The robbery occurred Wednesday, October 19, 2011, around 11:57 p.m. on the 1500 block of North Clark Street, near Clark and Germania Place, said police.
The offender in men's clothing is a male black with a dark complexion and a medium build.
He is about 23-years-old and approximately 5'9".
The cross dresser or drag queen is also a male black.
He was last seen wearing a long black dress or a long black overcoat.
A conflicting police dispatch report indicated the cross dresser was wearing a black quilted jacket.
At one point, the responding officers were trying to determine if the robbery victim needed medical attention.
At 12:14 a.m., Thursday, the cops were cruising the area looking for the suspects.
No further details are available.
For an area that is suppose to have more police per capita, the Gold Coast area sure is getting hit by a lot of ghetto thugs. Even ranchers put fences up so their livestock don't wonder everywhere...hmmm