Race-baiters are aghast over a recently approved Microsoft GPS application designed to steer its users away from unsafe neighborhoods. You know... like Englewood and most of the South and West Side of Chicago.
Even though the word "ghetto" isn't in the patent application, the purportedly controversial software has been nicknamed the "avoid the ghetto" app, and has drawn heavy criticism from people who obviously have too much time on their hands.
Although nothing can take the place of good old-fashioned common sense, any device that keeps unsuspecting victims out of the clutches of predatory thugs, in Martha Stewart's words, is a "good thing".
What a good idea! I had relatives drive into town from another state who innocently took an exit ramp from the Dan Ryan to get gas without knowing the neighborhood...they thought they had arrived in the jungles of the Congo.
ReplyDeleteand then you whites hippies say why you get robbed and killed look at this your promoting racism you guys are stupid the more stupid things like this you come out with the more whites are gonna get robbed and shot blacks and even hispanics already hate you guys with a passion for being racist and moving into there neighborhoods that things like this will make them even hate you more hahaha you guys have fun making lil apps like this watch what will happen to you you better think twice before posting racist comments cause were watching black and latinos will punch or stab when they see a white because you guys talk behind the computer the next news report here will be yuppies got robbed at gunpoint and shot in the morning while joggin hahahaha
ReplyDeleteto 532 pm - That post was retarded. Grow up.
ReplyDeleteNow for the adults, I looked a little further into this, and it sounds great!
From what I learned, this app takes data from the FBI, state, and local police crime reports, and then advises the user in two scenarios: If the user does a search (like on google maps) of an address or business, and if it's in a high crime neighborhood, the app will include in the search results a warning that it's high crime, and in what categories.
Secondly, if you are using it for GPS, and you cross into an area that is high crime in one or more category, it will notify you.
The data that it also uses is relevant. For example, it includes criminal activity such as aggravated assault, rape, murder, armed carjacking, etc. But it omits crimes such as shoplifting and domestic violence.
Basically, it focuses on quality of life crimes, aka, the type of criminal activity that in this city is exponentially more likely to be committed by certain demographics. Which is the type of activity most normal people want to avoid.
I think this is a wonderful idea. And you know what? If black people don't want to feel that this is racist, how about raise your kids and police your own. How about drive out the gangs and let them know their activity is not welcome in your neighborhoods. Then, your 'hood won't appear as "ghetto" on the app!
this damn white racist haters always talking tough when in reality you are too scared to even walk by yourselfs they should come out with a app that says careful aproaching drunk yuppie infested neighborhood because you guys too are dangerous walking and screaming drunk in public fighting each other for heroine needles raping dogs and horses white kids killing their parents for no reason what gives you guys the right to talk against other people when whites were worse back in the early days its all over history books and movies you guys are worse than blacks and hispanics
ReplyDeleteDamn us white people and our proper grammar, punctuation and literacy!
ReplyDeleteAND THIS STORY IS WAY WORSE THAN A BLACK ROBBING OR SHOOTING WHY DONT YOU POST THIS IN YOUR HEADLINES OH I SEE YOUR JUST TARGETING BLACKS AND LATINOS YOU WHITES ARE EXTREMELY DISGUSTING THE NASTY MOST RACIST PEOPLE ON EARTH I HOPE GOD COMES AND SENDS ALL OF YOU TO HELL TO FRY .......FORT WAYNE, Ind. — A babysitter and trusted neighbor has confessed that he bludgeoned a 9-year-old Indiana girl to death with a brick then dismembered her, hiding her head, hands and feet at a home where he was staying and dumping the rest of her remains nearby, police said Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteAllen County sheriff's investigators said in an affidavit that 39-year-old Michael Plumadore admits he killed Aliahna Lemmon on Thursday.
According to the affidavit, Plumadore told police that after beating Aliahna to death on the front steps of the home in the early morning hours, he stuffed her body into trash bags and hid her in the freezer at the home in a rundown trailer park in Fort Wayne. He said he later chopped up her body with a hacksaw and stuffed her remains into freezer bags.
Hey a$$hole at 719:
That went up 12/27, same day as reported in the Trib & CST.
And btw, what's your point?
Here is a tragic, terrible event. No white people are disputing it. But also no white people are crying racism, no white people are trying to hide the criminal or protect him.
And as tragic as this incident is, it doesn't actually ruin our city, like the behavior displayed by you & your ghetto friends.
Armed robberies, carjackings, rapes, innocent bystanders who are caught between rival gang fire. All of that type of activity is what the app in question here is about, because that's the type of behavior that ruins quality of life in this city.
And until you start to recognize that, and take responsibility as a community for the absurd behavior of your teens & 20 somethings, white people will hate your f*ing black a$$es more every day. You shiners are more racist than anybody period. I'm so glad that you are kept out of my neighborhood.
They won't take responsibility until they lose some of the things they feel they are entitled to such as their link cards, section 8 housing, etc. If their kid drops out of school they should lose any and all the freebies they receive. The same goes if their kids are convicted of a crime. If they had their free rides taken away, they would be forced to work like normal people. Then, they may actually consider taking some responsibility for their offspring.
DeleteWhite people f-ing horses or committing the occasional molestation doesn't even compare to the endless, constant, pervasive violence that blacks inflict upon every venue they visit or live at. Our good outweighs our bad. What did you give us? Peanut butter? Rap music? Sinbad? Uh...nah.
ReplyDeleteThey also gave us Doritos in a bag with melted cheese on top!! But, if you listen to the new Microsoft app, you'll never find them!
DeleteMy, ahem, 2000 Cadillac/Detroit (12 years ago ya'll), had "avoid points" on the navi system. Get with the times.
ReplyDeleteIs there an app for horses so they can avoid being raped?
ReplyDeleteTime for felon microchips---due time, you get a microchip. Then us whites can create another app 'Felon Nearby App.' This app would be accessible on our IPhones and we would know what areas and people to avoid.
ReplyDeleteWill Uptown be mapped out as an unsafe area?
ReplyDeleteThese minorities don't do themselves any favors when they come in here posting illiterate gibberish. Go to school you piece of shit.
ReplyDeleteI love reading these comments. It's better than stand up comedy. Thumbs down to ghetto. I'm downloading that app... NOW!
ReplyDeleteSo much race-based hate from the extremely courageous and articulate [Anonymous January 11, 2012 5:32 PM] et al. A better demonstration of the value of such an application could scarcely be written.
ReplyDeleteAll this application does is allow people to avoid crime-ridden areas filled with people much like [Anonymous January 11, 2012 5:32 PM]. As their tough talking anonymous post makes clear, they are quite eager to use violence on other races. It only makes sense to avoid areas populated by low IQ people that are consumed with incoherent rage and racist ideology.
Anonymous January 11, 2012 10:32 PM said... “ These minorities don't do themselves any favors when they come in here posting illiterate gibberish. Go to school you piece of shit.”
That is not the answer. A lot of that kind of gibberish is being taught in schools, churches and in media.
Thing with Black People they do not want to be seen in any negative light at all. If they do something they point at something else never can we put the blame on them its all everyone else's fault.
ReplyDeleteThey roll back to Slavery but every race has been enslaved and let's be honest every other people seem to work there way out of it but bottom line if white people were not taking care of black people they would resort to building shanties and living in mudd hutts.
Currently colleges are doing studies that it was racist for white people to leave the city and leave maintenance and city repair up to black people.
What it says to me is you all can't take care of yourselves! Think about it every other race if we want to be fire fighters we'd have to pass a test. If you flunk and your black you need a pass. Hell the only reason why most of you people are working is because the Government puts you in Government jobs in which you suck at only to excel at being nasty and Chimp Outs.
I love everyone and I lived and stayed through a white flight. I was told young if I am attacked if I respond I would be racist and could get charged with a hate crime.
Want to know why white people fear responding? They fear jail because you all don't care about anything go to jail it's just another day for you guys.
Bottom line everyone doesn't matter the nationality is tired of black people. MS-13 largest Latin gang in the world is targeting blacks.
If this country falls and you have to fend for yourselves you'll have no one to help you but stop the Federal Government protection and you guys will get what you have coming to you.
Seriously you guys can only get away with this lifestyle for so long. As a country we are going bankrupt taking care of you people
Bank Loans who do you think those want to that started this crisis? Barney Frank and Chris Dodd made it law in the 90s black people deserve homes if a single mothers only income is doing hair and she can't prove it, oh well bank give her money or get fined!
ReplyDeleteEven down to the Dust Bowl of the 30s most people forget a good number of black people were given their 40 acres and a mule. What did they do? Pretty much turn a huge bunch of fertile land into a literal desert. Ever wonder when in a plane looking down at farms why every looks uneven and sort of like a puzzle with different parts?
Well when you give a bunch of people a good amount of land to farm and they don't know what they are going they'll destroy the land. Imagine that dust from Texas or the south west reaching all the way to New York city or Chicago.
The great Anthony Cumia came up with this idea years ago on his radio show. I'm surprised Microsoft was the first to develop it. Seems like it should be a standard feature on GPS units.
ReplyDelete(btw illiterate trolls are fail trolls)
I am waiting for the "Avoid Earth" app - this W H O L E effin' planet is populated by EVIL WORTHLESS ANIMALS who should be EXTERMINATED before any so-called "Human", or "Human" DNA can escape from the "Earth" to infect and destroy the rest of The Universe.
ReplyDeleteHitler had the R I G H T idea - he just didn't paint with a broad enough brush.
(i.e.: E V E R Y B O D Y - NOT just the Jews).
I find this app hilarious. I hope Apple approves it so I can get it on iTunes!
ReplyDeleteAKA the "drugs sold here" app
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous January 11, 2012 5:32 PM
ReplyDeleteYou are the problem you uneducated, worthless drain on society, the world owes me a fucking favor nigger. Clearly you dropped out of junior high based upon your lack of basic grammatical skills. Plus, you laugh at innocent victims getting robbed and shot. I have been held at gunpoint and had a knife to my throat, by who? NIGGERS. You should all be sterilized to prevent further infestation. Crime will go down, property values will rise and the US will be a much happier and safer place to live. And BTW, I am NOT afraid of you and am ready to throw down every single time I leave my house.
Uptown and Rogers Park should be off-limits as well, as it is invaded by social service agency trash who wander the neighborhood and inflict themselves upon normal human beings, however few of us there are left.
ReplyDeleteGod equipped all of us with a perfect "ghetto app": our EYES. Wherever you see a loitering or slow moving cohort of blacks is where productive, self-respecting citizens don't want to be.
ReplyDeleteAnything bad white people do does not disrupt the whole city like you nignogs do daily.
ReplyDeleteI wish Hitler would kill stupid me and my stupid gray line.
ReplyDelete"And BTW, I am NOT afraid of you and am ready to throw down every single time I leave my house."
ReplyDeleteNo sleep 'til Naperville.
To yesterday at 1123 pm (the idiot who said northdside neighborhoods are dangerous):
ReplyDeleteYou better check your maps again.
Accoring to the Chicago Police "Clearmap" Crime Summaries, of 72 neighborhoods measured in the city, 10 of the top 12 in number of criminal sexual assaults, aka Rape, were south side neighborhoods. The two remaining neghborhoods are Austin & Humbolt Park, which are guess what? Neighborhoods filled with black ghetto welfare trash.
Ladie's & Gentlemen, your top 12:
(Rank/Name/# of reported rapes in 2011)
1 - Austin (99)
2 - South Shore (63)
3 - Englewood (58)
4 - North Lawndale (56)
5 - Humbolt Park (51)
6 - Greater Grand Crossing (48)
7 - W. Englewood (47)
8 - Roseland (44)
9 - Auburn Gresham (40)
10 - W. Pullman (39)
11t - Chicago Lawn (38)
11t - Chatham (38)
So once again, don't let anything like FACTS get in the way of your racist argument, or failed attempt to distract people from the real discussion of how your people are destroying this city.
(To find this yourself, and then think of a new excuse to deny facts, do a google search for "chicago crime statistics clearmap," then click on the first link, and use the tool).
Wow! The hatred posted from both sides on the blog prohibits us from seeing the real issue- the prevalence of crime and its effects on human life. Degradation, poverty, ill will and lack of conscienceness does not have a color, ethnicity, or gender preference. It is real and exists and only a concerted effort to make things better will change this...not racism, bigotry and/or hatred. By the way, there are no all/none statements that are ever applicable to any race...there are lazy, crazy, assinine people in all ethnic groups and within the larger society...as witnessed here in some of these posts. People, we as humans - have to do better!
ReplyDeleteI live in a "safe" part of Rogers Park (lots of college kids/cops protecting them) and I usually drive or walk, but whenever I take the bus and travel through Edgewater, especially the 147 or the 36, I am disheartened to see how different it is, really sickly drug addicts standing around begging, or actively walking in traffic at stoplights, posting themselves outside a Red Line stop, etc.
ReplyDeleteI have lived in many places across the US and the misery some ethnic/income level groups create for themselves is virtually identical, same behaviors, etc. It simply cannot be explained away just because bad things happened to their ancestors, otherwise we would have Jewish ghettos or ghettos of people from other third world nations all across the country. We don't.
to Fed Up - Yeah, I don't get the traffic thing. I constantly see ghetto black people just slowly strolling through traffic, sometimes against the light at an intersection, other times just moseying down the street anywhere they please.
ReplyDeleteI always wonder - are they hoping to get hit by a car & win the ghetto lottery, or do they just like forcing white people to stop for them?
I was just at the Dominick's on Foster/Sheridan and an old white guy was lurking in the bathroom, I was thinking for a minute I might have to kick his ass, but he just wanted a cigarette.
ReplyDeleteNeedless to say, I'm sick of being panhandled EVERYWHERE I go. Time to make it illegal, along with loitering.
The ignorance of the racists, bigots and simple minded should be overlooked so the actual issue can be discussed. I live in Watts, CA or “The Ghetto” as this app would put it. I would have to agree, though it is not simply because of the color of people’s skin. I see every race here, and it’s honestly all people fallen on hard times doing what they can to provide for their families. Which does make this neighborhood a little more dangerous, because what would you do to ensure your family doesn’t starve? So generally when I see people lost around here I tell them the quickest way to get back to the 105 and out of “The Ghetto”. This app would free up some of my day.
ReplyDeleteSo this app would keep me out of your crime-ridden neighborhood of Watts, which is 98.8% black or Latino and has the highest violent crime rate by zip code in the western Pacific time zone? And it will save you time by not having to help me get out if I accidentally stray in??
ReplyDeleteSounds like a win-win to me. I already pay more than enough in taxes to ensure that YOUR family doesn't starve, I don't need to be "taxed" by the gangs or "starving parents" you allow to run Watts.
In my opinion, Microsoft can't get this to market fast enough.
Anonymous said... January 17, 2012 5:12 PM “Wow! The hatred posted from both sides on the blog prohibits us from seeing the real issue- the prevalence of crime and its effects on human life. “
ReplyDeleteWhat a silly thing to say. The prevalence of crime is first and foremost on the minds of the readers of this blog.
Anonymous said... January 17, 2012 5:12 PM “Degradation, poverty, ill will and lack of conscienceness [sic] does not have a color, ethnicity, or gender preference.”
Actually, they DO have a preference, as numerous statistics and studies indicate quite clearly. That you choose to ignore/deny that does not change the truth one bit.
Anonymous said... January 17, 2012 5:12 PM “It is real and exists and only a concerted effort to make things better will change this...not racism, bigotry and/or hatred. “
More of the usual childish liberal platitudes. It is quite clear that you have been thoroughly indoctrinated.
Anonymous said... January 17, 2012 5:12 PM “By the way, there are no all/none statements that are ever applicable to any race...there are lazy, crazy, assinine [sic] people in all ethnic groups and within the larger society”
This is the leftist race baiter’s favorite straw man. Nobody is using ALL/NONE arguments except you people.
Well said, Castellan, on all points above.
ReplyDeleteBTW, CNR people, it used to be easy to find older articles on the blog. Now, even though there is a "Blog Archive" feature on here, I can only see a certain number of articles for each month. I only stumbled back across this one bc I googled your name & this article title.
Is there a way you can re-implement the old navigation format that allowed readers to search through older postings in a month on the blog? Right now, it seems like you can only see the 25 or 50 most recent posts for any given month. Otherwise, it's very difficult to look back on your older work.
Perhaps you can put up a posting reminding people how to navigate here (like your recent postings about comment rules). Thanks.
"They also gave us Doritos in a bag with melted cheese on top!! But, if you listen to the new Microsoft app, you'll never find them!"
ReplyDeleteHow do you melt cheese on a bag of Doritos? Aren't those bags metallic? That would case a fire in a mircowave!!
Anything to avoid jig neighborhoods is a great idea. They invade our malls and neighborhoods because they trash their crappy houses then get upset when others don't want to be subjected to the ghetto garbage?
ReplyDeleteCan you say "run on sentence?" I'd say if you are in a neighborhood with lots of run on sentences it is probably not a good neighborhood, period. Like many of the people posting here. Now there is a novel idea, the period as a useful punctuation mark.
ReplyDeleteI am thinking that since most of you want to antagonize each other, may I suggest that maybe the best way to do so is simply to agree with them. Usually when blacks are arguing with whites about whatever, and they get irritated enough, they eventually say...Well if whites hadn't dragged blacks across the ocean in the first place, then none of the crap that whites complain about blacks for would have ever happened. So to that I say Yes you are absolutely correct, and whites will continue to regret those decisions for as long as blacks continue to perpetuate crap that is over 100 years old, but thank you for keeping us reminded that y'all aint got nuttin better to do, nor do you really want anything better to do. Funny thing is, honestly, Im white, and Ive hired blacks over whites when they demonstrate better abilities. But clearly some folks want the BENEFITS of being equal, without taking on the RESPONSIBILITIES of it.
ReplyDeleteThe point is, we would never have to have this application if there wasnt any crime in these areas.who is doing all the crime in these areas? Yes sir you guessed it. Its not racist, its the facts. Numbers dont lie.
ReplyDeleteYeah...sure they will.
As long as this app is using hard data of violent crime statistics to identify the areas to avoid, you can't claim that it's racist. Bottom line: I don't care what color skin the majority of the residents have, I don't want to drive into an area where I am more likely to be a victim of a violent crime.