Take Back Woodlawn, one of our favorite Facebook pages, sent us a video of the January 19, 2012 town hall meeting at 500 East 61st Street, in Chicago’s Woodlawn neighborhood.
During the meeting, 20th Ward Alderman, Willie B. Cochran, apparently tried to convince his constituents that they need another liquor in their neighborhood.
Based on what we’ve been told, Fresh Buy Foods at 6319 South Vernon Avenue, wants a liquor license.
However, the residents don’t want anymore booze being sold in their community.
According to Take Back Woodlawn, the struggling neighborhood already has seven liquor stores within a four block radius.
Making matters worse, Fresh Buy Foods has yet to address the drugs and other illegal activities taking place right outside their store, said Take Back Woodlawn.
In response to Alderman Cochran’s questionable plea to grant Fresh Buy Foods a liquor license, Take Back Woodlawn said, “He doesn't believe African Americans are drunk enough. He doesn't believe the community is suffering enough. He wants it [the neighborhood] to go down to nothing. This is a prime example of our current alderman not understanding what grows a community.”
just goes to show that ya that some blacks are their own worse enemy. didn't blacks sell other blacks during slavery? hahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteAnd that cop to your right alderman was paid for the people whom you instructed to not "lose it." Nice threads, tax whore.
ReplyDeleteSo, now that all of that everyblock crap is done, can we get back to normal? Seriously, you won't be held accountable for what other people do and say. That's well-established law.
ReplyDeleteIs there any evidence that more liquor stores mean more drunk people?
ReplyDeleteI wonder how many liquor stores, herion/crack houses, and meth labs are near the trailer parks?, just sayin..........
ReplyDeleteAnon, I hate white trash, too. I'm a man without a country.
ReplyDeleteRednecks are remarkably similar to the people they criticize, dumb, narrow minded, very specific in their definition of what is an acceptable member of their community, etc.
It's simple economics - one of the few businesses that can survive down there is a liquor store. But that says an awful lot about the population down there.
ReplyDeleteSupply & demand!!
Actually, the bleeding hearts who believe that approval of more liquor licenses equals "da man" trying to force alcoholism and drug abuse on them are just plain ignorant.
ReplyDeleteJust because a store wants the opportunity to sell liquor, doesn't mean that it wants all of the local residents to become alcoholics. Guess what people? If you have a problem with alcohol, DON’T PURCHASE OR USE IT. It's pretty simple.
And if you have a problem with that store wanting to sell alcohol, take your business elsewhere. This is America, not North Korea, and you have a choice where to spend your money.
Oh, but we live in a food desert, and have limited options, you say? There are plenty of ways to get groceries delivered to you at low cost (plenty of businesses offer this service) or no cost (some via gov't welfare, some by charitable organizations). Of course, you could always do things like, cooperate with police investigating gangs & crime; emphasize young teen women using protection to avoid pregnancy & bastard children; emphasize not tolerating petty theft in your 'hood, etc. Then, more stores may want to open in your neighborhood.
Look at the proportion of liquor stores in the black neighborhood to the white and for that matter the hispanic. Everyone wants to sell liquor in our community. Remember when the crackpipe was being sold in stores right next to the candy for our children to see? When does it stop? Does society think the only thing black people do is drink? We don't need another place for the gangs and drug dealers to stand. Where is the value system we used to have? This is the sort of thing that destroyed our family and moral structure. Wake up Alderman. Where is your brain?
ReplyDeleteIt's just a matter of market share. Drinkers go where it's sold. The number of customers doesn't increase just because they have more choices , it stays fairly steady.
ReplyDeletePeople seem to be arguing that blacks are so weak-minded that if something is visible to them they cannot help themselves but will grab at it.
he must be on the payroll
ReplyDeleteHe has arthritic fingers too........Hmph! LOL!
ReplyDeleteI unfortunately live in the 20th under this alderman. He knows what goes on in front of and inside of these "corner stores"--drug sales. I am so tired of driving through Woodlawn and looking at liquor stores, awful cheap fast food, beauty supplies, check cashing places and cell phone shacks. The alderman needs to encourage the creation of stores that will actually be beneficial to the neighborhood, how about diversifying the businesses. There's no reason that 63rd street can't look more like 53rd street (in Hyde Park.)
ReplyDeleteWhen the entire community is 90% low-no income, liquor stores thrive.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... January 21, 2012 9:44 PM: “The alderman needs to encourage the creation of stores that will actually be beneficial to the neighborhood, how about diversifying the businesses.”
ReplyDeleteCommand economy! Tell us how we should “diversify” our economy, Eternal Leader! We obediently and patiently await your incredible wisdom!
We have a community full of poverty pimps and section 8 grabbers, this community will not last much longer.
ReplyDeleteThe alderman is a product of his own mess. "Did you forget Mr. Alderman, You are what you eat?" When mess go in, it makes more mess & causes terminal illness. You are the very product of whats being produced in our community, sir. Illness of all kinds. Change your diet before its to late.
ReplyDeleteYour entire city in general has too many bars per capita. My opinion. Hence problems of many forms across the board.
ReplyDeleteSo do ANY of the people at this meeting (or the people on here protesting in the same manner as those people in the video) realize that the alderman isn't trying to open a new liquor store?
ReplyDeleteAll he is doing is what he's elected to do, which is advocate for his constituents, which INCLUDES the EXISTING FOOD STORE that is applying for a liquor license.
Liquor can be one of the most profitable products to a food store - that's why they sell it. Unlike produce, liquor doesn't expire & have to be thrown out at a loss; also, the markups on it are tremendous.
Do these protesters realize that perhaps if an established grocer is permitted to sell liquor, that it will be able to remain in business by doing so? What if this places is about to close bc it isn’t generating enough revenue?
Come on, Take Back Woodlawn, if you’re going to protest things at least know what you’re protesting. I know it’s easier to just yell & shout that everything & everybody is racist & trying to hold you down by keeping you drunk, but get real. The alderman never once said that he thinks “black people aren’t drunk enough.”
If anything, you should be applauding this store for trying to grow. Hey, maybe the extra revenue from liquor sales will allow them to hire another kid or two from the neighborhood & help keep him off the streets.