that!! How would you feel if it was your sister, niece, cousin, or daughter! Second you should saying how can help this young lady get home have I seen her. We are so quick to talk about someone but won't help them. Grow up and stop acting like children!!
ReplyDeleteIt doesnn't matter that she is ugly fat and ignornant there is some loser who is also ignorant and ugly that will f#@k her. More illegititamate spawn to support until its old enough to terroize society.
ReplyDeleteEveryone write congress and support Paul Ryans budget to cut the welfare.
Whats ignornant is your comment!! You dont know what has been to her in the past. For you to judge a child who still has chance to change the outcome of her life lets me know that you are ignornant.
DeleteThey say a picture is worth a thousand words, yet Im completely at a loss here............................................
ReplyDeleteWe don't care what the picture looks like or what it says!! We want her to return home safely!!
ReplyDeleteMaybe shes hiding in a McDonalds eating all the McNuggets at night
ReplyDeleteTypical. Conservatives going after children.
ReplyDeleteEwwwww she is ugly as hell! Black chicks make the ugliest faces, I swear dude.
ReplyDeleteAhh yes we better find her. After all there is a shortage of young, black, undereducated women having babies at a young age.
ReplyDeleteyeah... we are really pullin for her...
No doubt the camera is stolen.
ReplyDelete5', 150, age 13? Well we know she has plenty of fat stored up in case she gets lost for a week or two.
ReplyDeleteThis one will have dropped out of school officially by the time she would have finished 9th grade, will have created & pumped out a few new Trayvons by age 20, will be collecting $1500/month of taxpayer money to "raise" those kids by then, and will be suffering from adult onset diabetes by the time she's a grandmother at age 30.
What a "life" that one will be living.
That could have been someone she friend requested before disappearing and the person just accepted the request. That doesn't mean she was online at that time.
ReplyDeleteFat, black, and UGLY! Yuck! Huh huh, huh huh!
ReplyDeleteAll of that species are ugly, but this one is particularly hideous. Only another spook would tap that.
ReplyDeleteA face only "Tyrone" or "Markquan" would enjoy. #Ugly
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me that people have sex with those fat things, but based on the birthrate of illegitimate children to underage mothers in this city, there is certainly no shortage of those who somehow find that attractive.
ReplyDeleteWhat comes first - a son of her going to prison, or her getting adult onset diabetes? Both will happen by the time she reaches age 35.
"If I had a daughter, she would look like Ijaneek"...Barack Obama
ReplyDeleteThat girl is so ugly, it's a law that when walking her you have to scoop her poop.
ReplyDeleteI finna be eating some crispy fried chicken and it be soo good. yall can only wish you be eating some KFC with a large coke and sum fries. after i be done with my friend chicken, i finna go to wendys to get me a extra large frosty. dont be jealous yall cuz my name be tameika. i be a sista that dont like white people cuz they be trippin all the time.
ReplyDeleteIs she barking a kiss or trying to look ugly on purpose. What a FAIL!
ReplyDeletewe r prayin 4 her safe return home & dats all dat counts
ReplyDeleteShe probably has a bright future in telemarketing
ReplyDeletei haven't seen one word about this ugly fat orangutan in the mainstream media. I even checked "Zoo Life" to see if maybe she was captured and caged.
ReplyDeleteyall bogus for saying all of these things about a missing girl. yall have no respect n if u was juss gone tlk bout her u shouldnt said nun. so incinsiderate. think about what shell think of ppl when she reads these comments.
ReplyDelete#Truly a friend Drevonte Davidson
We know what she thinks of people by her photo. She is an ignorant pig.
ReplyDeleteThey found this thing in a stockyard down by 47th street. Neighbors. Were complaining of an excessively foul pig eating all the slop. When approached by police, it "hee'd" & "hawed" until placated by some grape pop & flaming hot cheetos. Oh, its pregnant too.
ReplyDeleteI just pray for her family to find her and more importantly I pray God has mercy on your souls^^^^^^!
ReplyDeleteDo a google search for "primate family relationships," and read what it says. Its hilarious, and sounds exactly like the south side chimps we have living here.
ReplyDeleteFor example, here's what it says about baboons: Most non-human primate communities are more or less closed to contact with other communities. kind of like Blacks here on the south side, closed themselves off from dealing with other racial groups.
Most often, they are tied to a particular locale, and rarely migrate outside of their home range, except to hunt and pillage from other groups. Hmmmm, sound familiar yet? Only leave to hunt & steal, like the blacks only leave the South Side to flash-mob & terrorize white areas.
Communities usually are aggressive towards outsiders, even of the same species. This sounds like how violent blacks are to both whites/asians when they encounter them, as well as how they will shoot at each other for accidentally straying onto the wrong "turf." Furthermore, contact between groups of the same species is in the form of specialized territorial defense behavior. Instead of simply avoiding each other, groups actively converge near their common territorial border, and make hostile displays. This may as well be the 95th Street bus exchange every day after school has gotten out.
The two dominant family structures are single female and her offspring, and one-male-several-female group. In the latter, the females spend most of their time battling each other for the attention and affection of the male, who openly welcomes such battles, as well as new females to the group to fight for his attention. Seriously, people, I can't even make this up.
Sounds to me like Ijaneek has just decided to find another male baboon for whose affection she wants to fight.
You need to moderate your comments. It's like the KKK in here.
ReplyDeleteAlso, the story is stupid. She could have sent that friend request six months ago, and it just got approved yesterday by the recipient. It means nothing.
I hope they find her soon and bring her back to her family (: and what's up with the rude comments she is a missing girl grow up!!!
ReplyDeleteEveryone should be ashamed of their rude comments. If your daughtr sister missed like her. What would be your feeling. Are u seriously educated americans? Yes these are americans. Only good people on earth are those who obeyAllah and love his creatures. Who belives in last prophet and always stay thanksful of Allah. They do not do showup.