It appears that when people aren't getting robbed on the CTA Red Line, they are engaging in criminal sexual behavior.
According to a November 7, 2011, ad posted in Craigslist's "Missed Connections" section, two men were recently engaged in sexual activity at the Uptown neighborhood Lawrence "L" station at 1117 West Lawrence Avenue.
According the ad, the action took place on the platform during rush hour.
I'm not going to print the ad, but you can read a screenshot of the message, at your own risk.
Photo credit: A. Williams.

LOL wow...
ReplyDeleteThey better hope a flash mob doesn't catch them in the act, because they are going to have a hard time running away with their pants down...
The epitome of the Chicago gays I've encountered since living here for 5 years. It's nothing to get on a stage and joke about the oral sex you perform in the alleys either. It's like a right of passage here. The potty games with the flight attendants that frequent one of the "best reviewed", holier-than-thou of the gay bars in Uptown is lovely too. Can't wait to leave.
I take that back. Insulting to my dog. He at least sniffs first.
ReplyDelete5 p.m. rush hour bj right there on the platform of a very busy Red Line stop? And no one took out their phone, snapped a pic and posted it? Or reported it? I mean, you've got trains slam full of people, the full length of the platform, stopping and standing there every six or seven minutes that time of day, and no one saw this?
ReplyDeleteMethinks you've all been punked by some guy who, at best, had a bj in his dreams.
Gross. Keep it in your pants. No one wants to see two guys going down on each other.
ReplyDeleteIt needs to be exposed and being gay myself, I applaud CNR for reporting it. When a guy can't even go out on the lakefront for some fresh air at 9:30 pm without feeling ashamed because somebody (or the police) thinks he's there for "something else".......you've got problems. I've seen BJ shadows on your lakefront, and I'm not even looking for them. It's right in front of your face. Happy Diversity (Chicagostyle)
ReplyDeletehere's the follow-up:
ReplyDeleteblow job on redline - m4m (Lawrence redline)
To the guy I just gave a blowjob to on the redline....welcome to the world of clamydia and venereal warts.
....syphillis (epidemic levels here), H1N1, HIV ("you just have to take the meds now"), HPV, Chicago's version of "gay"..... and Howard Brown. Ya'll are circa. 1991 to the rest of the Western Hemisphere. I estimate about 95% collicky bottoms here that are so unimaginative regarding sex, there should be a taxpayer funded social study to figure it all out. And there will be.
ReplyDeleteThis is obviously FAKE. 5pm is the start of RUSH HOUR. Too many people at that time. Somebody would have saw it.
ReplyDeleteCatching people having sex in public was the good old days of Lakeview's crime problem. At least two guys making beautiful love in a dirty alley won't be able to chase you down.
ReplyDeleteWhy do people assume no one else saw it?
ReplyDeleteHey Dummy! NOTHING on CL is real. People just post shit, no matter what they want to say, they just make fantasy. All CL is for is fantasy and illusion. Dont be an idiot.
ReplyDeleteI'd say BS on this...5PM - Lawrence stop packed, with gays, Latinos, African-Americans, gay, straight, working people, thugs, and everything in-between (oops, forgot the Asians...oh wait, they get off on Argyle, pun intended)...I highly doubt 2 gay men would have found ANYWHERE on that platform for enough privacy to give head, unless the receiver could c*m in like 30 sec. And that platform is fairly visible from the street...
ReplyDeleteAnd what's with the anti-gay raves just at the "Chicago" gays? Really? HIV, STIs, etc are just as prevalent in other large cities, and if you think otherwise, you're delusional and putting yourself at risk.