On Tuesday, February 2, 2012, around 9:37 a.m., a #92 Foster bus came to a complete stop near the corner of West North Avenue and North Rockwell Avenue.
Several passengers grew inpatient as the bus driver repeatedly asked a woman to remove her shopping cart from the middle of the aisle.
“Your cart cannot sit there, ma’am ,” said the driver.
“I heard you and so did everybody else,” snapped the passenger. “If anybody can help me, it’ll be faster.”
After fumbling through her pockets and further antagonizing the other commuters, the disheveled passenger continued to block the aisle - preventing other passengers from boarding the bus.
When the disruptive woman realized she was being videotaped, she ran toward the cameraman and threatened to report him for illegally recording her.
“Oh! Good! I’m gonna get your number, ‘cause that’s illegal,” she said.
“Hey, bitch! You ain’t go no job! Get the fuck up off this bus, Joe!” shouted an irate man, toward the rear of the bus. “You ain’t finna make me late! Fuck that!”
Sensing she might have bitten off more than she could chew, the bizarre passenger pulled out a cell phone and pretended to call the police; which wasn’t a bad idea, because it looked like things were about to get ugly.
Photo and video courtesy of YouTube user samlambproductions.
I caused an incident on the bus today myself but everyone on the bus was a poor Mexican or broke nigger and nobody captured the glory of me screaming "I HOPE YOU GET SICKLE CELL AND DIE!" to the silverback who threatened me over nothing.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the motherfucking CTA, when a train pulls up and it's overloaded, the yuppie fuck white college students get on and then crowd the doorway and don't let other people on.
ReplyDeleteThey give you this sour "Hey man, you're rude" look when you push past then so you're not riding right up against the door ready to fall out onto the third rail.
I thought college students were supposed to be smart?
Also mexicans and polocks on the bus pretend to be deaf when you ask them to move in their native language, who are they fucking kidding? Get your ass back on the boat already.
Fannypack woman is hot, my cock is very hard right now
ReplyDeleteIf I was on that bus, I would have walked up front when she was away from her cart and chucked it out the bus door. Surprised no one did.
ReplyDeleteHer cell phone is probably one of those free phones given out by the government to welfare recipients. We're paying extra so these folks can have a free cell phone.
ReplyDeleteI'm very encouraged that for once a white person is inconveniencing a whole pack of niggers.
ReplyDelete"I'm very encouraged that for once a white person is inconveniencing a whole pack of niggers."
ReplyDeleteEquality, my friend. Looks like it's arrived in Chicago.
riding CTA will change your view of people, if it hasn't already changed. You immediately start to hate as soon as you try to get on the train, because the rampaging ignorant attitude, where no one will move for anyone, and the backpack mess, (dont confuse US college with Intelligence, it just means someone qualified for loans, or their parents got good jobs in banking an can pay the fees) its like a daily bath in cook county jail.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 8:07 I somewhat agree.
ReplyDeleteNow, she's probably one of those, ahem, people that was "deemed o.k." to go live amongst the rest of us that are just trying to get by (and get to work), but is not. I wondered how these 2 crazy b's I used to live nearby got into that wonderful, amazing, crazyland neighborhood called Andersonville that everybody hyped me on. I didn't live next door to one of these crazy old b's - but TWO! Lucky me. One of them I called Driving Miss Daisy Does The Ghetto. She owned the neighborhood, ya know.
And Anon @ 2:25 - I physically pushed one of those people out of my way today. 6'2" "man" with his "kindle" or wtf ever it is was more important than moving out of the way of those trying exit, even after an "excuse me". One of those that can't hang on and thinks he's going to use YOUR body as some type of a support device while constantly having to get something out of his pocket, put something back in his pocket, play with his kindle, play with his pecker and everything else on a CROWDED bus. Then you get a lil girly pfffttttt when you correct them on how to act like a MAN and/or PUSH them out of the way. I don't know where these people come from. They need to go home and smack their mama for not raising them right.
You just have to start "correcting" them or they'll never learn.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I hate living here. The negatives FAR outway the positives.
@9:50: You hate living here? Then why don't you move? I come to this site because I think the angry rants and casual racism in the comments are amusing, but your comment is sad. Be an American. Exercise your freedoms. Live where you want to live.
ReplyDelete@9:50 - working on it. Thanks for your input. But on the other hand, why don't these crazy people and criminals - move?! But you people in this city "exercise your freedoms" right to the hilt. These "homeless" people out in the Loop know their "rights" right down to every crossed t and dotted i. I have a "right" to get to work without being held up, hassled, bamboozled and White MF'rd too. Think about it.
ReplyDeleteIf only everyone in the entire city would act like I wanted them to there wouldn't be a problem.
ReplyDeleteJesus people, you're such babies. People won't move, someone bumped me, this man get's stuff out of his pocket too much..cry me a river so I can drown you in it.
Speaking of the motherfucking CTA, when a train pulls up and it's overloaded, the yuppie fuck white college students get on and then crowd the doorway and don't let other people on.
ReplyDeleteThey give you this sour "Hey man, you're rude" look when you push past then so you're not riding right up against the door ready to fall out onto the third rail.
Wait for the next train or quit your bitching you whiny faggot. Say something to my face next time, Im on the brown and purple line daily.
@12:00: Instead of waiting for the whiny faggots to say something to your face, why don't you channel some of that aggression toward something useful, like kicking some punk gangbanger's ass? Eh,tough guy? Assholes like you are part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteAnon at 12pm, look forward to meeting me in the near future. Wear Depends, you'll need 'em.
ReplyDeleteI take daily opportunities to fuck with niggers everyday, I have the advantage of a fully evolved brain and the ability to not "chimpout" at the slightest level of frustration. Whenever there is niggery, I am there to wreck it. Wherever there is TNB, I am there to film it. Wherever there is a smelly dick cheese nigger hobo begging, I am there to chase him off.
ReplyDeleteI am SuperHonky, here to defend the white and the right!!
My boyfriend worked in a Ryan's Steakhouse, and whenever blacks would come in, they'd run the waiter's ass off, make a disgusting mess, and either stiff them outright or leave a tip so small it was insulting. As a result most of the waiters/waitresses would go in the back and have a shit fight and fight with the host over who got the nigger table.
Come on people, why are you all so angry at the world? There are annoying, bad, stupid, pretty, and ugly people of ALL races. Seriously, why are you hating on the Blacks? And this woman obviously has a mental disorder and should have received assistance by one of the passengers to avoid all the back and forth nonsense!I felt bad for this woman, I hope she has family in the area.
ReplyDeleteGod, this blog is a cesspool of hatred and psychotic anger.
ReplyDeleteYou have not even seen the likes of mental illness just yet!!
ReplyDeleteNiggers are only 13% of the population...but cause 80% of the crime. That is a good enough reason to hate them and want them all dead.
ReplyDeleteHey Chicago news report . Are u a fucking retard this is clearly on route #72 north ave. Not foster dumb ass
ReplyDeleteSolution - passenger picks up the cart and throws it off the bus. If the crazy old bitch needs it that bad she will get off the bus and attend to her 'property'.
ReplyDeleteWhy cant other people have the same problem solving skills as me?
I actually did, 3 days prior to you coming up with those same problem solving skills, Anon 1:28. Take a peek back a few days. Nice to know if I'm ever in a situation like this, there could be a fellow cart tosser such as myself nearby to assist. Toss away!
ReplyDeleteIt's better to just pay the eight bucks or so to have the grocery store deliver than to inconvenience EVERYBODY with your grandma cart.
ReplyDeleteI just don't get why not one person on the bus simply helped this lady by picking up her cart, and putting it down where she was going. It's not that difficult or big a deal to help somebody, especially an old lady who is obviously struggling with moving that thing around, and is getting upset with everybody on there harassing her.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the Foster bus doing on North Av.?
ReplyDeleteThank God I moved away from Chi-town. I forgot how crazy the people are there.