Around 7:35 p.m., a disturbance was reported at the Quincy/Wells “L” platform at 220 South Wells Street.
According to police dispatch, a male offender punched a man and grabbed a female commuter at The Loop train station.
The suspect was described as a male black wearing a blue shirt, a red tie, and brown pants. He was also carrying a large duffel bag.
Authorities said the suspect is also wanted for stealing several items from a Walgreens at 501 West Roosevelt Road.
Photo: Google Maps
Oh well. Hopefully the security cameras caputured it so the authorities can determine if there's a "pattern" of this and take action at some other time.
ReplyDeleteAll these folks with "mental issues" are running around wild in this city. It's a jungle of crazies out there.
ReplyDeletemost people know that if you hit someone, there are consequences. Either you will get arrested, or the person you hit may take it into their head that it is A-OK to stab you with the sharp object they have taken to carrying with them on public T. Cuz in the end, this shit will make you crazy. Anyone else see civil war coming? Tired of it. Someone told me that its bad to make people afraid of you because they then Overeact out of fear. Are we only supposed to use enough force to 'get away' from the attacker, and 'protect our possessions" ?? How do we know they wont come at us again? Mob mentality with the "have not's" who are becoming a generation of 'dont care animals' jumpin in when someone is being mugged...see teh video yesterday on the national news??
ReplyDeleteI've never had anything happen to me during my first two months in the city, but I do have a plan for what I would do. If the instigator didn't have a gun and initiated the first contact, I would launch myself at him and go wild. I feel like that would take him by surprise.
ReplyDelete“… if you hit someone, there are consequences. Either you will get arrested, or the person you hit may take it into their head that it is A-OK to stab you with the sharp object they have taken to carrying with them on public…”
ReplyDeleteThis is a long comment. Please bear with me.
The biggest problem I encounter with self-defense students is that that they have absolutely no idea what “self-defense” actually, legally and realistically entails.
In this regard, the very first thing that citizens should familiarize themselves with is the laws in their jurisdiction regarding self-defense, and what they mean in a practical context.
“Are we only supposed to use enough force to 'get away' from the attacker, and 'protect our possessions" ?? How do we know they wont come at us again?”
You should use that amount of force that the situation merits. In many cases, this will be a fairly low amount of force, comparatively speaking, and frequently, escape should be your primary objective.
Unfortunately, due to Hollywood, TV, the internet and political activists, many people have a very flawed idea of what “reasonable force” actually entails.
In some cases, people do not use the appropriate amount of force to protect themselves, and in others, they use too much force.
In my opinion, I feel that too often, people frequently use too little force rather than too much. Despite what the Chicken Littles in the media might have you believe, many people, LEO included, err on the side of less force rather than too much. In more plain language, they frequently use less force than the law allows.
Law enforcement and military folks are given a model of force generally referred to as a Continuum of Force or Force Ladder that gives them a guideline as to how much force is allowable in a particular situation.
Sadly, the vast majority of civilians are not taught this in their various martial arts/self-defense classes. This is the most serious weakness in civilian SD classes. It is a gigantic flaw in not only failing to educate the public in the legally and ethically permissible amount of force in a citizen self –defense scenario but it also is a huge disadvantage in the sense that it perpetuates a giant gap in the general knowledge of the citizenry regarding the understanding of use of force by the law enforcement and military forces that are supposed to be protecting the general public as a whole.
To make it more simple for the layman: most people do not at all understand the principles behind Use of Force, and this ignorance contributes to the unwarranted and/or ignorant criticism of law enforcement officers (LEO) and military personnel that are entrusted with the duty of defending our citizens and maintaining order and peace in our society.
ReplyDeleteThis lack of understanding is often exploited by political agitators who want to unjustly criticize the routine performance of LEO and military folks in order to further their agenda. In addition, they exploit it to instill fear in the general public and dissuade them from taking active steps to defend themselves (i.e. “gun control”).
Frequently, the use of pepper spray (OC, Oleoresin Capsicum) or TASER is vilified in the press as “excessive force”, when in reality, those tools are actually very, very low on the “force ladder”. When compared to physical restraint techniques or beatings with batons, those techniques are actually very tame. That is their whole raison d'ĂȘtre. Most police officers would much rather spray someone, or zap someone with a TASER than beat them with fists or batons. Not only is it more humane, but it is also far easier to do.
The recent fiasco regarding an officer OCing passive resisters is much ado about nothing. OC is a very low level of force, much lower than actual “hands on” techniques, yet the activists and the press want to pretend as though it was on par with committing a “war crime”. Nothing could be further from the truth.
None of my comments should be interpreted as a blanket defense of LEO or military conduct in all cases. But I do believe that if one wants to criticize, then they should be educated and informed.
I’m sorry for veering off on a tangent, but Use Of Force is a topic near and dear to my heart.
To address the original question, you are legally permitted to use an appropriate amount of force to defend yourself, even in Illinois, surprising as it might seem. Generally speaking, deadly force is authorized if you believe that you or another person is in danger of death or serious bodily harm. Serious bodily harm generally means a permanently crippling injury.
Protecting property is another matter entirely. To my knowledge, Illinois does not recognize defense of property as a deadly force situation, although some other states might, e.g. Texas.
Sadly, Illinois still does not fully recognize the 2nd Amendment. If you want to see Illinois finally fully acknowledge the 2nd Amendment, then I urge you to join the Illinois State Rifle Association, the NRA, KnifeRights.org and other organizations that promote the right to citizen self-defense.
Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. Consult local laws.
48" Rule, plain and simple Shitago. I've never had my personal space invaded like this anywhere on this planet except in your "world class city". Cross the 47" and you're laid out - amongst other repercussions. No exceptions. Spare the knives, whistles (Ald. Tunney) and Aqua Net. They have guns!
ReplyDeleteHappy Diversity, It's a Happy Day, I'mma smoke a blunt, do some mushrooms, be an artist, thwart the system b.a.m.n. and vote for Obama again ----- a.k.a. Chicago (applies to all). None of that, nor tax dodging, has worked yet for you. You're 15 years behind the rest of the nation Chicago.
The educated, clean Asians have "flown over" Chicago and are "loving" Metro Detroit. Shhhhhsssshhhhhh.......(happy to have them over the Mexicans and nasty third world Eastern Europeans in Shitcago - the educated, clean, beautiful Poles came to Detroit and made something of themselves - don't know what part of their country ya inherited out near ORD but....Have A Blessed Day).
Everyday, all ago "homeless" people post themselves in high-traffic areas to sell a small, fancy glossy magazine about homeless issues. It has a few articles, some pictures. some ads. Hardly worth $2. It's too glossy to wipe your ass with.
ReplyDeleteI'll refrain from being racist although most Streetwise salesman are black.
Most Streetwise salesman are loud and pushy. If you say anything other than "no" politely they chimp out. Actually they chimp out even when you say no politelly. Usually shrugging and barreling past them minimizes the experience.
You can't have a nice cup of coffee on the patio at Starbucks (when it's warm) because some toothless fuck is posted nearby yelling "Streetwise! Streetwise!" every twenty seconds. The law prevents me from punching them in their toothless mouth or macing them, besides I'd probably catch HIV from the blood splash.
I was homeless myself once before I became the successful individual I am today. My parent died taking care of me while I had what I thought was a terminal illness. I used the services available to me to get out of the situation, it took a long time but I did it. I have seen the same fucking homeless guys in the Loop near the Harold Washington Library for an amount of time much longer than what it took me to get on my feet. During a $1 sub sale at Jimmy John's one of my least favorite fucked with everybody in line, I told him about the services he could use and shot down all of his excuses.
ReplyDeleteLast night a Streetwise fuck posted outside Walgreens chimped at me, said "Aw come on, I'm hurtin'!!" High pressure doesn't even begin to describe his occupation of the corner.
Everyday, all over Chic
Well, McDonald's is hiring. There's soup kitchens within walking distance. Starbucks will give you bagels that are perfectly edible but too old to sell to spoiled consumers like myself. You could suck a couple of tourist dicks at a discount price and go get a couple of dollar menu items from a fast food place.
We are too liberal and accepting of the chronic homeless. If you can't make it America, where the fuck do you expect to go to make that shit work? When I was homeless I was treated to the wonders of their thinking, the massive sense of entitlement, the inability to lift a single finger doing anything positive to help themselves properly. They'll commit ten hours a day to walking around high-traffic areas and panhandle but not offer to pick up a broom or some tools and do some honest work.
There are some good social service agencies, like the one that helped me. There are others that are massive enablers and keep feeding this welfare state culture, people who never will or want to do the bare mininum to be productive members of society. Look at Uptown, it's fucked. Even when the truth is staring them in the face, fat fucking social workers feel for these sorry creatures and enable them, not seeing what reality actually is. they sit in their filthy studio apartments, eating fried chicken and drinking Coke bought with Link laughing at the social workers, maybe talking about their plans to rape them. Speaking of fucking them, one redheaded bitch sat down with me after hearing me complain about some homeless fuck fucking with the coffee shop, she was about twenty pounds overweight but had nice big sloppy tits and a round firm butt, she went on and on telling me about how my thinking was wrong and these poor unfortunate creatures are just misunderstood and need their hands held every step of the way. After barely listening for twenty minutes and wondering what her nipples might look like, she got fed up with me staring at her tits and let me finish my expensive cup of coffee in peace. She's not converting me to liberalism. No way. I would still fuck her if she came back, provided that she shaved her firebush.
Society cannot support this massive welfare state, every year we spend more and more to let useless fucks breed and propogate, the CTA is almost unusable due to the massive level of freak ridership, stores all over the city are hard to shop in because unbalanced motherfuckers are running amok in them. It's time to say no to this shit and tell the social workers and activists to fuck themselves and stop spreading this societal cancer.
How many times have you had to get off the bus or train because of somebody who should be locked up for good, and spend the money on a cab? How many times have you had to hold your breath because somebody hasn't bathed since the Reagan administration is on it? How many times have you taken the rest of your meal to go because some fucked up weirdo is terrorizing the restaurant? How many times?
I will never, ever buy streetwise, not even from the rare, nice guys who sell it politely.
Even though I was homeless myself, the experience has made my sympathy for them in such the negative range a new field of mathematics would have to be created just to measure it.
I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!!!
Let us take our city back. If you see a smirking weirdo lurking near an El Stop, call the cops on them. If they touch you defend yourself.
Make them unwelcome in your neighborhood. Call the store manager who allows unbalanced people to run around the lobby and fuck with people. Boycott businesses that let people sit on milk crates for hours in front of there. Write corporate and let them know. Shop online, especially groceries. Time to take our city back! I should be able to ride the El in peace without having to videotape nonsense with one hand, my illegal handgun at the ready. Fuck these people! They will never be productive members of society.
ReplyDeleteTake the city back!! Take the city back!!
No jury would convict me with the shit we put up with on a daily basis. The next ex-con who pounces on me outside an El station is going to get a faceful of pepper spray and ruptured testicles from my steel-toed boots! Fuck them! Fuck them!!