Between 1 am and 1:15 a.m., a male victim was assaulted near Sheffield and Roscoe, according to police dispatch.
Three male black offenders “grabbed” the man and sprayed him the face with a debilitating chemical agent, said investigators.
The attackers didn’t take anything from the victim… they just sprayed him in the face and ran away, said a responding officer.
The suspects are believed to be in their teens or 20s.
One assailant was possibly wearing a red shirt and dark colored pants.
According to police communications, the victim was taken to Illinois Masonic Hospital for medical treatment.
Was the victim white or black?
ReplyDeleteThese are "just transient youth". Harbor, coddle and enable them. They are tomorrows $'s on Halsted St. afterall and will certainly be future contributors to the art scene.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure this wasnt racially motivated at all. As for the man protecting his neighborhood, HE is OBVIOUSLY rayciss n sheet...
ReplyDeleteNice! Hope to see more of this.
ReplyDeleteHow many times are you limp-wristed, pansy-ass lakefront "liberals" gonna take it like bitches? Can you spell s-t-u-p-i-d??? Get real, get armed and give them all what they deserve!
ReplyDelete^^ FAKE
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 11:12 - they'll take it until someone is killed and hopefully it's outside of one of those establishments that believe "these things just happen" & it's "just transient youth".
ReplyDeleteYes, Chicago gives new meaning to the word gay associated for us gays (i.e. pansies).
Everyone write your reps/ senators/ and the republicans tell them the horrors of subsidised housing. Tell them of the failure of subsidised housing, how the people were supposed to assimilate into the rea but instead they turned it into the area they left. Tell them u want the HUD budget cut so that there is only enough for seniors,vets and people with mental and physical disabilities. This will force the CHA to reduce the number of vouchers and sell their buildings to private companies. The baby mamas who are the beneficiaries of subsidised housing have criminal relatives and boyfriends that target the area and they also live with them.
ReplyDeleteSection 8 and subsidised housing is funded federally not through the city(for those who didn't know). SO COMPLAINING TO THE CITY IS A WASTE OF TIME.
Everytime there is a budget battle contact them and tell them to cut the HUD BUDGET.
Support Paul Ryan's budget to cut food stamps and other welfare programs that pormotes over breeding by lowincome, low intelligence uneducated men and women who produce the spawn who do all the wyldings and crime.
Tayiah, sounds like a plan but this crime has nothing to do with that. The area is attracting and coddling these people.
ReplyDeleteAnd there was one that was beaten into critical condition at 5:50am the other morning @ Halsted/Roscoe by.......3 black males. 3 on 1.
Missed that one, Tim.
Yea, have them cut the funding. With the economy down the shitter you or someone you know will be needing those very services and will be srewed oncee again. I dont think thats the answer
ReplyDeleteIf I see a black male sporting a mohawk with a patch of it died blonde, I'm crossing the street and heading the other way. A person of this description has been attacking people in the same neighborhood for a year now. CPD is great at profiling. I don't understand why they haven't caught the guy yet.