Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Alleged gunshots jolt Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood

Early Wednesday morning, the supposed sound of gunfire shattered the quietude of Chicago’s North Side, Edgewater neighborhood.

Around 2:15 a.m., shots were reported on the 5800 block of North Glenwood Avenue, the 1500 block of West Ardmore Avenue, and the 1300 and 1400 blocks of West Thorndale Avenue, said police.

One 911 caller heard shots coming from Thorndale and Glenwood, near Nicholas Senn High School, 5900 North Glenwood Avenue, said police dispatch.

As of 2:32 a.m., the shootings were still unconfirmed.


  1. No one is safe any more

  2. Crazy as people that are ignorant and have nothing better to do in live taking innocent people"s lives. If they really hate life they should kill themselves not innocent people.

  3. Shots were reported by one person not confirmed.

    Get a grip people. "No one is safe anymore" ?? No one was safe ever in the history of the universe.

  4. I heard the shots as well. I live on Glenwood almost between Ardmore and Ridge and it was 3 shots at 2:10 (I took note of the time). It was a big gun - not your average street handgun.

  5. Anon @ 11:14 - I moved from there 4 years ago. Between that crazy house on Ridge closer to Clark (the "lady" who threw the alcohol in the CTA bus driver's face on the south side uses that address), the high school and it's "students" trying to walk me off the street in groups while I'm just trying to get to work.......just wasn't my recollection of "diversity".

  6. I went to the 24 hour CVS on Broadway near Granville last night, and only white people bugged me for money this time, one guy was trying to sell me DVDs and original Xbox games, the other was some methhead that just held her hand out like she expected me to hand my wallet over. I shrugged and kept walking.

  7. "students" trying to walk me off the street in groups while I'm just trying to get to work.......

    Jesus, poor you. A bunch of highschool kids going to schoool. I've never had a problem walking to work/train that way. Stop acting like such a pansy.

  8. It's tiring. I ain't walking in the street for them, bud. That action of theirs goes back to the slaves days if you "progressive artists" up there weren't so ignorant and "enabling". This is why this behavior - with guns - continues in your "diverse" neighborhood. Why are you here on CNR? Concerned about gunfire? Thought so.

    When one of those "people" tries to walk you off the sidewalk into the street (to show it's their "turf") and you're not budgin' either, then they offer to "shunk" you. You'll understand.

    See, some of us clean-cut white men aren't going to wear your slobawear "progressive" clothing to "assimilate" so we don't have any problems with them while you're taking photographs of buildings of yesteryear that are now abandoned, or spending all day trying to catch people picking their nose while calling it "art".

    Gay pansy sissies is what you people are there. True pansies. Let them walk all over you like that then complain about gunfire and your declining shitshack condo value. Ignorant too.

  9. Is these crazy white people shooting

  10. So do you guys not like the Jews here too, or is it just the blacks? What about Gypsies?

  11. All white people r lazzzyyy

  12. I'm going to have to agree with Anon 12:05 on this one. I moved from Ardmore, halfway between Clark and Ridge, about 2 years ago because it was an absolute ghetto over there. In 18 months of living there, I witnessed at least 5 very violent gang fights (they really would walk in huge packs and take over the sidewalk/street - I'd have to wave squad cars down to stop and help), a crack manufacturer getting taken down/arrested by about 30 cops in my front yard, a man beating his girlfriend in the street, several ghetto thugs yelling profanities/starting fights with people in the area, carloads of people smoking blunts in broad daylight, the dude across the street obviously selling drugs out of his apartment (really, who has *that* many 2-minute visitors?), high schoolers smoking weed in the alley, my car having parts removed while it was parked 3 feet from my back door, 12 year olds selling crack on my front porch at 2 in the afternoon, you name it. I was so sketched out, I actually moved out early on my lease and paid for two apartments at the same time just to get the hell out of there. I used to mention what was going on to the other people in the building and they said I was imagining things and just looked out the windows too much. Um.

  13. For what it's worth, I'm not bothered by the weed smoking - lots of people do it. But I do think when you see people smoking out in public in broad daylight, not even trying to be inconspicuous, it's often indicative of a shitty neighborhood. I prefer to live in areas where we just do drugs behind closed doors like civilized folks. :)

  14. They hate everyone who isn't a white straight conservative here. They want to exterminate blacks, gays, liberals, etc.

  15. Without nigs, liberals wouldn't have anyone to love.

  16. There are two organizations on the North Side, one that supposedly helps poor Jews, and another, who practically specialize in getting black people more free stuff. Their websites are full of photos of butterface social workers standing with grinning spooks.

  17. Um, You could always sell your crap on CL, load the Pontiac and drive to the backwoods of Virginia. You will live in a double wide around "your kind", get high, drink, and gather at the good ol' hootin nanny and talk about how much you love each other. Imagine a place where you could live in harmony with like minded people. You know your imagined utopia. Not a spook or Spic in sight. Get to packing.....

  18. How about that story on the front page of Yahoo about an out of control party at a foreclosed home in Houston that ended up with multiple gunshot victims & one dead.

    Oh and guess what? EVERY PARTYGOER that was shown on film, in the newspapers, and who was interviewed by the press, is black. Some of them, you can barely comprehend their illiterate ebonics.

    What a shock - a bunch of black kids break into a house, start a party, 500 more show up, and it turns into a gun battle when the police come to break it up. Incredible that only the ni gs, and no cops, were shot. At least they're aiming better down there.

  19. What about the story where they killed off the natives and stole the land?

  20. Saying we took their land is like saying we took land from the squirrels. Just because they lived here before we did, doesn't mean it belongs to them...

  21. I've been in the "Deep South" and other rural areas, they still have a spook problem, spooks have permeated every area of the Earth like a vicious cancer, including Japan, which pisses me off to no end.

  22. Yeea, but u CHOOSE to live in Chicago, Pack your things Archie Bunker and set up somewhere that meets your standards and stop yer BITCHIN and complainin, hey go suk sum black dik and get with it, LOL! I would love to know your personal situation, I bet all the coins in the bottom of my knock off BIRKEN BAG that they are Less than ideal or favorable, Beeyach!

  23. I'm starting the fourth Reich here in Chicago,fuckface but this time niggers are gonna get it and not the Jews.

  24. Squirrels? Now THAT is a non sequitor.

  25. What a sewer this blog is.

  26. you racist fucks say that shit when you see us in the streets. i promise i will slit your throat leave you right where you stand. on behalf of the almighty latin king nation from clark and broadway. from now on were gonna fuck up you white cowards when we see you. now you shouldnt feel safe

  27. ^ are you one of those indigeno mexicans? you know, the ones that look like natives/feather indians... looks like you guys keep getting wiped out. "scoreboard".

  28. I just heard shots at Magnolia and Rosedale.

  29. I just farted.!!! That's wHy


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