African-Americans are in a tizzy over a new Nivea for Men ad that some are calling racist and offensive.
The ad, which has been featured in major magazines, says, "Look like you give a damn. Re-civilize yourself".
Along with the caption is a picture of a neatly groomed, well-dressed black man in the midst of tossing a severed head donned with an Afro and a beard.
Apparently, the severed head represents his former, less civilized self.
Needless to say, the black community is in an uproar over Nivea's marketing strategy.
Here's what people are saying about the ad on Twitter:
GOODfeed GOOD: "Nivea's Racist Ad "Re-civilizes" a Black Man - Nivea must have a serious lack of diversity on their marketing team."
Threadbared: "Seeing if I own any Nivea products - tossing them NOW . . . nope, nothing. GOOD."
An unofficial Twitter page that bares the name Ebonymagazine, a black publication based in Chicago, said, "WHAT?!? Is Nivea lotion saying Afros are uncivilized?"
Those in favor of the ad, say the campaign has nothing to do with race.
Supporters say Nivea is simply making a statement that men of all races and all ethnic backgrounds, should try and look their best.
Friday, Nivea apologized for the ad via their Facebook page:
"Thank you for caring enough to give us your feedback about the recent Re-civilized" NIVEA FOR MEN ad. This ad was inappropriate and offensive. It was never our intention to offend anyone, and for this we are deeply sorry. This ad will never be used again. Diversity and equal opportunity are crucial values of our company.
Clutch Magazine said a source told them the controversial ad was the brainchild of a black marketing VP named Cliff Carson.
Blacks are always complaining about nonsense. They need to focus on exercising control over their reproductive organs; instead of worrying about the marketing strategies for products most of them can't afford.
ReplyDeleteBut it was probably a white conservative who cut the budget so they could go with a stupider ad agency.
ReplyDeleteBlacks need to re-civilize themselves is the understatement of the century! Everytime I leave the house and get on the CTA, as soon as I see some confused, doddering crackhead shuffle toward me I get pissed because I know he's gonna ask me for money and the clueless people around me think I'm cold-hearted for saying no.
ReplyDeleteAnd on that note, pretty much anybody who's on crack, black white or a rainbow child is an incurable drug addict, we need to just lock them up.I have been seeing the same greasy, skeletal man sitting in front of either Garrett, Chipotle or Panda Express on State and Madison, he puts me off my food and I've written corporate of all three places demanded he be banned from begging on the property. It is bull$%it that we have to have these guys infesting downtown.
ReplyDeleteApparently the model in the ad does not see black or white, just shades of green$$.
ReplyDeleteWow, such a persuasive ad. They must have some really astute folks dreaming up their ad themes. Think I'll rush down to the store to stock up on their products before they're all sold out.
ReplyDeleteWhile I agree that SOME AA men need to join civilized society rather then act like animals, I do not think that speaks for ALL AA men. Again, "if the shoe fits..."
ReplyDeleteHere's a start...KEEP YOUR PANTS ZIPPED UP! I'm tired of supporting your children! Ladies...KEEP YOUR LEGS CLOSED and quit acting like sluts! Ever heard of Birth control pills?????
You need to check your facts before you advertise your own ignorance. Blacks continue to be a minority in this country in terms of sheer numbers. However, I take your fascination with black reproductive organs to mean that you are having difficulty reproducing and taking it out on blacks. Lucky for the world it seems, you are the end of your line.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, 1:41: Your comment proves the point of the ad. Blacks are a small % of population (what, 12-15%?) overall, yet in Chicago, % is significantly higher, and on N Side alone, how many of the violent crimes are committed by blacks? Hell, come to think of it, maybe we need to hire a crop-duster and just spray Nivea all over Uptown!
ReplyDelete"Look like you give a dang"? Most don't...
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with you people. Black white brown yellow we're all just people. All races have drug addicts all races have children. Get over yourselves!!! And no not black, not on drugs, not on welfare and don't have several children.
ReplyDeleteThe leading cause of death for black males between 15 and 34 years old is homicide. This is a lack of civility since most of the murderers are black, too. If Nivea will help, I'm all for it.
ReplyDeleteWow people are so openly racist when their names aren't published.
ReplyDeleteWhat are we talking about? Really!! Could've just had two photos...one of a guy in a washroom/shower setting, freshly shaved & giving a 'yeah, I Give A Damn' look - viewing himself in a mirror with the product on the counter nearby. And the other could be the guy walking through the parking lot, as above, sans the very ignorant, stereotypical and ominous eyed mannequin head. In addition to the copy, this would imply simply that he perhaps had a rough 'time' prior to using the product and now...he's RE-civilizing himself! Maybe for WORK, SCHOOL, BOTH or an INTERVIEW, a MEETING or a DATE - whatever. Prejudice, Discriminating & racial overtones take major focus away from product. To sell a great product is, afterall, the point of an advertisement!!! By the way, I love my afro'.
ReplyDeletethe only way the boon can re-civilize itself is to cut-off its head.
ReplyDeletethis was hilarious!!!!!!at least there is finally a black person in a lotion commercial.come on we all have seen them at the store standing in line with no lotion on their feet.PRETTY FREAKING ASHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you look hard enough you can always see what you want to see.
ReplyDeleteThis ad is about how too many men don't take care of their hygiene, hair, skin, etc. My husband included.