Who smokes more, gays or heterosexuals?
According to Dr. Alicia Matthews, an Associate Professor at UIC College of Nursing, lesbians and gay men smoke at two to three times the rate of their heterosexual counterparts.
Furthermore, said Dr. Matthews, HIV+ smokers are at a higher risk of cancer and contracting AIDS-related diseases.
They always interview such fem gay guys and butch lezbos, both of which seem to have more of a gender identity problem than a sexual preference problem.
ReplyDeleteOh, this is a good one. Thanks for bringing it up, Tim.
ReplyDeleteSo the bartender who is infatuated with my on/off again smoking stint (that's also infatuated with Steam... 24/7 Loveshack).....I told him "don't worry about what I stick in my mouth and I won't be concerned about what you stick in your mouth in the dark over at "lights out" night. All other things being equal outside of your 3 course meals from 7-11, we'll both probably expire about the same time".
Get real!
So the last time (and probably the last) I went to Sidetrack, some 50-something walked in and stunk up that WHOLE front main bar area with patchouli oil!!!!!!! The WHOLE place reeked of it! I almost vomited and had to leave.
And you people here are still hung up on cigarettes? Address the Chicago obesity problem and the new re-birth of patchouli oil (which I was told weed smokers use to mask the smell of on themselves).
Get F'ing real Chicago! What 'grant' or 'act' is paying for this 'study'?
1952 here. 1952.
P.S. I'm HIV neg after 20 years "out".
ReplyDeleteAre those people for real?
ReplyDeleteThey think they had to "come out"?
As if nobody had a clue about them from the time they were in preschool?
When I was 4 years old we had a siss in our class. When we were 16 he announced he was gay as if it had been top secret.
We all said "Yah we've all known for 12 years, Nancy...haven't you?"
Anon @ 11:40 - yes, it obviously apparent in - some - from an early age. I dated a guy who's father made him walk on a 2x4 when he was a toddler so he wouldn't "sway" when he walked. He seems to be "o.k." now (or I would have never dated him either).
ReplyDeleteSo, back to the subject.....believe it or not your beloved POTUS Obama smokes cigarettes. Yes, he still does. Since it was proven Obama and your mayor were known to frequent that Mans Country place, it think it's time we put him through some "therapy" or cut his health insurance altogether. Your highness Whitney Houston smoked cigarettes (along with her crack) until the day she died too. They keep/kept it "hidden".
Smoking cigarettes is bad for your health, no doubt. So is a diet for a 50 year old which consists of Frosted Flakes, Pop Tarts, McDonalds and anything that "looks" good that can also be stuck in a microwave from 7-11. If you don't think health insurers aren't looking at - you - too, think again. Blacks are already being denied health insurance coverage because of their known staples of sugar and grease (and the diabetes that comes along with it).
Again, smoking is bad for your health as well. Nicotine (a stimulant) hits your brain within 3 seconds of inhalation. I always thought more people should smoke (especially in Chicago) so they would wake up and stop being so stupid. More gays smoke "than their hetereosexual counterparts"? Gays, moreso than the general public, seem to be more "aware". I'm seeing a correlation here.
Soon, Steamworks is going to have to report all visitors names/addresses/i.d. #'s to the gubment so their "habits" can be traced for health inusrability reasons too. Watch. It's coming. Oh, and the vending machines in there that offer shrink wrapped processed foods such as Hostess fruit pies will have to be removed.
This is strange because I recently read an article that said the HIV infection rate is highest amongst black women now. Prior to that it was highest amongst black "DL" men (or still is). I think a decade or two ago, it was highest amongst gay men.
This "doctor" whomever she is, needs to get a real job. Or find a real purpose in life.
Lay off the smokers. Concentrate on fat people and people who practice "risky" sexual behavior while eating Twinkies (or this Doctors relatives who will cook a big pot of "greens" then smother it with 2 lbs. of butter or grease).
She should do a study on black women who incessently crack gum on the bus and discover that they are actually lacking attention of some sort in their personal lives and need psychotherapy. She'll also discover that they're at a higher rate for tooth decay and jaw bone arthritis in their mid-30's. And the black male bi**ches that crack gum and are also pigeon toed are, coincidentally, at a higher risk for suicide.
ReplyDeleteOr do a study on that Chicago habit of blacks gnawing on sunflower seed shells and spitting them on the floor anywhere they go. I'll bet it will be discoverd that this actually is animalistic behavior and is bad for everyones health and safety.
@5:07. There was a black woman popping her gum LOUD on the CTA red line yesterday. I wanted to stab her in the head with the tip of my umbrella. I hate that shit. They are definitely insecure.
ReplyDeleteI am SO sick of the damn tinny-sounding and blaring iPods on public trans and people yammering away on their cell phones. There is not a public space any more where quiet is violated. What is wrong with people these days?