Thursday, August 18, 2011

Woman injured by burglar in Uptown

Police said a woman was injured after she surprised a man who broke into her North Side home.

The incident occurred on the 700 block of West Buena Avenue, near Buena and Marine Drive, around 9:43 p.m.

According to police dispatch, the offender pushed the woman as he fled the scene.

The victim, who was understandably shaken by the experience, sustained a bump on her head, said police.

The suspect was described as a man with long hair.

Authorities said the victim believes the burglar is a white man, but she wasn’t sure, because he was wearing a mask.

At approximately 10:04 p.m., an ambulance was called to the Uptown condo apartment building.

If you have any information regarding this crime, please contact the police.

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1 comment:

  1. #1 Burglar deterrent is a pit bull, preferably a pure red nose(they red eyes and noise can be quite intimidating). You train em well and anybody that breaks in your house or apt, will be toast (if they do survive, they will definitely be in intensive care for weeks ).


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