In the age of the internet, not only does news travel fast, it travels far.
News of the November 5, 2011, Magnificent Mile mob attack outside the Apple Store at 679 North Michigan Avenue, has made its way to France; which can't be good for Chicago's tourism.
A headline at fdesouche.com, a blog belonging to François Desouche, reads: "États-Unis: bagarre entre jeunes dans un quartier huppé de Chicago (Vidéo)", which roughly means, "The United States: brawls between young people in a crested (or wealthy) district of Chicago".
I have no idea how popular this website is, but this is a clear indication that what happens on Michigan Avenue, doesn't stay on Michigan Avenue, and if Chicago politicians want to keep pilfering the revenue generated by the businesses in one of the city's wealthiest areas, they better get these pests under control.
No one wants to pay good money to shop amongst vermin.
The WHOLE world sees what's going on in this "World Class City".
ReplyDeleteThe whole world gets to see black trash at there finest!!! Fucking garbage is what these people are!! What we need is a drug that is alot stronger than crack and flood these animals neighborhoods and supply them with more weapons so they can kill each other alot quicker.
ReplyDeleteYou've got that right. Things like this can kill the golden goose producing revenue for the city as well as pulling down an area that's a nice place for residents to walk around in.
ReplyDeleteDuring the olympic push, there was a website against bringing it here that got a lot of attention. ChicagoansAgainstOlympics . com or something was the address, and their message was "say no to the olympics because we already have too many problems"
ReplyDeleteMaybe we need a ChicagoansAgainstTourism or ChicagoansAgainstShoppingOnMichiganAve website, where we demand an increase in security and other things before we encourage tourism again. It won't be good for revenues, but I'm not sure what else will get this city to take action...
Mr. Mayor wake up...get these animals under control and don't let them out of the south and west sides. It is a privilege to shop in these areas not A RIGHT FOR EVERYONE. If you can't act like a civilized person, then you need to stay in your ghetto.
ReplyDeleteI guess "Young People" is the international code word for gangbanging afro-scum
ReplyDeleteIt is truly ashame, and down right ignorant to catagorize all one group the same. Every race has a group that they may not be proud of, but we are all God's people. Give "them" more guns and drugs, and it reaches to the suburbs and downtown when some rich kid elite over doses or "they" go downtown or North and point the gun at anyone. Stop spreading ignorance and be mindful about the rants that you post. Also becareful about what you wish for....