A so-called Rogers Park resident is so furious with Chicago News Report's readers, she is organizing a boycott of our advertisers.
"I was thinking that a good way to fight against the racism that runs rampant on the CNR would be to boycott their local advertisers, but I just poked around the site a little bit and it looks like the only advertisements are from USA Today and Sony.
Perhaps we could reach out and ask them to pull their ads, but I don't know if they'd listen. If we could get the ads removed from CNR, at least they wouldn't profit from their rampant racism."

You've "been thinking," Jenn? There's a first time for everything. I think Jenn K. is a bogus ID created by Phoebe. That's what I've "been thinking."
ReplyDeleteKeep up the great work, CNR. Give the world the real Chicago street stories as they happen. Let the comments flow as they may.
Isn't it great that the PC police have yet to conquer the internet. These liberals want to censor and suppress any viewpoint they disagree with. Whatever happened to the old-school liberals that valued free speech?
ReplyDeleteI don't have to agree with your opinion but you better believe that I will fight for your right to express it.
if a tree fell in the woods and no one was around to hear it, would it make a noise?
ReplyDeleteQuit your crying "Jenn K." If you are "New to Rogers Park" don't worry, you will be a victim soon. Then you will understand why everyone is so "racist" towards a certain race. In the meantime, no one is holding a gun to your head to read all these so called racist comments.
ReplyDeleteNow quit your bitching already. Go read the sugar coated news of the Chicago Tribune. You can bury your head deep in the sand and pretend the crime is not any worse than previous years.
CNR keep up the good work of keeping us law biding citizens informed!! THANK YOU
Lol. Why dont you work on stopping the black violent crime in Chicago? One day this bitch is gonna run into the wrong crackhead and her tune will change.
ReplyDeleteEnough with the friggin race card bullshit. Time to call a spade a spade. CNR merely reports the news. All you bitching about it being racist kindly STFU!! Now, go down to 26th & California and tell me the race of the majority of its residents. The dumb ass ghetto thugs made their own decisions to do the crimes that got them locked up. A spade is a spade.
ReplyDeleteThey want to squash free speech, basically. It's pretty clear by the ad hominem attacks and such over there that they want to control everybody's thoughts on everything.
ReplyDeleteThe problem with some blacks is when they are mixed with a bit of white or other race, their normal baseline intelligence is boosted to what passes for a almost-normal person. They think they are geniuses and try to use their "intellect" towards social issues.
Off to buy a Sony Vaio and a Usatoday! Maybe there's pictures of Megan Fox's tits in there today.
Jenn K:
ReplyDeleteWhat world do you live that you think racism does not exist? Do you think that by writing USA Today and Sony, it's going to make it all go away? Sorry but this is freedom of expression, we have the right to express our anger towards what is going on in Chicago. The people commenting are REAL residents in Chicago. Do you think this is the only site they read where Sony and USA Today are advertising? Regardless, these advertisers are still advertising to them, whether on this site or not.
You are a complete idiot living in your dirty Rogers Park apartment. Yuck! Who actually lives in Rogers Park? Losers who have no standards in life who have to live in that gross neighborhood. I also want to add that you are probably an ugly woman living with ten cats because no man will even touch you.
If you don't like CNR, don't read it. Simple as that. I don't like the Huffington Post, do you think I waste my time on it. Part of the reason I dont like HP is because of the censorship. If I am NOT allowed to voice my true opinion, I won't read it. Besides, you dumb ass, by clicking on CNR, you are supporting the site. They track how many hits they receive, dumb ass!
CNR, I love your blog! Keep up the good work!!
The comments on this blog do tend to be very hateful and racist. And I can understand your concept of allowing freedom of speech here, but the hateful and racist comments here are too plentiful and way over the top. As the owner of this blog, Tim, you should rethink giving hateful and racists individuals free reign on YOUR blog.
ReplyDeleteI guess I will have to visit CNR twice as often and see significantly fewer CAPS LOCK comments now...
ReplyDeleteWin - Win situation for me!
btw if you use ad block software in your browser or etc, you should add CNR to the exceptions list (so it stops blocking the ads).
Poor anonymous @ 11:01pm. Clearly, you don't spend much time around here. CNR used to be racist because it printed suspects' races in its descriptions of suspects. (Go find a Tribune story in which a suspect description includes their race. You'll see height ranges, weight ranges, age ranges, and clothing descriptions. But you won't see any story that says the criminal is believed to be white, black, asian or hispanic.)
ReplyDeleteNow the blog is racist because of what is said in its comments.
Racism is in the eye of the beholder. Truth hurts.
Also, I would like to add there seem to be more people dropping the N bomb than ever on here. I suspect some of the new liberal readers are pretending to be racists and anonymously saying nigger as many times as they can in every sentence. That way they can get all the more outraged over the awful language (that they themselves are using).
ReplyDelete@ 11:01 If you don't like it, don't read it. You are a complete idiot.
ReplyDelete@ 11:12 haha, I bet you are right about that!! And that Phoebe person needs to get a life and stop harassing CNR with her nonsense.
ReplyDeleteWe were all assured that by electing Obama blacks would have a role model and become model citizens as a result. Yet they seem to be getting worse, what with all the wildings and so forth. What happened? We were lied to.
ReplyDeleteWhy come to a blog if one doesn't like it? There's plenty of blogs out there to choose from that'll give her what she prefers to hear. I like how some people move here from wherever then act as if they're in charge. Nobody appointed her to be everybody else's boss.
Lol at CNR stirring the race pot. Shit posts like this just encourage a breeding ground for the closet racists to spout off. There's crime in the city as they say, and that's why I liked the idea of having some creepy guy blog the police scanner to keep us more informed. It's a free country people can say whatever the fuck they want in these comments, but celebrating the racist chatter is just stupid.
ReplyDeleteJenn K is exactly the type of goof ball on EB that makes me want to vomit!!!! "New to Rogers Park, excited about community" Bitch please!!! What are these dumb liberals on??? I want some. Who even fucking talks like that? What the fuck are you so "excited" about? I mean I like Rogers Park but lets be honest there's some fucked up shit around here. Shes one of those dumb bitches with the perpetual paxil smile on her face that makes thugs want to beat the shit out of her and rob her. Again, I apologize for all the F bombs but idiots like this annoy the hell out of me.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that I have made comments that are "hateful" and "racist." That is because I HATE the neverending crimes being committed by the jungle savage ignorant NIGGERS.
ReplyDeleteLOL @ "New to Rogers Park - Excited About Community"...what a douchebag.
ReplyDeletePretty much what Chicago News Report is actually posting is what is actually going on in the city and stories that are being ignored. The White flight on the North Side is an interesting situation.
ReplyDeleteYou have a people who claim to be the most tolerant and progressive people on the planet. A people that looks down on everyone and for years have told everyone else to be tolerant...now you guys are going through what many other cities and counties have gone through. The rampant crime, rapes, drugs, gangs, and racism against whites and everyone else by black.
The media and local politicians won't touch it but now you guys are going through it you have people from other areas telling you to deal with it or like some Catholics who don't want to talk about the Priest situation telling you guys not to talk about the situation with blacks becoming violent.
I survived and lived through a white flight. I was beaten and abused and told when I fought back that I was racist. Hell I even married a black woman from another country but that makes me a bigger racist.
We need to stop allowing blacks to get away with all this crime lest we lose ourselves and our children.
Let's face it black people refuse to clean up there act. Soon your local alderman will be replaced by black women wearing funny bright clothes that further destroys your area. Only way truly to get them in line is to put them into areas and tell them not to leave.
I think as more people are actually exposed to black people they understand why there was segregation why the police had to get out the fire hoses.
At this point we hear only one side the Civil Rights Movement but we don't hear stories about Cairo IL which I recommend you reading about to understand why the system was setup the way it was
Keep this blog alive. The only problem I have with this blog is that FAGS post racist crap on here and so do the wetbacks. True Aryan's HATE FAGS AND WETBACKS too. FAGS that discriminate against NIGGERS need to be burned alive and then thrown into one mass grave. That way, they can cruise each other for eternity. Wetbacks need to keep my lawn fresh and green for $2.50 an hour. Niggers need to go back to Africa.
ReplyDeleteThis lady seems too fail at realizing that racism is always going to exist. As a teenager I use to date a black guy (high class educated, spoke proper english one) and would get very upset at any racial comments. I thought racial profiling was horrible until I became an adult and payed attention to the news. Its not our fault as society to feel that black people are destroying our cities.they get so upset when people make comments that are nasty and cruel well if you behaved properly and every news article didn't include"black offender"people wouldn't say anything. There's a hand full of great black people but you have these thugs that ruin your reputation why don't you go to englewood and boycott haha let's see how long you last there. I'm puerto rican and trust me hispanics are in second place with nasty crimes but atleast they are not in the news everyday doing something really petty. Phoebe needs to let it go because as long as the uneducated black people keep popping up in the news people will share their frustration and we are entitle to those feelings.
ReplyDeleteMany people talk about how crime is getting so bad but there's actually no evidence to indicate that. Overall violent crime on the northside is not getting worse we just know about it because of the internet.
ReplyDeleteUm, and let's be honest. This site is racist but a lot of these readers wnat it that way.
Don't pretend it's not racist. I'm not saying boycott I'm saying say what it is.
You can have a bunch of peopel using racial slurs and people from jungle. If that's not racist than what exactly is?
7:08 came from everyblock.
ReplyDeletego troll elsewhere you loser. you are a typical disingenuous liberal that waves their finger at anyone using that sort of language, yet YOU are willing to use it anonymously on a blog.
it just goes to show the language you whine about so profusely doesn't offend you at all. what offends you, is reality...
A lot of the people who post comments on here are racist bigots, but that's the world we live in. Just don't read them!
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the information this site provides, however, the majority of people who comment here are blatant and unapologetic racists. Not just stereotyping, but clearly hateful and bad intentioned. I don't blame Jean, although I realize the idiots on this site aren't the same as the publishers.
ReplyDelete@7:08 is an angry closet gay who is half Black and angry because his Black Mom abandoned him. And he is also angry because he is in love with a gay Mexican bartender at Roscoes who won't give him any attention. Poor thing is a hot mess and miserable! It would suck to be him, poor and angry.
ReplyDeleteTo Dave Wagner - I agree with your feelings on both sides, CNR provides valuable info that isn't reported in the mainstream media, but it also does get some nasty commentary. Though frankly, if you've ever read comments on other blogs or news reporting places that don't censor, you will see stuff just as vile. Ya hoo comments are just as extreme as on here, if not more.
ReplyDeleteI think it's pretty clear that you get three types of posters on here: You get people like Maureen, Tonawanda, Big Al, etc, who are articulate (but sometimes a bit long winded), and back up what they say with facts and logical reasoning. Also, people like them are good at staying on point, and trying to keep the debate from getting off topic into just name calling.
You get the anonymous vile racists (from BOTH sides - comments from many people claiming to be black are as nasty as a lot of them from people claiming to be not black). Those people, in my opinion, come on here to "stir the pot" and say things they probably find funny, for the sake of being as offensive as possible. And sometimes I seriously wonder if the sensitive "Up townUpdate" or "Ev eryBloc k" posters are throwing that stuff up here, too, to further their point that racism abounds. Like the poster today at 708 am, I think it's very likely that whoever put that up fits into the description of a poster in this paragraph.
Finally, you get people somewhere in the middle, like you & me. We appreciate the news as being reported on here, and take most of the comments with a "grain of salt," as in, we listen to then info then try to form our own opinions.
It's a shame that places like UU & EB only focus on the nasty stuff that doesn't contribute anything to the discussion, instead of the intelligent work by some people that actually brings up important points & questions. If they read posts on any controversial atrticle on Ya-hoo, they would probably lose it. But I would rather have to deal with the morons throwing up N-words & Coon, etc., as well as the impossible to read, all caps garbage, than have a site like the CST or Trib that doesn’t allow commenting on any article that involves crime & black people. Not to mention that both of those papers REFUSE to ID race in any report, and blur out things like gang hand signs when showing pictures on their site.
To CNR, keep doing what you’re doing. People like Dave & I appreciate the knowledge you bring, and appreciate that you’re a resource outside the mainstream media that seems pretty dependable. And to both the publishers of CNR & the readers, don’t let the extremes at either end (the white & black racists, or the crazy blinded bleeding hearts) steal the debate. That happens enough already in Congress.
He who screams loudest & longest is usually the one who is NOT right.
ReplyDeleteLameika, you made some excellent points.
ReplyDeleteModerator, shall I assume that you are completely ignorant of child molestation? Of one-time (and serial) rapists? What is your opinion on Jerry Sandusky? On (white) local priests whose victims (of all races) continue to come forward?
What about the white collar criminals who have been RAPING us regular folk blind for years?
The tone of this blog, and the tone of the commenters, suggests that the most pressing issue to the fabric of our society is black crime. I humbly submit that Lameika is correct. The idea that black crime is the root of all evil is an ad hoc hypothesis resultant from lazy thinking.
Hold yourselves to a higher standard!
Keep the racist and ignorant posts coming. I knew I was surrounded by these "closeted" (even gay) anti-everything but themselves vile sheeple when first moving here and it confirms my first impressions.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Phoebe: She obviously a 40+ y.o. single, childless woman that's still ovulating and wondering whether she's really a lesbian afterall. I lived next to her twin in Andersonville and moved promptly. They're sho 'nuff danjus. They take out their unearned maternal instincts on everything and everybody (including me and my suits/ties). Jealousy like I've never experienced before. They just need a co-dependent friendship with a gay male to tell them that they're "beautiful" and give them make-up/hairstyling tips.
"Lameika, you made some excellent points"
No way Anon @ 12:16 - the point is, fortunately, none of those things involved me. I read CNR to see where the RANDOM stabbings/shootings/head bashings/muggings/robberies are going on around my front doorstep that could possibly affect MY life - or end it!
ReplyDeleteWow, hatred is everywhere. You all are some pretty sad people
ReplyDeleteYo! ADAM! This is CHICAGO New Report, not Dupage County/Waukegan/Northwest Indiana/Woodstock News Report.
ReplyDeleteNot ONE of your stories is from Chicago. Come back when ya get it.
ReplyDeleteI am only sad when I see black youths attacking people because they are of a different race, and not being charged with hate crimes.
Why are you White people so angry at Blacks? Why so much pride for your race? I can see if you people posting on here were at least wealthy, Ivy League educated, and well established people BUT you are NOT. Hmmm, I wonder if that is the reason you are so angry- you figured out what a bunch of losers you are! You are angry at the world because you can't afford to live in an expensive neighborhood. You are angry at the world because you are rejects! To make yourselves feel better you go on blogs, such as this one and make angry remarks! Stop blaming others for your failures in life. Make the first step, get off your computers, clean yourselves up and go do something constructive with your time. You just might get somewhere and discover that in the professional world, people of all races can be hard working and successful!
ReplyDeleteI also want to add that you might want to get out of Chicago and explore the world. You people don't get out enough. Sucks for you!
I pity you people, I really do!
-----Phoebe's Mapquest Assistant said...
Yo! ADAM! This is CHICAGO New Report, not Dupage County/Waukegan/Northwest Indiana/Woodstock News Report.
Not ONE of your stories is from Chicago. Come back when ya get it.
Wow Adam, you are a failure at life. Only one of the bridgeport attackers was white (and im using that term loosely). Of course, if you read the slum times article, you would never know this was an Asian vs Asian incident. In fact it was retaliation for an earlier Asian vs Asian incident where a large group of chinese immigrants attacked some american born asians.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, keep trying. I'm sure you will find something sooner or later!
(oh and its not a coincidence the only person charged in the bridgeport beating was the white kid)
Can we all acknowledge that racism is a refuge for the intellectually weak? I know taking a basic sociology course might be too mentally demanding for a lot of you, but it can be extremely beneficial.
ReplyDeleteOn second thought, don't. I like laughing at stupid people.
Bigots, Bigots everywhere.!
ReplyDeleteHey, Anonymous bozo! I'm surprised you can read. I would think that skill would open your mind up to the possibilities of this world!
ReplyDeleteI had not read the article, but you missed that another individual aside from Raymond Palomino was also white.
Not that it matters. I gave you several examples of non-black individuals committing violent crimes in the Chicago-land area. The point of this blog, it seems, is that BLACK PEOPLE and BLACK PEOPLE alone are responsible for ALL THE CRIMES.
The fact that you're engaging me in this dialogue suggests that you agree with this sentiment.
And I just proved you mistaken! Now, go cry about your failure.
No, the point of this blog is to counter the liberal owned Slum times/tribune/TV news stations. They ALL refuse to report the race of the perpetrators when they are black. CNR exists because of the shortcomings of the mainstream media.
ReplyDeleteObviously black people arent responsible for ALL the crimes in the world. However, in this city, black people are responsible for most of the crimes that lower the quality of life for everyone. No other racial group in this city is as disruptive and violent as the black community.
Whether you want to acknowledge this or not, it is the truth.
(and before you call me a redneck, I am an Asian American)
I read CNR to get up dated on happenings in my neighborhood that don't make the papers. I purposely do not read the comments because they are SO hateful and racist. Sad to know there are so many nasty people in this world. :)
ReplyDelete"However, in this city, black people are responsible for most of the crimes that lower the quality of life for everyone."
ReplyDeleteBlacks also have the highest rate of poverty in Chicago. 32.2%.
This is not a race issue. This is an economic issue. Crime is more rampant in poorer communities. That's been proven time and time again.
@ 3:27 Hey Asian, I have a question for you. Why are Asian women such whores? They go to the bars dressed like cheap prostitutes in search for a rich White man. Why do they not want their own kind? White men only date them because they are easy. It's always the nerdy White dudes who for them. And why do Asian women want to look White? They dye their hair Blonde and get the eye operations????
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 4:07 - In summary then, the whole city of Chicago is poor or, the poor Black are bring their crime to my poor neighborhood.
ReplyDelete"In summary then, the whole city of Chicago is poor or, the poor Black are bring their crime to my poor neighborhood."
ReplyDeleteI'm not even going to point out the idiocy of this comment. Good day.
Wow, The guy/girl verbally attacking Asian women has some serious issues. Scary
ReplyDeleteIt is most likely a troll from Everyblock. They are apparently at war with CNR. The funny part is they were originally mad Anonymous comments were reinstated. Now they are enjoying the freedom of anonymity while making statements more outrageous than anyone on this blog has ever made! There were a few similar comments yesterday that used the N word EXCESSIVELY, that I am also suspicious of...
Thats just silly.
ReplyDeleteThat's just bizare. Who has time for that ?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you Black people so angry at Whites? Why so little pride for your race? I can see if you people posting on here were at least middle class, high school educated, and well mannered people BUT you are NOT. Hmmm, I wonder if that is the reason you are so angry- you figured out what a bunch of losers you are! You are angry at the world because you can't afford to live in an expensive neighborhood. You are angry at the world because you are rejects! To make yourselves feel better you go on blogs, such as this one and make angry remarks! Stop blaming others for your failures in life. Make the first step, get off your computers, clean yourselves up and go do something constructive with your time. You just might get somewhere and discover that in the professional world, people of all races can be hard working and successful!
ReplyDeleteI also want to add that you might want to get out of Chicago and explore the world. You people don't get out enough. Sucks for you!
I pity you people, I really do! Sociology is garbage!
I am just not going to tolerate intolerance of so-called intolerance.
ReplyDeleteCan we all acknowledge that racism is an excuse for the intellectually weak? I know taking a basic reading course might be too mentally demanding for a lot of you, but it can be extremely beneficial.
ReplyDeleteOn second thought, don't. I like laughing at stupid people.
10:58 said: "@7:08 is an angry closet gay who is half Black and angry because his Black Mom abandoned him. And he is also angry because he is in love with a gay Mexican bartender at Roscoes who won't give him any attention. Poor thing is a hot mess and miserable! It would suck to be him, poor and angry."
ReplyDeleteGo fuck yourself, you 86 pound wearing, AIDS-infected, failure to control your bowel-movements, lisping FAGGOT. You SODOMITES love to insinuate that anyone against you is a closet gay. Let me be very clear: People hate you because you're fucking gay. No closet issues here. I just hate faggots. That mass grave is waiting for you, sissy.
There are plenty of white people who need to be destroyed as well. Pretty much all of the American South save for the fine soldiers that serve our country, the rest of them are a lot like our complaints about niggers, stupid, single-minded, intolerant of anything other than their narrow view of what an acceptable member of their social class should be.
ReplyDeleteIn the American south, if you are not white, straight, Baptist and only like college football, Nascar and golf, you are different and either must be shunned or harassed until you fall in line.
And if you like to read anything other than Facebook, you're a fag. A lot of these morons still have Myspace!
ReplyDeleteI don't really see the connection between reading literature and then making the leap to gobbling cock.
I've been visiting CNR for at least 9 months now, and I have to say that the nastiness & name calling in the comments has increased exponentially since this whole CNR vs. UU/EB "fight" began a few weeks back.
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm not just saying use of nigger or coon or faggot or whatever, I'm talking about comments that don't even attempt to pretend to talk about the content of the article - for example the Jan. 24 at 1045 comment.
It makes me really, REALLY wonder who is behind those comments. The trend here has gotten downright nasty since the UU/EB people starting paying attention. Coincidence? Possible, but unlikely.
Phoebe the cunt said that "we were angry because we're disappearing".
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly right. The brightest and the best of this planet is being replaced by humanoid cockroaches who do nothing but breed and commit violence.
Someday, the Earth will be faced with a great crisis that only the most scientific of minds can solve, but they won't, because "Idiocracy" had actually come true. Nobody will care about anything but rap music and the Real Housewives of Berwyn or some shit like that.
Over at Everyblock, Phoebe is losing her shit over people calling gangbangers "animals" and accused them of being from this website.
ReplyDeleteShe's seeing racism everywhere, especially where it isn't.
She is not a fan of free speech, she only wants HER speech and the people who embrace her slightly above average intelligence and liberal viewpoints.
I bet she has a gigantic baboon ass that could smother a small child.
Well, for a group that is boycotting the blog, they sure made their presence known today! 150+ comments must be a new record for this blog?
ReplyDeleteAn explanation of how this went down would be great!
Anonymous, there are several Chicago News Report articles with hundreds of comments.
ReplyDeleteOur Obama/Brewer article exploded, because the story made the front page of Google.
After that, our article was shared hundreds of times on various social networking sites.
They don't want free speech, they want to suppress everything but their uber liberal viewpoints, where no matter how heinous the crime, the black boys "didn't do nuffins" and Sonic can't open a store in Chicago because they only want poorly run, overpriced Mom and Pop locations.
ReplyDeleteIt's funny that she is targeting this place, when there's places like Chimpout, NiggerMania, Stormfront, Shaved Long Cock, Irate Irishman and so many worse places out there.
ReplyDeleteIt's mentally ill to be so obsessed with our little bastion of hatred here.
I had no idea Chicago had so many poor white trash. Listen to the way you speak, you are an embarrassment to society and the White race. I am sorry you are all failures and have chosen to blame others. You are all angry at the world because you are not beautiful, rich, and fortunate enough to travel the world!
ReplyDeleteStop being so angry at the Blacks. It is almost like you are putting all of your energy into hating. Instead of putting that energy into complaining, you should consider going to school so that you can get better jobs. It is not the Blacks fault you were raised by poor White parents. How does this involve the Black people?
Stop being so angry at the world because you have to live in a shitty neighborhood and can't afford to live with the rest of the rich people.
You've got me wrong, I HATE EVERYBODY. I don't even like myself.
ReplyDeleteTO Jan. 29 at 10:36 am - I like how you dreamt up scenarios of poor, unemployable white people sitting at a computer railing against blacks on here. I know that I don't fit your stereotype, but that doesn't matter, I'm never going to introduce myself to you, so you can keep on dreaming of what I might be like.
ReplyDeleteYou know what involves black people? The rampant crime here in Chicago. The 70-85% of all arrestees charged with violent, person on person crime. The flash mob beatings and lootings that plagued Michigan Ave, Streeterville, and the lakefront beaches last summer. The top 12 neighborhoods in number of rapes last year are all predominately black. The top 14 neighborhoods in terms of murders, too (all statistics quoted here courtesy of Chicago Police Dept crime reports, you can google them to see for yourself – and if you use the Clearmap tool, it’s even more striking).
So do you want to know why we're angry at black people? That's why. We're angry that they try to make us live in fear of their random, chaotic violence. We're angry that even the best, whitest neighborhoods like the Gold Coast & Streeterville get plagued with graffiti every summer night, as the nigs from the 'hood decide to come up & "tag" my neighborhood.
We're angry that in Chicago, we pay the 2nd highest sales tax in the country, the highest property taxes in the country, and just saw a 67% increase in our state income taxes, to fund the lifestyles of generations of black welfare families. We're angry that there are public schools like Du Sable & Orr, whose enrollments are 100% black, that actually had to open pregnancy clinics, because over 50% of all incoming 9th grade girls end up getting pregnant within four years of starting HS (I would have said by graduation, but 2/3 of all girls who get pregnant in HS end up dropping out).
So we're mad that we're forced to work extra hard to fund the lifestyles of these ghetto thugs, all the while having to look over our backs to make sure that we're not the next victim of random violence. Of course I’m blaming others – I’m squarely, 100% putting the blame on the black community for pumping out generation after generation of useless, gangbanging thug, that will reproduce at a rate close to twice as fast as normal, hardworking, educated people. But go ahead and try to deflect the argument away from the real problem, it’s what you & the race pimps are best at anyway.
Everyblock is hella fun to troll. Just start off normal , slowly ramp up the racism, and then flame out like crazy. They fall for it every time. Duuuuumb