On Monday, November 21, 2011, around 3:15 p.m., Ambrose stole children's clothing from the Old Navy store at 35 North State Street, said police.
Authorities said the 22-year-old South Side woman was caught on camera stuffing merchandise into a purse.
When security grabbed Ambrose outside the store, she reportedly bit a security guard and blasted the guards with pepper spray.
According to the Chicago Tribune, the alleged Harper High School graduate was charged with "aggravated battery to a merchant and felony retail theft".
Through one of our infamous Facebook investigations, we learned that Ambrose has children; one of them is several months old.
That might explain why she (allegedly) stole children's clothing from Old Navy.
In at least one posting, Ambrose complained about not having a lot of money, but claimed she was still able to provide for her children:
"i dnt got alot of money but me and my kids get what we need not what we want .i live wit somebody cause i want im wit the nigga im wit cause thats who i love . Im friends wit his baby mama cause im grown and we got kids"

"I'm the shit. Simple"? I can think of a better caption for this photo, but I don't want a thirsty lawyer sending me fan mail. But I will say this, beauty fades, but dumb is definitely forever!
Well, whatever that meant but I think I can interpret it.....
ReplyDelete"I have a right to steal and spray because myz peoples dun been persecuted. Weez dun camed from Alabama 60 yeerz agoz and thatz how it alwayz waz there and gammies said its will alwayz beez that way anywherez and axed wherez my granbabay cuz I go file for Linx since ya dropped him off at myz crib. An U'z go ahn withca bad self Gurl. Now I'z step up to Section 9 on the Norf side where my babay dadday mama stay and get summorz gubment cheez n thoz peeps up therez luv us - theyz feel r pain"
That's a CPS high school graduate? And she writes like that? What can you expect from a system where some walrus like K Lewis is the teacher's union president, a person chosen to represent them publicly. Perhaps this person should be hired to be an English teacher in the CPS system.
ReplyDeleteI swear to God, these people are absolutely worthless! They are nothing but ghetto-rodents who live off our tax dollars and pray on our kindness/stupidity!
ReplyDeleteA broad who can barely spell has no right spitting out babies.
All of you are racist cowards and your kids try to be exactly what you hate. Your sons hang with these "black criminals" and your daughters are having kids by these "Black criminals" I rest my case.
DeleteThese cretins are the reason the national test scores are so low. They can't form one complete sentence to save their life.
ReplyDeleteI swear u people meaning white people are so dam stupid and the most ignorant of all the human species and a waste of $%#% space with your gullable ass!tax dollars you peole don't want to pay anything with yall cheap ass you probably don't even have a job anyway!But i'm not going to continue to say anything about you because i know you are just blank space or some immigrant that needs to be ship back to its country anyway!
ReplyDeleteTired of racist people go get yourself some fried chicken and watermelon and shut the fuck up.
ReplyDeleteStupid crack smoking uneducated illiterate bacteria that has no cure. That's what you morons are. You couldn't construct a sentence or spell a word correctly, let alone speak the english language, if your miserable sorry ass lives depended on it. Your stupidity is the reason people are and remain racist.... your favorite word. Biggest losers to walk the earth. Fuck off!
ReplyDeleteI sure am glad there are Civil Rights laws that say a landlord MUST rent her the house next door to me - so that the little shyt my Black Azz has been able to purchase working a minimum-wage job - can start walking out my door while I'm at work.
ReplyDeletebtw: F U and K M B A
"Weight up"? He he.
ReplyDeleteThe female black are just as aggressive and dangerous as the males.
ReplyDelete"weight up"
ReplyDeleteI would bet anything she is an "honor student" too...
This story is really sad, her Facebook post is embarrassing; however, the worst part of it all are all of the racist uneducated, stupid, biased comments people are making about the post. Not all CPS students,African-American, and women are dumb, and not-all caucasion people are smart.
ReplyDeleteWhy does this story seem to upset so many people? Yes, it's sad, but "How does it really effect any of YOU?" Personally, I think more people should show concern for these indiviudals, opposed to degrading them more than they have degraded themselves. God don't like ugly....
ReplyDeleteReinforcing negative stereotypes is never helpful.
ReplyDeleteRacist Dumb "Weight Down" ignoramous Your kids are gonna grow up to be just like you (WHITE TRASH)!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYall ass got Me fucked up kiss my ass I did what I did in its over u white ass bitches. I'm good in my kids are to fuck yall kiss my ass and I'm good. I got a job a crib in living good white and black bitches.
ReplyDeleteI bet she got that fat ass eating government cheese and living in section ape housing.Kiara you need to be able to write a sentence in english.You graduated didnt you.