Around 9:04 p.m., gunshots were heard on the 1600 block of West North Shore Avenue, near North Shore and Ashland, said police.
Shortly after the shooting, an eyewitness saw a red Cherokee flee the scene southbound, presumably on Ashland Avenue.
At 9:09 p.m., police stopped a red Cherokee at 6613 North Ashland Avenue.
A responding officer said the vehicle was occupied by three male Hispanics and a male black.
During the investigation, a security guard in the area of North Shore and Ashland said the vehicle in question has tinted windows and writing on the rear window.
A responding officer at 6613 North Ashland confirmed the detained vehicle matched the security guard’s description.
At the time of this report, police were still looking for witnesses to the actual shooting.
As of 9:41 p.m., it was unclear if any arrests were made.
Photo: Google Maps.
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