An estimated 350,000 people attended this year's St. Patrick Day Parade in Chicago; and although there were no reports of any arrests... the aftermath of at least one bloody altercation was caught on video.
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It's just they way you all f'in live here. I never knew violence like this until moving to Chicago. Used to hang out in Detroit city proper ALL the time and NEVER witnessed stuff like this. Halsted Street was a horror movie starting the summer of 2009 that I can recall anyway. Bloodied people, blood on the sidewalks.....
ReplyDeleteYou're all just absolute violent people here.
48" rule. If I don't know you - stay back!
Go back to Detroit. The only city in America that third world countries make fun of.
DeleteGood riddance, enjoy your cess pool.
Just transient yoof, lol, right archie bunker? And mr detroit u dont know ish about this city, not long ago lincoln park was a ghetto but u didnt know that cus u were sukn dik on eight mile.....go bak to detroit already or stfu.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you expect ????they were DRUNK !!!!! IDIOTS!!
ReplyDeleteWhy does loser ass Detroit keep popping up in the comments here?
ReplyDeleteOne of you idiots clearly need a life and something else to post about.
Where are all of the anti-white comments calling these people animals and heathens? Where's the scorn for those who stand by and video tape the beating?
ReplyDeleteIf Detroit is so great, how come your number one export is - over the last decade - expats to Chicago?? Take your self-entitled, wing-eating, high-fiving, braugh-frat-boy-asses back to the state you love so dearly...Please.
ReplyDeleteEven better is the cops don't seem too concerned. Saturday was a complete and total embarrassment to the City of Chicago.
ReplyDeleteLook at all that disguisting white trash. Cesscago is the greates city ever!
ReplyDeleteMust have been a black guy that attacked that white guy.
ReplyDeleteThat video sucked. Keep the phone steady next time you jerk.