On Thursday, November 17, 2011, between 9:15 p.m. and 10 p.m., a Hyde Park neighborhood residence was burglarized, said police.
The crime happened on East 54th Street, between the 5400 block of South Drexel and the 5400 block of South Ingleside.
A thief pried open an apartment door and stole a television, a laptop, and other property belonging to the tenant.
If you have any information regarding this crime, please contact the authorities.
Why did burger King get rid of the Ham Burgler?
ReplyDeleteI was down there last Summer on 55th St. What I noticed and loved the most was the more "open space" and green grass. What I hated the most was the broken glass, apartments with ceilings caving in, "minorities" begging and the unemployed actor/Mexican trying to get into Section 9 a.k.a. E. Lakeview by any means possible (even if it meant showing his true "colors" about the "entitlement" word and thinking the tile pattern in the sun room - with ceiling caving in - were "swatstikas"). He was complaining about his Jew roommate and wanted a White man. OMFG Chicago!!!! OMFG get me outta here! If I were born in 1922, I'm sure this is what it was like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIn 1922 Hyde park was a paradise, changing, but paradise.
ReplyDeleteThere weren't any mexicans and the swastikas are 'twirling log' motif borrowed from the Native American (not mexisto). Oh what a cesspool chicago has become, and it will not get any better, ever - get over it. Chicago is dead and the unsold condos are being occupied by section 8 as fast as they can move them in / do the paperwork. Done..
Thank you Anon @ 6:18am. I posted the above re the swatstikas but I'll amend to 1952. "I" did not see them in the tiles. I did see 10' high security fences around EVERYTHING though. I could have wrote your post myself. Yes, the apartments turned "condo" (with granite countertops and 1914 lead plumbing) are reverting back to apartments - Section 8 apartments. So glad I didn't BUY into this. Done, yes, done.....
ReplyDeleteThe great white flight of the late 1960's / 70's will pale in comparison to what's about to happen to Chicago over the next few years. Done. All of the Yuppies in Lincoln park will eventually leave too, when the Beloved Parker and Latin Schools become majority Minority....nothing you can do to stop it.
ReplyDeleteNope, nothing to stop it. They let it go too far. Nothing to stop it (suck that $$$ while you can Chicago). Shoulda seen the Halsted strip Saturday night - and 3201 N. Broadway tonight. If it wasn't some Mexican dialect it was some Eastern European foreign tongue (and both trying to grope me) or the black man harrasing every White man at Walgreens (with his hand in his pocket, made his purchases then paced back and forth in the parking lot - again, with his hand in his pocket - your 911 could have cared less). Absolute upright walking animals from every corner of the earth here. I'm out. Already notified my employer.
ReplyDeleteLincoln Park won't be able to get that equity loan to move out to the burbs and rent their shitshack with granite countertops to the next fool. Those days are over. They're stuck now. Luckily I'm - renting - one of those shitshacks and am happily mobile.
Really a shame. Lakefront property anywhere else in the world is "prime".
Exactly...From Somalia, hacking apart kids with machetes one day, then driving cabs in Chicago the next...that's what we've imported! Our great grandfathers are rolling in their graves. By the way, the Cabbies have built a standing army of mujahadeen larger than the CPD, and when they are ready to strike, every street will be cut-off by stalled cabs at every intersection....that's going to be difficult.
ReplyDeleteThe Germans that built this city are rolling in their graves. What's Mexico or Nigeria bringing to the table these days?
ReplyDeleteI never in my life thought I'd feel this way. Ever. It happened to me in Shitcago. Hatred of White men abounds. They want your dick and your $ (that $ you don't have anymore) though. That is most obvious. Frank but true.