Starting around 3:22 p.m., there were multiple reports of unusually large groups of suspected gang members gathering at various locations throughout several North Side communities.
According to one officer at the scene, the Black P Stones and another rival gang were threatening each other near the corner of Broadway and Wilson in Uptown.
Alleged gang bangers were also spotted at Kenmore and Wilson.
At 3:27 p.m., several Edgewater residents reported a large group of male blacks wearing red clothing loitering in the area of Thorndale and Greenview, and Thorndale and Clark - near Senn Park.
By 3:49 p.m., most of the potential troublemakers were cleared out of the Edgewater area, but officers warned that a member of one the alleged gangs was recently attacked, and his buddies were looking to settle the score.
A fight between two male black suspects was reported at Sunnyside and Hazel, around 3:44 p.m.
At the time of this report, it was unclear if the alleged incident was gang related.
If more developments unfold, this article will be updated accordingly.
hopefully the good people at uptown update are out birdwatching today, or they might notice the gang war going on around them. if that happens, they are going to have a LOT of comments to delete...
ReplyDeleteIt can get worse?!
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 4:15. Exactly! Or they might be harvesting their rooftop crops while trying to drive that da*n grocery store out of the area for once and for all.
ReplyDelete"hopefully the good people at uptown update are out birdwatching today"
ReplyDeleteActually, there were "positive loiters" on Broadway, between Leland and Wilson, around 4 p.m.
Let them all kill each other. The cops should not interfere.
ReplyDelete"Let them all kill each other. The cops should not interfere"
ReplyDeleteThere were young children getting out of school and what about other innocent bystanders? Gangs aren't known for always hitting their target.
No offense, but if it's the children of a poor family that is just trying to get by or make a better way for themselves, I'd have sympathy.
ReplyDeleteThe "change-the-world" hipster wannabe's should have had their children out of there years ago, or their grandparents should have slapped the parents and taken them out.
The 2 schools in that area are breeding the future gangbangers.
ReplyDeleteBPSK niqqa whats good?
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 4:42 - kinda what I thought. Care for the children though. I mean, displaced White men as a result of the Obamaconomy don't mean nuttin'.
ReplyDeleteGangbangers: Pedopohiles with guns.
ReplyDeleteSmile and say hello to a police officer next time you see him. This neighborhood WAS up and coming but then it became anti-police. That cop may just one day save YOUR life...not take it away.
ReplyDeleteEveryone write your reps/ senators/ and the republicans tell them the horrors of subsidised housing. Tell them of the failure of subsidised housing, how the people were supposed to assimilate into the rea but instead they turned it into the area they left. Tell them u want the HUD budget cut so that there is only enough for seniors,vets and people with mental and physical disabilities. This will force the CHA to reduce the number of vouchers and sell their buildings to private companies. The baby mamas who are the beneficiaries of subsidised housing have criminal relatives and boyfriends that target the area and they also live with them.
ReplyDeleteSection 8 and subsidised housing is funded federally not through the city(for those who didn't know). SO COMPLAINING TO THE CITY IS A WASTE OF TIME.
Everytime there is a budget battle contact them and tell them to cut the HUD BUDGET.
Support Paul Ryan's budget to cut food stamps and other welfare programs that promotes over breeding by lowincome, low intelligence uneducated men and women who produce the spawn who do all the wyldings and crime.
Overall I do understand the need to band together in such tough times...
ReplyDeleteHowever I do still have a couple main problems with gangs.
1. Poor aim. A few of you already referenced this fact.
2. Lowering property value. (indirectly linked to point 1.)
I have a solution: Transport them all out to Schaumburg and let them use the medieval times arena. After we lower some glass around the arena (like hockey games only bulletproof) we could unleash all the little bastards and let them battle it out Lord of the Rings style.
Hey let's drop all the gang bangers in the middle of the woods and let them hunt each other down until only one survives, just like in the Hunger Games! May odds be forever in your favor!
ReplyDeleteI like how people, I'm presuming all of whom are white suburbanites or from small town michigan, refer to this as an "up and coming neighborhood" when what you mean is developers scooped up the land, created a ton of cookie cutter condos for you transplanted melanin deficient yuppies, and started pushing out all of the older, non-white, poorer populations. Uptown and Edgewater were here long before the gentrification and whitening of these areas, and will be here long after you have children and move to the suburbs. I can't stand y'all. good riddance
ReplyDeleteBlack lives matter. On that note, all gang members are faggot ass pussies.
ReplyDeleteAll these race riots make my peepee hard. I'm gonna jerk off to a pic of Cappleman,
ReplyDeleteFapfapfapfap unfunfunfunfunfunf *spurts* oh James Indeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! Oh it feels So good! Littleton! Jam that paintbrush up my ass again! Twerk it! Tweak it good!