Recently, a clearly agitated Chicago cop arrested a news reporter and a cameraman outside Mt. Sinai Hospital. The officer also tried to school the journalists on their constitutional rights.
The officer accused the reporters, who were covering the shooting of 6-year-old Aliyah Shell, of "creating a scene".
When a reporter asked the officer to call News Affairs, the officer said, "I don't care about News Affairs. Fuck News Affairs!"
"Your First Amendment right can be terminated if you're creating a scene or whatever", added the cop.
The First Amendment prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances.
ReplyDeleteBig Brother Watching! Slowly our freedoms are being taken away.
ReplyDeleteThank god all those black firefighters are being given priority, im sure they are just as professional and educated...
ReplyDeleteNever give a black person a job with authority. Just look at the TSAs!
ReplyDeleteThat hospital is a shithole, I nearly had a throwdown with a pharmacist there. Weird, gross guy with pedophile type of facial hair
ReplyDeleteWhere is this asshole when the Fred Phelps crew comes in and protests at soldier's funerals?
ReplyDeletePlanet of the Apes
ReplyDeletewhy do black people take their jobs overly seriously?
ReplyDeleteTSA is the worst.
black cops are a fucking joke.
they must fear getting fired and going back to living off welfare like the rest of them.
So many racists, although this particular cop appears to be an iodiot, I won't generalize to an entire race.
ReplyDeletecertain personality types seek out positions of authority over others. Sad but true. Psychos in military, police, prison guards...
ReplyDeleteYou don't have any rights, you have to stay 1)on the right side of the law and 2) far from any edge of it to be safe from people like this.
How do you live like that....I know it is possible to be not committing a crime and wind up in jail. We are all the same....no better and no worse than anyone else, whether we choose to be a drug dealer or a priest...we are all fallible and can wind up sitting next to each other in the pokey. nobody cares. I now regard cops, prison guards and anyone with any power as someone to avoid, cos they are only human, and humans are disgustingly self serving.
Do they psych test cops before they take the job? Regularly? Scares the hell outa me that they have guns and can use them ...exercising their 'judgement' which starts to look like aggressive behavior...you know the kind of cops I'm talking about. You are lucky if you have never experienced this kind of crap. I don't call the cops any more. No point.
ReplyDeleteIn the revolution to come it will be fools like him that will be "terminated".