A 55-year-old man, who is presumed to be homeless and appears to have limited mobility, was sucker punched at a downtown Chicago subway station.

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Alleged offender, Scotty S. Strahan. Facebook photo. |
Moments before the savage attack occurred, the lowlife assailant turned and smiled for the camera.
According to Fox News Chicago, the beating happened at the Chicago Red Line station, 800 North State Street, last April.
Apparently, the cowardly attacker has been identified.
FOX NEWS went to the alleged offender's home and spoke with with the people who are probably responsible for the attacker's miserable existence.
As expected, the alleged offender's parents made excuses for his feral behavior by claiming he was going through a rough patch when the attack occurred.
Several internet sources have identified the offender as Scotty S. Strahan with the possible address of 8647 South Normal Avenue, or 11753 South Halsted Street.
Chicago News Report found several phone numbers for Strahan, but there was no answer at either number. CNR also tracked down an alleged former girlfriend.
If she says something interesting, you can expect a follow-up story.
I was always very liberal my entire life. Someone who 'didn't see color' in people - thought of everyone as equal. As a teenager, I remember getting angry at people who would say anything even remotely racist. This was all before I moved to Chicago.
ReplyDeleteI find it amazing - but this city has completely changed my perspective on black people. It is a fact that they are committing the vast majority of crime in this city and making it dangerous for all honest, good people to live their lives and raise their families. It is videos like this that show their brains function differently than others - a clear lack for remorse, decency, and caring. Obviously not all of them are like this - but from a percentage standpoint it is a completely different distribution than all other races. If I were to tell you that there was an armed robbery in boystown, or someone's cell phone was snatched out of a victim's hands, or a mob attacked a man, or robbed a store, or knocked out a homeless man, would there be any doubt in anyone's mind that it was perpetrated by black male(s)? Why is this!? It cannot be explained by economic disparity. There are many races that, for one reason or another, have a lower economic standing than blacks. They don't act like barbarians. As ant-PC as it is, I believe that there is something genetic going on here. I surprise myself by saying this - but the math and evidence like this video don't lie.
Reddit found this guy's identity yesterday. I think the thread was in the WTF category. As I remember the thug's name was Scotty "Mandingo" Strahan.
ReplyDeleteAnd the racial divide gets bigger and bigger. I wonder how many people actually weren't racist until they became victims of these thugs? Or weren't racist until these thugs started acting like animals? I know I wasn't. They simply are too ignorant and lacking in any social conscience to understand what their behavior is creating. Where is the black community in this? Where are the black leaders in all of this? Do they not care what these thugs behavior is doing to the entire culture? Are they that afraid to actually parent their own children? Are they that terrified of the gangs? Where is the community? Do they only scream when it pertains to free or reduced housing or that they might have to do a drug test to keep that housing? They're heard loud and clear then. Where the hell are they now?
ReplyDeleteLooks like they all had a good time watching the sport of slugging a weak individual. Sadistic and disgusting. Their idea of sport. While others go to ball games for sport these folks get their kicks in this way.
ReplyDeleteIt's not too late to shove him back up his Mother's YaYa and have a Partial-Birth Abortion.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous - First post: I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm from Detroit. There are some very, very classy, educated beautiful Black people there (as well as some thugs). I can't wait to get back. My sister, of all people, is helping with the move.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to be a racist, hence my removal of this hatred of White men place called Shitcago.
I knew Phyllis Hyman personally. I only wish that she was here today as she'd be smacking the shit out of some of these people with those big, beautiful hands.
Happy Diversity and Liberalism.
Disgusting turds.
ReplyDeleteI guess Black Run America so doing so much for the country
ReplyDeleteI never felt ill toward black until I moved to Chicago also. Black would feel the same if another group were over running society with violence and fear. They don't like Mexicans b/c they claim they are talking their jobs; they don't like Asians and Middle Eastern b/c they own all the laundromats and conveince stores in their neighborhoods. But yet when all the other races hate and want to avoid them b/c of their savage barbarian behavior we are deemed racist. I say BS, and we are not racist we are just sick and tired of being victimized.
ReplyDeleteAgreed with what everybody else said. I moved to Chicago a few years ago from Detroit, had never had a reason to have racist thoughts towards anybody - all the black people (and Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern & Indian) that I knew were what I would call normal, upstanding citizens, who would never stand for, or support, the type of behavior in this video.
ReplyDeleteBut soon after getting here, I noticed a different breed of black person than I had encountered before - the Ghetto Thug as Towanda accurately calls them.
I know of know other subculture of any race that would tolerate the violent flash mobs, the storming & trashing of stores, the multiple people on one assaults, the assaults of the disabled, mentally infirm, the elderly, etc.
I see a lot of comments on here about, "Hey there are so many white pedophiles & sexual molesters." But guess what? NOBODY IN WHITE CULTURE DEFENDS THOSE PEOPLE FOR THERE ACTIONS. White people are not afraid to turn in white people for committing those crimes, and are not afraid to testify against them in court. There is no "code of silence."
Also, it's well proven that the percentage of sexual offenders in every culture is roughly the same. The difference is, you don't see people in white culture pulling this shit - assaulting a mentally disabled senior on a train platform, then laughing about it & running away.
I think it's telling that the ONE person who stopped to help this man is white. And seemingly not one person in this ghetto thug's circle is concerned at all.
Another thing is, what do you think the odds are that Scotty Strahan cares at all that his name is out & attached to this? Scotty, I can guarantee you that if you try to get a job at any major company (you know, one that you may have a chance to advance in, earn enough to raise a family, and have a respectable life without having to always look over your shoulder) will hire you?
Do a google search on your name, and this is now what comes up. Based on your behavior, it looks like you had little chance of making it to age 30 either alive or not in prison, but now you can pretty much guarantee that you will have pre-emptively shut any doors to upward mobility that may have existed for you.
I would say I wish you good luck in your future endeavors, but don't want lie.
Some commentators here say they didn't realize what the black population of Chicago was like until they moved here. For those of us who have been here all along it's nothing new. In recent years the ghetto types have become even bolder and wilder with less regard for the possible consequences. We've been forced to deal with this garbage for forever. The black commentators on here who claim to be regular citizens just defend their own no matter what they do. Black solidarity comes first, no matter what.
ReplyDeleteI live about 1.5hrs north of Chicago and constantly meet and arrest folks who say they LEFT Chicago to escape the hood life...but, in reality, all they are doing is bringing it with them, to a city completely undeserving of their crap. I see how badly the ones who left act, I can only imagine how bad crime is IN Chicago.
ReplyDeleteInteresting how many commenters say they weren't racist or prejudiced UNTIL they came to Chicago. I was NEVER this way until the last few years and watching myself, loved ones and friends become victims of these ghetto thugs. This isn't profiling. They simply bring it on themselves by changing the way law abiding citizens react and think of their culture because of their ignorant animalistic behavior and then scream racism after we, the normal citizens, start screaming louder or call it as it is. This mentality will NEVER get that they create this racial atmosphere. The black community obviously turns a blind eye to this behavior or they would be doing more to stop it. The entitlement mentality is alive and well in Chicago. They take and take and give nothing in return, not even policing their own neighborhoods and ridding themselves of this ghetto trash. Does it not bother the black culture that these ghetto thugs are creating stereotyping and profiling for the entire culture? Where the hell is the control? Where the hell are the "tipsters" and where the hell are the parent/parents in teaching their children how to act civilized? You get what you give and they give nothing in return. making your neighborhoods and your culture better is your job, not mine or the rest of society's.
ReplyDeleteYep, this is my attitude now because of your continued ignorant criminal behavior. Nice job!
Rev. Jesse Jackson should be running to the nearest TV camera and
ReplyDeletetell the decent Blacks that THEY have to stand up to these animals
who are making life more difficult for all blacks.
God forbid that a " racist " white person condemn animal behavior.
Is it time for vigilante actions in the black community ?
These cancerous animals need to be dealt with.
Not just Rev. Jackson should be speaking out.
ReplyDeleteALL Black preachers / ministers should be unified in getting their
congregations to turn on these animals.
They are ruining the neighborhoods of decent Black families.
Enough is enough. Help the police get these sub-humans off the streets.
Where is Jesse Jackson?
ReplyDeleteWhere is Al Sharpton?
Where is Father Pflager?
Where is Obama and the other "community Organizers"?
Let's hear from the decent, educated people among you!
(IF any exist.....)
Bill Cosby had the guts to speak to you and look how you treat him now!
Just Google Bill Cosby rant on black people if you don't know what I'm talking about
I was the one that sent this video to MyFox news after seeing it posted on Worldstar, and I"m a 31 yr old African American. This doesn't have anything to do with Race.. It's a manner of right or wrong.
ReplyDeleteBeing that I am Black, It was necessary to stand up for that elderly man. I want Scotty Strahan charged and brought to justice.
The simple fact that they did this Video to put it on the interent made me extremely angry.
ReplyDeleteBRAVO to you! We need more people like you in this city!
Leave my Scotty alone dont nobody know what was goin through his head when he did this i know Scotty good enoughto know how he is...He is a good person he loves his two little sisters and doesnt need all of these rude and uneccesary comments on his chest about something mistakenly he has done.
ReplyDeleteOH YES HE DOES! OH YES HE DOES! That poor man sleeps under bridges and in garbage...that's where Scotty will eventually be. Cruel Justice.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous says:
ReplyDeleteNovember 10, 2011 6:08 PM
Leave my Scotty alone dont nobody know what was goin through his head when he did this i know Scotty good enoughto know how he is...He is a good person he loves his two little sisters and doesnt need all of these rude and uneccesary comments on his chest about something mistakenly he has done.
You don't mistaken punch someone. Poor use of words.
CNR just saw this on Channel 5 News at 5pm. Good to see this make the news. They said it will be on again at 10pm
ReplyDeleteCan't say that I agree with the commentary completely But I'm totally disappointed with such behavior. The laughter was repulsive and the act itself cowardly. I'm African American and I have plenty to be proud of but this type of behavior causes me to be immensely shameful. I don't understand it and perhaps I never will. This behavior cannot be condoned or excused. It is a disgrace to human kind. This young man should go to jail,and see how many people he will punch there.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone else notice (at the 00:47 mark) that it was a white person stooping down to check on the injured man and dialing 911? More proof of white racism!
ReplyDeleteI noticed it and she missed the train as well while all the ignorant, laughing pathetic ghetto thugs made sure they got on the train with little concern that he knocked that man out cold. I can't wait until he's arrested and gets bitch slapped in jail!
ReplyDeleteThanks to this blog, it shouldn't be too hard to find and arrest "Scotty"
Sometimes, you gotta love youtube!
Deliberate crime is not a mistake! This is an animal that belongs in solitary confinement. The actions of this punk have nothing to do with race,genetics,cultural backround or income level. He will do this to others if not stopped. He needs to be put away. This is the type of crime that needs far more attention than we give to the drug laws. Look up the Village Voice articles on the NYPD TAPES involving police whistleblower Officer Adrian Schoolcraft. It goes into depth about police practices in use all over the nation that minimizes violent crimes. The big seven in more technical speak. Fascinating piece.
ReplyDeletenuff respect to the cat filming and postin' it. sometimes in these situations you gotta plays it kool and goes back and post the shit on youtubes latter or you mite gonna get yo ass busted up right there
ReplyDeleteI moved to Chicago in 2006, never having had any reason to dislike someone based on race. I had - and still have - friends from diverse cultures, different parts of the world, and all races. In 2007 I was raped at gunpoint in an alley by a "ghetto thug". You wouldn't believe how uncompassionate and incompetent Chicago Police were when I went to them, weeping, to report it. They accused me of being a prostitute (yes, apparently, I was "asking for it"...just like the movies and t.v. shows) and then I never heard from them again about the case. In 2008 I was robbed and assaulted by another "ghetto thug" for my wallet and phone. By this point, I would cringe seeing a thug walking down the street towards me. I have flashbacks and involuntary fear reflexes to this day. When lots of black teenagers converge on a train platform, screaming and showing off for one another, I want to be sick. New reports come out weekly over the inhuman ways that black thug youth in Chicago maliciously and deliberately pray on innocent people in Chicago - and on each other. I am currently a public school teacher on the south side, about a mile from where this asshole Scotty lives. I teach young children who are growing up to IDOLIZE their older siblings and deadbeat parents. I am powerless to stop this "culture" from influencing them. They bring anger and violence with them to the safe haven of school. Their heroes are ruthless thugs. I try to provide a means of them holding on to beauty, truth, literature, art, and the positive influence of past black leaders who fought hard for their freedoms. It is like speaking to little brick walls. By third grade, most are checked out. They hate school. They can't wait to graduate to the street corner. They bully and torment each other relentlessly. They are incapable of feeling badly for any wrong choices or actions they have made. When real incidents demanding parental involvement arise, the parents invariably defend the little bastards - "He didn't do nuthin." The "culture" of black thugs is a disgrace to humanity. Entire generations have NO hope of a promising future. It's not just poverty that causes this. Their whole way of life is rough bravado. And they have no remorse or compassion for anyone or anything. I can't WAIT to quit my job after this year and move far, far away from Chicago and its roving gangs of idiotic black youth.
ReplyDeleteTowanda November 11, 2011 11:01 PM: ”I noticed it and she missed the train as well while all the ignorant, laughing pathetic ghetto thugs made sure they got on the train with little concern that he knocked that man out cold.”
ReplyDeleteThey show no concern because this is literally a game to them. They consider it great sport to attack the defenseless and unsuspecting.
Towanda November 11, 2011 11:01 PM: ”I can't wait until he's arrested and gets bitch slapped in jail!”
Sadly, even if he is thrown in jail, it is highly unlikely that he will emerge as a model citizen.
He will be released, do it again, and worse, until eventually he is killed by a rival or by law enforcement, or he does something that lands him in prison permanently.
Towanda November 11, 2011 11:01 PM: ”Thanks to this blog, it shouldn't be too hard to find and arrest "Scotty" Sometimes, you gotta love youtube!”
As many others have pointed out, the internet is invaluable for disseminating information that is mostly censored by the mainstream media.
This particular incident made the nightly news, and I suspect it is not a coincidence that they chose to show this specific one because the victim was black.
I always find it grimly amusing that the media always act like these sort of things are shocking, unprecedented events.
I love the anonymous "he's a good boy, he din do nuffinz, he's an aspiring rapper" comment. You understand that in itself is a completely valid "racist" stereotype you just validated, right? Ha ha. TNB and mo' TNB. Fo sho.
ReplyDeleteWhere's Bernie Goetz when you need him?
ReplyDeleteCan't Wait To Leave November 12, 2011 12:40 PM: ”I had - and still have - friends from diverse cultures, different parts of the world, and all races.”
ReplyDeleteIt is sad that, despite what you have been though, you still feel compelled to issue this disclaimer before expressing politically incorrect opinions. I guess that demonstrates the power of the race card, and the fear it can inspire among whites.
Can't Wait To Leave November 12, 2011 12:40 PM: ” In 2007 I was raped at gunpoint in an alley by a "ghetto thug". You wouldn't believe how uncompassionate and incompetent Chicago Police were when I went to them, weeping, to report it. They accused me of being a prostitute (yes, apparently, I was "asking for it"...just like the movies and t.v. shows) and then I never heard from them again about the case.”
Did it occur to you that police see this kind of thing on a daily basis? What exactly would you like the police to do? Do you have any idea about the clearance rates for forcible rape by a stranger? I am genuinely curious about what you expect from law enforcement in a situation like this.
Perhaps it will sound “uncompassionate”, but I will add that in some cases, victims do indeed “ask for it”, by needlessly and recklessly putting themselves into situations that any reasonably person could tell you are highly likely to result in bad outcomes (just like the movies and on TV).
I am not saying this is necessarily the case with you particularly, but the news is chock full of stories about victims who acted very unwisely and had bad things happen to them. Then they act surprised and express dismay that people are not demonstrating the requisite amount of compassion and competence.
When people act foolishly and recklessly, it is hard to gush with fountains of compassion for them. People have to wake up and understand that the world is not fair, it is not a risk-free playground, no matter how much draconian legislation is enacted.
This may seem shocking to a lot of people, but you are ultimately responsible for your own safety. The police have no legal obligation to protect you. They are not your personal bodyguards. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and read all the case law, you can start with Warren v. District of Columbia and DeShaney v. Winnebago County Department of Social Services.
It has been often said that people get the government they deserve. The same could be said of the police department. It is not a coincidence that places with high concentrations of minorities and liberals have huge problems. They are eating the bitter harvest of the problems they themselves have created.
I apologize in advance if this seems harsh, but it needs to be said.
Can't Wait To Leave November 12, 2011 12:40 PM: ”I can't WAIT to quit my job after this year and move far, far away from Chicago and its roving gangs of idiotic black youth.”
I agree wholeheartedly, although it is getting more and more difficult to find a place that does not have this same problem to some degree or another. At least other states are gracious enough to allow you to exercise your 2nd Amendment rights.
Anybody have a link to this scumbag's parents making excuses for their little feral beast?
ReplyDeleteThe growing evidence is a compelling argument that we should stop feeding and housing these foul creatures.
ReplyDeleteMankind could have cured cancer, AIDS, gone to other planets but instead we squander out money on fucking shitheads like this.I am sick of paying taxes to support apes that bite the hand that feeds them.
When the poor old man hit the ground and was seeing stars, I wondering what he was dreaming. Perhaps Mr. Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speach. Just guessing.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Strahan is out on parole and if this incident would violate his parole. I also wonder if this violent behavior would disqualify him for any government support he may be receiving.
ReplyDeleteOh I can't wait until he get's put in jail and his first night with charlie! yeehahha come on down Scotty! and bring some SCOTT toilet paper with ya cause you're gonna need it after Charlie is done with ya!
ReplyDeleteThe greatest part of all this publicity is that this idiot has ruined his life forever! He will have to change his name, his look and hope that people don't follow him around. His parents will suffer for the sins of the child as it should be, and anyone around him will suffer. He will be isolated forever and will probably never have a job of any substance or a life of any substance. not that he had a chance of that anyways by the sounds of his parents defending him, he was a loser anyways. Like the black mobs in the Wisconsin state fair and the black mobs that rob stores all the time, he is but another animal that will continue to fuel the flames of racial separation. I am not racist, but I see the trends and I see the attitude of the public for what it is and this just adds to the hatred towards black youth and the parents that raise them. Shame on all you parents who lack the willingness to atone for your responsibilities.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the Black Mobs in Wisconsin, next summer should be VERY interesting since Wisconsin very sensibly has Concealed Carry now!!
ReplyDelete10:20 am.....what language are you speaking? I'm having difficulty figuring out what you might be trying to say....
ReplyDeleteYou can thank abraham lincoln for this.
ReplyDeleteWhenever I see a smiling black, I know there's trouble ahead.
ReplyDeleteOh, look at Castellan with his long and supposedly insightful response. too bad its crock full shit. perhaps it was wrong for her to expect compassion and support from the police, a role reserved for friends and family, but that does not make them have to be callous to the victim. How can you comment on something like she really was asking for it or it was partially her fault when she does not go in depth about the details? It does not matter how she was dressed or what she was doing, it did not in the least cause the criminal to rape. You venture all over the place in your response, and not a bit of it makes sense. In your effort to come off as smart, you are not fooling me buddy. You sound like the politicians when they try to sound smart but its just diarrhoea of the mouth. Sorry dude, you are not fooling the people who are truly wise.