Sunday, November 6, 2011

North Side Chicago 'wildings'

During a string of overnight incidents, described by police as "wildings", a section of Chicago's West Ridge, West Rogers Park neighborhood was temporarily taken over by a rowdy group of social-misfits.

Saturday, around 10:52 p.m., an officer reported "lots of people" hanging out in the street near Oakley and Devon Avenues.

The officer called for backup, but never gave a description of the suspects.

Several minutes later, at 11:04 p.m., approximately 20 teenagers were reportedly jumping on top of people's cars on the 6500 block of North Claremont Avenue.

The Claremont address is about three blocks north of Oakley and Devon.

By 11:10 p.m., the situation allegedly escalated to a full-blown street brawl.

911 callers reported people fighting in the street and dogs (the ones with four legs) running loose in the area.

About an hour later, at 12:09 a.m., someone reported a loud basement party at 6440 North Claremont.

A responding officer requested more units on the scene, because according to him, the people involved in the earlier "wildings", came from that address.

Despite the significant number of 911 calls, it's unclear if anyone was injured or if any arrests were made.


  1. Black people are you not ashamed of your behavior? The police now refer to your acts as "wildings". The black race is one huge blight on man kind. I wish they would all go extinct and then we could all live without the fear of these animals again.

  2. Reports are last night, group of 50-60 black teens showed up en masse on MI Ave & just east, on NW campus, assaulted several people, stole phones & purses, and caused accidents when they all darted thru traffic back across MI towards the red line at State & Chicago. 3 reported arrested by cops guarding the crowd outside of Niketown.

  3. Over half of these wildings would be stopped if the red line was permanently closed.

  4. White Poeple should start flying Confederate Flags all over the place (and back it up with 22's, 45's, and 357's):

    Watch Al, Jesse, Fr. Mike, et al come flying out of the woodwork then.

  5. @Anon 7:23am, shut yo bitch ass up, u cyber pussy!

  6. Mike P shut yo pussy ass up, u ain't on shit, u bitch!

  7. Heard there were more wildings on Michigan Ave and thereabouts. Racist blacks out again in gangs attacking people of other races. Looks like 2012 is shaping up to be the coming year of black race riots.

  8. We need more harsh reactions by police to these windings. Too bad its all rayciss n' sheet to arrest black criminals...

  9. @ Anon 10:36, you obviously are black because even when a black animal tries to debate someone , you have to use your ghetto language. Black people please speak english this is America. And Mr. Anon 10:36, you are a cyber ghetto who wants to scare white people with your big mouths. No wonder white people and all other races don't want to mingle with you.

  10. Nobody wants to mingle with child molesters, rapists, and pedifiles which make up 75% of the white race, oh yeah and insex u pervert. So therfore if there were only whites in the world, u all will be fucked up @Anon 2:35

  11. Asians dislike blacks more than anyone, except for the occasional pornstar who will screw one for 1500 bucks.
    They've started making cartoons of this so no more girls will be blighted in the process of this freakshow.

  12. LOL - the numbers show the exact to be true...Blacks are twice as likely to do all of the above. 22% of serial killers are black, but only 10% of the population when considering all other races compared. So...Genius....that means blacks are twice as likely to be Serial killers than whites. Nevermind the 900% propensity for murder and rape.
    Y'all need to get your shit stright before you hurl worthless facts as argument. Dumb! Dumb Dumb!

  13. its a myth that blacks don't rape little kids just like it's a myth that they have big wieners. The stereotype is because the only whites that movie into black neighborhoods are ones on the sex offender registry. They tend to work the same jobs.

  14. interesting observation about white pedophiles ending-up living /working around blacks.

  15. Regarding the subject of sex offenders, anyone can do their own research and ascertain the facts. Just go to the sex offender registry and check the various offenders by zip code. Black areas have page after page of registered sex offenders; the sheer volume might surprise the uninitiated. Even in the predominantly white areas black offenders often outnumber the whites. Sex crimes in the black community are very common. But don't just go by what you hear; check it out for yourselves.

  16. Time to draft these little bastards and have them start catching bullets in Afghanistan or Iraq for Uncle Sam if they want to keep their foodstamps, free housing and other welfare.


  18. Black people? The most racist and hateful culture on the planet and they wonder why they're profiled. Fuck, they even kill their own!

  19. @ Anon. 10:36 & Anon. 10:42 (Even though I'm pretty sure you are the same person):

    Thanks for your intelligent and eloquently put contribution to the conversation! Perhaps if you would actually go to school instead of stealing from & beating on hardworking people, you might actually have something useful to contribute. Alas, you are probably one of the animals wreaking havoc on this city.

    BTW, if you are having trouble understanding the words I am using, there is this book called a d-i-c-t-i-o-n-a-r-y that will tell you what all these words mean.

  20. Amazing, isn't it, the way certain animals communicate? Not a language, but a series of loud shouts, in which the sound 'be-yoch' can be frequently heard...

  21. black people aren't considered sex offenders/pedos because its perfectly normal in their community for 30+yr old men to bang 14 yr old chicks...

  22. If you lazy sons of bitches would have left us in Africa,you wouldnt have all your so called,social ills.can you say self inflicted?

  23. imma glad eye wuz kidnapd 2 amerika frum afrika becuz meye bros and hos woody knot tolr8 mee dere. kall meee self inflikted.

  24. eye shud shut mee pussy ass up, mee ain't on shit, mee bitch!


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