Saturday, December 3, 2011

Attempted strong arm robbery in Boystown

A male victim fought off his attackers after he was knocked to the ground in Chicago’s Boystown, Lakeview neighborhood, said police.

At approximately 4 a.m., two male offenders assaulted a man near the 3500 block of North Broadway, near Broadway and Cornelia, said authorities.

During the attack, the muggers tried to the rob the victim, but the victim fought back and managed to retrieve his belongings, said police.

The assailants were described as two male blacks, 17 to 25-years-old.

One crook was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt.

After the attempted strong arm robbery, the thieves fled the scene eastbound on Cornelia.

No further details are available.

Photo: Google Earth


  1. Nice to read this. I hope they didn't get away uninjured.

  2. Do NOT come between us gays and our iPhones. We will cut a bitch.

  3. TopherMyGopher: You better forget about the knives and cans of Aqua Net/Pepper Spray etc. cuz they have guns now.

  4. What is it with these niggers and robbing? Trashy fat Lateisha on welfare needs to stop breeding trash. That is the problem with today. These people get too comfortable with the government's support and get lazy to go get a job. They are selfish and breed like rats. Then it becomes the government's responsbility to support them. This is why our country is so fucked up!

    Blacks are a worthless race. We should just ship all these monkeys to Africa.


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