A man was "clipped" by a train at the Wilson "L" stop at 4620 North Broadway in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood, around 6:41 p.m.
According to police dispatch, the injured CTA passenger was lying on the southbound side of the platform.
UPDATE: A responding officer said the man appeared to be drunk and lost his balance. He was not struck by a CTA train.
The guy that jumped on bryn mawr wasnt as lucky
ReplyDeleteGlad I don't have to rely on the Red Line anymore to get to......WORK. It was something EVERYDAY and usually caused by the "patrons" of the CTA.
ReplyDeleteAnd what a selfish way to take yourself out.
I'm guessing if someone is in the verge of suicide, they're not giving much thought to anyone's commuting schedule, I get what you're saying about it being selfish, but I think it's even more selfish to care more about being inconvenienced than about the loss of a human life. People don't kill themselves to annoy people; they are in extreme emotional pain. Show some compassion for your fellow man; you might be in his shoes in day.
ReplyDeleteIf you really want to kill yourself, just walk around Uptown for a few hours, especially around the Wilson el, you'll eventually get caught in the crossfire.
ReplyDeleteOh, and yell the N-word. That'll do the trick.
Daily Downer - Selfish? What's selfish is now the driver of that train will forever live with the memory of hitting someone and taking his life.
ReplyDeleteNobody said anything about being "inconvenienced," except you. Seems to me like you're the one who is quick to rush to judgment.
I hope nobody decides to take his life by stepping directly in front of your car one day, but maybe you should show some compassion for your fellow man the driver; you might be in his shoes one day.
I have more "compassion" for the person that just jumps in the water or pours a bucket of water off a balcony to warn the people below. Many spouses with families also check into a motel room to do the deed so as not to taint the family home. That's how you do it.
ReplyDeleteI also have personally know 2 people that committed suicide. They did it quietly and on their own. One simply took some pills at home (i.e. not the Whitney Houston way by causing a ruckus for everyone 2 days prior).
Obviously you have never "been in those shoes" or you'd understand. These selfish people that want to "go out with a bang" and disrupt everyone else by "making their point", I have no compassion for.
Or, you obviously are an Uptown/Edgewater "artist" on the gubment dole who doesn't have to get to.......WORK.
And anon @ 1:21 - Since the weather was warmer, I mentioned to a recent Shitcago transplant that "We should go to the zoo, it's free. But on the other hand we could just go to Uptown because it's free too".
ReplyDeleteHe wrapped a makeshift tourniquet around the guys leg that got shot near the Target recently. He said the cops were walking up and I told him "now - get OUT!".
Hey 9:31 Dumb-Dumb, yep talking to you. Maybe you missed the part where 2:50 said he was glad he didn't have to take the CTA anymore due to things just like this. Clearly you deduced this to mean something other than being inconvenienced, however I typically choose to just read the words people type rather than looking for some hidden meaning because I actually have a life, but hey - that's just me. If that statement was mentioned for another reason that you alone can see, please enlighten me with your astounding intelligence by sharing his/her true intent such that I can be on the same intellectually superior ivory tower as you. I will forever be indebted to you.
ReplyDelete10:02, I am sad that you have no compassion for people who are hurting unless they choose your preferred method of dealing with their pain. I am sad for you that multiple people who knew you were unhappy enough to kill themselves (read into that what you will). I am sadder still that you have given thought as to the right way to kill yourself, that you make assumptions about what was going through a dead stranger's mind as he was about to jump and that you are a terrible judge of reading people - your delusional view of me is just that, but it made me chuckle, so thanks for the laughs, bozo.
Daly Downer - put the weed down. You're not winning with your scattered brained babble.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you're too stupid to comprehend what I say doesn't make me scatterbrained. It just makes you stupid. Nice try, Corky Thatcher.
ReplyDeleteTO Daly Downer - thanks for the juvenille, personal insults in your reply to your assertion that the original poster was being "selfish." Again, that person said nothing about inconvenience, though you obviously jumped to that conclusion youself.