Monday, March 19, 2012

VIDEO: Wrigleyville, St. Patrick's Day... the calm before the riots

If you want to know what the crowds were like in Chicago's Wrigleyville, Lakeview neighborhood on St. Patrick's Day 2012, just watch this video!

It appears that most of people were peaceful, but the Chicago Police Department was clearly outnumbered.

Click here to read Chicago News Report's coverage of the fight at that shutdown Clark and Belmont.


  1. Well, that is the neighborhood. Its always kinda like that. Maybe not as crowded but almost always a party atmosphere. That is what most people like about the area. If someone moved there expecting otherwise, they should just leave, not whine about it or try to change the neighborhood.

    I suspect the rioters looked VERY different than those people...

  2. There were crowds out all over on Saturday night. Obviously a combination of the unseasonable weather and St. Patrick's day.

    Re the video, if you buy a place on Clark Street you have to expect some of this. Kind of like moving onto Bourbon Street and then complaining about all of the partying.

  3. Why did this stupid woman choose to live at that location if she doesn't like crowds?

  4. Yeah, why did those people at 3232 N. Halsted (aka White Picket Fence condo association) think they were going to have it quiet when they want to have it quiet but gyrating on their porch in speedo's at their convenience is o.k.?). And like everyone that walks into that 24/7/365 whorehouse next door is quiet and wearing a paper bag over their head too, right?

    Sorry, I just don't get it. Glad I didn't "buy" into this silliness.

  5. LOL "sidewalk cryers"

  6. what time does it get crowded on st patrick's day weekend


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